Green Tea | Miracle drink but not everyone knows how to use

team youtuberJan 22, 2021 at 15:30

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'Green tea' is called everywhere in different meanings. However, few people fully understand the uses, usage and notes from this "national" drink.

Yesterday morning, the name 'Green Tea' suddenly became hotter than ever when it was the character that was "insinuated" by Mango Non, Thanh Tran, and Linh Ngoc Dam, causing an emotional rift between Son Tung M-TP and his girlfriend Thieu. Bao Tram.

Green tea is a type of tea made from the leaves and buds of the tea plant, which is oxidized to a minimum during the tea processing process. This is a popular drink in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

Green Tea | Miracle drink but not everyone knows how to use it - Photo 1

Green Tea | Miracle drink but not everyone knows how to use it - Photo 2

Green tea has long been considered a healthy drink, bringing many health benefits. In particular, a few outstanding benefits such as: Reduce the risk of cancer, prevent cardiovascular disease, help healthy bones, reduce cholesterol, enhance memory, ... At the same time, green tea is also a An effective assistant for the sister association in beauty, weight loss, slowing down the aging process,...

Because of those miraculous uses, green tea is increasingly popular and used for different purposes. Not only used to brew tea and drink in the traditional way, green tea is also made into green tea powder, green tea oil, and cakes.

Depending on the type of tea and processing method, green tea will have different flavors. Some people like, even "addict" to the cool and acrid scent on the tip of the tongue that this drink brings. However, many people feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable with this taste.

Therefore, green tea is used as a flavor in many foods so that more people can use it. In particular, a drink that is very popular and loved by young people is milk tea, which is also made from that green tea.

Green tea is growing in popularity and has such many health benefits, but not everyone can enjoy green tea. Accordingly, the subjects who should not drink green tea are people with constipation, children under 3 years old, people with neurasthenia and insomnia, people with stomach u.lcers, people with heart disease and high b.lood pressure, women. pregnant and lactating, people with high fever, malnourished, liver disease, urinary stone disease.

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At the same time, do not overuse this type of food to avoid unfortunate circumstances.

Going back in history to learn about the origin of tea

During the development of human history, tea existed very early and quickly became the most influential and powerful drink on the planet... and even, at one time, was compared von "tea is the drink that makes the whole world go crazy".

The "fairy" origin of tea

In terms of history or biology, experts agree that tea originated in the Asian region, mainly in Southwest China and North. The exact time when people used tea is unknown, but it is estimated that it was during the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC - 1046 BC).

According to ancient Chinese documents, tea was discovered by Shen Nong - one of the Three Emperors of Chinese culture. Legend has it that Shen Nong was the one who taught the people to farm and was very good at medicine. Wherever he went, he searched and tried to taste the plants in nature to distinguish what is a cure and which is a poison.

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Green Tea | Miracle drink but not everyone knows how to use it - Photo 5

In 2737 BC, Shen Nong first tasted burnt tea leaves that were blown by the h.ot wind and fell into his cauldron of boiling water. From there, he discovered the medicinal effects of tea and considered it a very good medicine, able to detoxify 70 other plants.

Due to the influence of this legend, the ancient Chinese at first only used tea for medicinal purposes. During the dynasties of the Western Zhou Dynasty (1122 BC - 249 BC), the Qin Dynasty (221 BC - 206 BC), the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220), tea was only used for the royal and aristocratic classes and was always consumed by the royal family. considered a traditional religious symbol.

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The spread of the "power" of tea in Asia

By the Tang Dynasty (618 - 907), tea became popular and used by all classes of Chinese people. At that time, the monks of the Japanese Zen sect went to China to practice and brought tea back to their homeland. Since then, tea has developed very strongly in the land of cherry blossoms, to the point of forming the art of tea ceremony that is famous all over the world.

In another branch, Chinese tea, which mainly originated in Yunnan, was also allowed by the feudal court to trade with people in Tibet. From the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279), tea was transported to Tibet - where Zen masters had a great demand for tea through the "Tea - Ma Ancient Dao" road more than 4,000km long.

In return, the Song Dynasty would receive back from the Tibetans first-class war horses to serve the war in the plains. Tea was so important that the court could use it to put pressure on the Tibetan people. Old history records that, on average, more than 15 million kg of tea from Yunnan was exchanged for up to 20,000 steeds each year.

Reaching the power to "dominate" Europe

The sixteenth century marked a turning point on the way to the world of tea. European travelers returning from China brought jasmine and mallow tea with them to Portugal to try. Immediately, fragrant jasmine tea became the favorite drink of the aristocracy here. In 1660, Princess Catherine de Braganza became queen of England when she married King Charles II. Since then, tea has become popular among the British royal family and afternoon tea parties are an integral part of royal life.

Two centuries later, tea became extremely popular everywhere with the development of the British Empire. Tea followed British merchants to the former colonies of this country such as America, India.

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Make the world go "crazy" with amazing transformation

Tea is by far the most popular and influential drink worldwide. Tea consumption each year is equal to the total consumption of coffee, chocolate, soft drinks and alcohol combined. However, this is not luck but purely due to the outstanding natural properties of this drink.

Tea contains a large number of biological chemicals such as flavonoids, amino acids, vitamins... have anti-cancer effects. In particular, the caffeine in tea will help people stay awake if taken in the early morning.

Tea also promotes metabolism and is included in many famous diet menus. In addition, the catechins in green tea can prevent obesity, liver or colon cancer.

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Another reason is that in each place, tea is prepared and modified in different ways to suit the local culture. Therefore, tea in each place is different, bringing the cultural quintessence of different ethnic groups.

For example, Asians like China and Vietnam like to drink green tea, while Westerners prefer black tea, and Middle Eastern people like tea mixed with pistachios, almonds, cardamom, cinnamon...

With the pace of social life getting faster and faster, many of us no longer have enough time to make tea together. Instead, we look to convenient filter tea bags as a new solution in the modern trend.

Still keeping the essence of nature, convenience and variety, filter tea bags have conquered even the most demanding guests and are one of the top choices of tea lovers.

How to make green tea

To have a good cup of tea depends not only on the ingredients for making the tea, but also on how to make it. The way to make tea is considered by many to be a pure art.

Use fresh tea leaves washed, crushed and then put in a kettle, pour boiling water for 5-10 minutes to infuse and then drink. Or use dry tea in a pot and pour water (61-87 degrees) in and wait 5 minutes and then drink.

With the dry tea method, people often use two grams of tea per 100 ml of water, equivalent to about 1 teaspoon of green tea in 150 ml per cup. And also mixed with water temperature is between 61 and 87 degrees. In a 30 second time interval. If the brewing water is too h.ot or steeped for too long, it will lead to excessive release of the tannins in the tea, making the tea thicker and more bitter.

To have a good cup of tea, you need to understand two techniques that are to heat the teapot through h.ot water first to prevent the tea from cooling, and to leave the tea leaves in the pot and then slowly pour in more boiling water when drinking.

Note when using green tea

In addition to the above good health effects, if taken improperly, green tea also has the following side effects:

Because 1 cup of tea contains about 24-45 mg of caffeine, drinking 4-5 times a day will lead to irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, diarrhea or constipation, etc.

For people who are taking d.rugs that stimulate the function of the nervous system, they should not take it with tea. Because it will cause adverse effects on the nervous system such as dizziness, sudden increase in b.lood pressure, ...

Drinking tea on an empty stomach will make the stomach upset due to increased stomach acid, creating a feeling of nausea, constipation, ...

Green tea inhibits the body's use of calcium, causing you to have osteoporosis due to calcium deficiency.

Use green tea to get the most out of it!

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Green Tea | Miracle drink but not everyone knows how to use it - Photo 10

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