The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation

Hà HàAug 30, 2021 at 20:59

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Recently, on social networks is sharing a clip of a girl named LG sharing in detail her process at the hospital for treatment. Worth mentioning, she was accused by netizens of being virtual when filming close-ups, detailing the treatment process in a strange way.

The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation - Photo 1

The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation - Photo 2

The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation - Photo 3

Specifically, LG posted a clip of breathing oxygen with the line sharing: "Living positive doesn't mean expecting everything to be okay, but.... No matter how things happen, I'll always be fine" quickly. received 3.3 million views on TikTok.

In the clip, it can be seen that she is in a rather critical condition with difficulty breathing, tears in her eyes, and even breathing heavily with oxygen. However, after that moment, she was quite optimistic and cheerful as she still took the phone to take pictures, pose and smile.

What caught the attention of netizens in the clip was that the girl was breathing oxygen, but the oxygen tank was not plugged in anywhere. Many people think that the girl just took pictures and recorded a "virtual life" clip, but actually not to the point of being so heavy. Even many people stoned the girl about going to the hospital, but still had time to do makeup, make up, and even hold the phone to update each of her illness developments.

Right after that, the LG girl explained below her clip about why she didn't plug in a breathing tube: "I had a convulsion and was given aerosol by the doctors, not oxygen like everyone else wondered. ". It is known that aerosolization is a method of using a drug diffuser in the form of a mist, affecting the mucosal system of the upper or lower respiratory tract. However, after saying that she used the method of aerosol breathing, the girl received mixed opinions and countered.

The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation - Photo 4

The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation - Photo 5

The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation - Photo 6

The QH account shared: "Aerosol breathing via wifi? Aerosol breathing without a ventilator, aerosol without wires. I have been to the hospital for 3 years and have not encountered this technology".

Meanwhile, the PT account commented: "I can still hold the phone, I can still curl my eyelashes. Still wear oxygen to breathe with natural air".

The NSH account shared: "Holding the phone to shoot like this, the situation is not so bad. See how good this guy is, but no one is seriously ill to shoot clips like you."

LG said she was hospitalized here for 7 days, only talking to nurses and doctors because everyone had someone around. She also shared that she was admitted to the hospital to treat her illness without having to have Covid-19.

The young girl also did not forget to share in detail her hospital stay from having to get veins every day to "breaking her whole arm", always feeling sorry for being in the hospital alone. Therefore, she always tries to answer everyone's encouraging comments to comfort and give strength to the fight against disease.

She said: "Everybody asked me why I chose to wear beautiful clothes during my illness... Embarrassed to smile... It's just that I'm afraid I won't have a chance!... Day 7"; "Seven days in the hospital, I lost too much weight. I'm strong, my health is normal, who can give me?". Currently, the clip of the girl sharing about her healing journey is still receiving the attention of the online community. In addition to teasing the girl who brought her illness to a virtual life, many people also sent words of encouragement, hoping that she would soon recover from her illness.

Before that, netizens also talked about a "female president" named NH who often stole other people's photos to live virtual on her personal page. From photos of eating at a luxury restaurant, traveling to beautiful places, to pictures of checking in on a luxury car, or even a photo of someone's boyfriend's family was also posted by NH with captions like. .. her boyfriend. Notably, alternating between pictures of the rich life many people dream of, NH still regularly posts information about recruiting students and students to work part-time without specifying what job it is....

The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation - Photo 7

The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation - Photo 8

The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation - Photo 9

The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation - Photo 10

When NH's virtual photos were exposed, this girl thought that the person who started this story meant to dishonor her honor. However, after that, NH locked her Facebook account when receiving too many comments from netizens. The NH scammer said that she just wanted everyone to not be fooled by accounts labeled the president but showing signs of multi-level.

Before that, many hot boys and hot girls in finance 4.0 were also exposed to virtual life by many different tricks such as renting a car and taking turns taking pictures to post on Facebook; rent money by the hour to spread throughout the room, all over the bed to color,... In fact, one of these people had to send a text message to borrow money from relatives to eat through the meal.

One of the defining features of multi-level transformation is the fact that the presidents often show off their fortunes and virtual wealth in an effort to entice gullible people to believe in their lines.

The girl accused of breathing oxygen with "bluetooth" and the controversial explanation - Photo 11

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