The wife "gives fat" to her husband for adultery and the challenge of the mistress 2k

team youtuberMar 19, 2021 at 13:00

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The wife said that the c.hild cried and disturbed her husband, but the response was anger and then smashed things, moved hands and feet with his wife.

Recently, a wife went online to denounce her husband's treachery, the third person blatantly challenged and cursed at his wife without respect. Most of all, the wife is the one who creates the opportunity for "a couple of adulterers". Because she was in the clothing business, she discussed with her husband to hire a model to take pictures for a favorable sale, who expected the model to "steal" the boss.

She said: "The story is that in 2019 I went to Da Lat to live and work and then I met L. - who is my current husband. Then L. developed feelings for me, yes, I also responded. We have known each other for about a week and returned to the same house with the consent of L's mother. Whatever happens, it will happen to everyone, the fire near the straw has burned for a long time, I became pregnant. Decided to get married with full marriage registration.

After the wedding, we had little capital to open a small clothing shop together, the shop opened for three months, then I passed out. People often say that if you want to know if a man is sincere or not, it will be clear when you go to the delivery room, at that time you are as clear as day and then you think that you have chosen the right person, but it is not true or not. great".

The wife said that the c.hild cried and disturbed her husband, but the response was anger and then smashed things, moved hands and feet with his wife.

She herself also admitted that she was foolish when giving all the m.oney to her husband to keep. Finding a model to take pictures of clothes, selling goods, she was also happy, thinking her husband had changed positively. Who would have thought that she accidentally "abetted" her husband's adultery.

During the argument, the wife, out of anger, threatened a divorce and then wrote a signed paper. The husband got the momentum to marry that was a good reason for betraying his wife: "I told him that he was divorced but not yet in court".

The c.hild was only 7 months old when the wife discovered that her husband was celebrating 5 months of love with her boyfriend. 2 women had a heated argument on facebook. At first, the other g.irl insisted that she "didn't steal anyone's husband" but later raised her voice to challenge and used difficult words to accept. She also mocked the fact that his wife was pregnant before marriage.

The wife offered fat to her husband's adultery and the challenge of the 2k mistress - Photo 1

Not stopping there, the mistress also, in the name of "invoking mercy", texted her lover's wife: "To be honest with you, when I look at your c.hild, I feel guilty, but I don't know how to make up for it. She's a g.irl again, it's better now that she's young, but later she has many problems in society...".

This young g.irl is still confident: "Even if I am the third person, I am still liked by many people, including my ex-husband".

This g.irl also gave a very paradoxical argument when she told her lover's wife: "You say I have karma, but you don't know that you are karma on other people's love. People love each other, people overcome so many difficulties. just like now". It seems that for those who break into other people's families, "love is neither right nor wrong, whoever is loved more wins".

The wife offered fat to her husband's adultery and the challenge of the 2k mistress - Photo 2

As someone who snuck into other people's families, but the other g.irl blatantly "bends" morality with the argument "love is not at fault", causing those "talking about" to express their helplessness and extreme fatigue. But I think, fighting each other to win over a betrayed man is not worth it.

Discussing a bit from this incident, from the beginning, the wife was too hasty: Loved for a week, she returned to her boyfriend's house, got pregnant unexpectedly, so she did not have time to find out the other party was forced to come to a decision to end the relationship. kiss. Moreover, both are still too young, not ready for the responsibility of shouldering the family.

This is also a lesson for young couples, don't think that when love is beautiful, married life is also rosy. Especially girls, must use reason to determine the path for the heart. Don't rush to get married, slow starting is not scary, "going the wrong way" is dangerous!

And it seems that "exploiting" has become a trend, even spreading on social networks is the scandals of love, love, husband and wife, jealousy. The disturbing details that sometimes thought only existed in the movies.

The wife offered fat to her husband for adultery and the challenge of 2k mistress - Photo 3

The third person, the phrase just listening to it makes me sad, because love has always been a matter of two people, there is no room for a "third person" to interfere. However, it seems that more and more girls who fall into that position become more and more confident, so confident that they defy human morality to live "to the fullest" with their love instincts.

It is difficult to explain the behavior of "third people". There are cases where they flirt with a married man just because they don't like his wife. After breaking up, but still madly teasing the family of his ex because he was not willing to be abandoned. And worse, tormenting an innocent woman's mind and heart in a cruel way is to make them witness the cruel sounds of betrayal.

After all, if they are confident enough in both their love and the love that the man has for them, there is no point in being jealous or tormenting others in such unethical ways. And they forget one thing, even if they win, it is possible that one day, they will have to pay the price the same way they did in the past. Because with men who have the habit of flirting, who dares to believe that they can keep their whole life long and wide!

The wife offered fat to her husband for adultery and the challenge of the 2k mistress - Photo 4

The wife offered fat to her husband for adultery and the challenge of 2k mistress - Photo 5

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