Hanging lost things from trees, kids drinking legal beer and a bunch of weird things in Germany

Song HậuOct 15, 2021 at 21:14

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Germany is a federal parliamentary democratic republic located in Central-Western Europe. The country consists of 16 states, the year-round mild climate is suitable for tourism development.

According to many statistics, each year Germany attracts more than 2 million domestic and international tourists. However, few people know that this is a country with a strange but very unique culture.

The wind from the window is poisonous

Not opening the window is one of the strange cultures in Germany that makes many people "mental shock". Many international students and foreigners living in Germany feel suffocated and uncomfortable because the door to the room is always closed. This strange habit comes from an old story. It is believed that, if you open the window, the wind from outside will bring dangerous poison, make them sick and turn into a frog.

Hanging lost things from trees, kids drinking legal beer and a bunch of weird things in Germany - Photo 1

Therefore, all windows in the house and in the sightseeing areas are for symbolic purposes only. Because of this custom, in Germany there are usually two types of relaxation spaces, one is in a closed room, the other is in the open air. It's not like you're sitting in a cafe and facing a windy window.

Sunday to "silent"

The first strange culture in Germany you need to mention is the "silent" Sunday. In other countries, Sunday will be the place to gather, have fun and take place many bustling festivals, but in Germany it is not. The Germans consider Sunday to be a family day because you worked hard the previous week. On weekends, people usually rest, clean the house, make cakes and as long as they don't make noise.

This custom has existed for a long time in Germany and has become an unwritten rule. It also applies to major holidays. Of course, all sales and entertainment activities will be postponed until next week. That means, you won't be able to buy goods, can't go out to drink coffee because the shops are almost closed. To this day, for tourism purposes, there are still places open on Sundays. However, when participating in fun activities, pay attention to keeping order as a way of respecting the people around.

Beer appears in every meal

Strange customs in Germany must immediately mention draft beer. Beer appears at any time, anywhere and in every meal. Germans can completely drink draft beer in the morning and use it most during lunch. Beer is sold in grocery stores, vending machines and is the easiest thing to find when coming to Germany.

In the subconscious of Germans, a beer will help them relax and work more enthusiastically. Beer also shows hospitality and friendliness in relationships. So don't hesitate to drink some beer when invited because they love you very much.

It's legal for children to drink beer

Children can legally drink beer. If in other countries children under 18 years old are not allowed to smoke, drink alcohol. Then in Germany, U18 is free to drink beer equally as an adult. Besides, the Germans also created a lot of beers for the elderly and children such as milk beer, fruit beer. They all have a very good taste and are sold anywhere.

Happy early birthday

One thing you need to be very careful about is not to wish you an early birthday. Germans consider it unlucky to wish even a minute early and they will be very angry about it. In every birthday party, people often gather to drink beer and wine. There will be indispensable traditional cakes and special dishes.

When the clock strikes 12 o'clock and the bell rings, then let's send the best wishes to the owner of the party. The custom of not wishing an early birthday also appears in some countries of Western and Central Europe. It shows respect, complete and best wishes to that person when taking a new step in life.

Hang lost items on the tree

You will see rows of green trees hanging full of furniture such as socks, hats, gloves... The reason why they hang on the trees is because they think that the higher you hang them, the easier it will be for the owners of those lost items. easy to see and find them again. It is because of this lovely custom that the German people are considered the friendliest and most lovely people in Europe.

The toilet has a unique design

The next strange German custom is the toilet with a unique design. Even, they are so unique that many people "fire". Unlike conventional toilets, this type of toilet will have an extra flat surface to hold waste. This is the best way to help us collect waste samples easily and conveniently.

If you are not used to using the new toilet, there will still be regular toilet areas to use. This custom has confirmed that the German people are very interested in health testing.

Christmas usually comes early

Unlike the UK and some European countries, Christmas in Germany always comes early and ends late. They usually start decorating their homes weeks in advance, and on the 24th night will hold a big party. The meal consisted of turkey, beer, wine, and cakes and jams.

Children also get to open their gifts earlier on the 24th instead of the 25th. They will finish decorating their homes on the 26th to start welcoming the new year. Although it is a strange custom, it brings Christmas atmosphere everywhere.

Too many complex compound words

The next German custom you need to keep in mind is compound words. German is one of the most difficult languages in the world. Therefore, learn a few German compound words before proceeding to visit this country.

Germans use compound words a lot, the longest recognized word is Karaftfahrzeughaftpflichtvers Richung - vehicle liability insurance. Knowing the tips for pairing words, visitors can easily communicate with Germans.

"Please" is "Yes", "Thanks" is "No"

A habit in the German language is to use the words "Please" and "Thanks". In the case of using "Please", they will understand that you are agreeing. In contrast to "Thanks", they will understand what you mean as "No, thanks" - meaning refuse. The use of "Please" and "Thanks" should be noticed by visitors in the process of buying, selling, dining or public services in Germany.

Just answer the question correctly

Germans are very straightforward and always answer questions to the heart. Do not be too surprised when people simply answer "yes" or "no". One tip for you is to change the question, avoid using interrogative sentences.

For example, you might ask "how is the way to the square?" instead of "is this the way to the square?". You will surely be guided enthusiastically and get to the place you want as quickly as possible.

Get comfortable with nudity

As an open country in Europe, Germans are not too concerned about nudity. Here, billboards, newspapers appear nude or semi-nude photos are very normal. According to a legend in Germany, nude symbolizes original beauty and full of life.

Hainich National Park is home to the summer nude dance festival. Visitors can take pictures, livestream, people will be extremely responsive.

Hanging lost things from trees, kids drinking legal beer and a bunch of weird things in Germany - Photo 2

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