The African team welcomed the Angolan Minister to the place to buy rice, regretting one thing

Uyển ĐìnhJul 16, 2024 at 13:33

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Working in agriculture in Angola, not afraid to find new directions and strive to increase production, the African team of Quang Linh Vlogs has achieved admirable achievements. Even the Angolan Minister of Agriculture praised the team.

Going to Angola to work in agriculture, Quang Linh Vlogs' African team is very diligent in reclaiming land, finding new directions, and trying to increase production. In the first year of testing Vietnamese wet rice cultivation in a low-lying area in Bailundo district, Angola, Linh Philip group - brother of Quang Linh Vlogs, had a bumper golden harvest.

The African team welcomed the Angolan Minister to the place to buy rice, regretting one thing - Photo 1

Appreciating this feat, recently, the Minister of Agriculture of Angola personally visited and encouraged him. Accompanying the delegation were the provincial president, district president, police and many other agencies and organizations. The extremely powerful force made Linh Philip both happy and proud.

At the agricultural products display stand, the Minister kindly asked about the production situation. He was also very excited to see the sugarcane grinder directly and try sugarcane juice - a famous Vietnamese beverage.

The African team welcomed the Angolan Minister to the place to buy rice, regretting one thing - Photo 2

Also here, the Minister of Agriculture bought 5kg of rice from the African team to try. According to Linh Philip, 1 kg of rice is currently sold for 1,000 Kz (~ 30,000 VND). The Minister commented: "Next time we need to provide more phosphorus and seeds for them to expand the area. Right now the most difficult thing is milling rice, but we can see the rice is very white. and beautiful". This compliment makes the members of the African team feel warm.

The African team welcomed the Angolan Minister to the place to buy rice, regretting one thing - Photo 3

Due to being busy with work, the Minister could not arrange to visit the farm, which made Linh Philip very regretful. "The Minister promised to support rice milling machines, rice seeds, phosphorus... I hope next time the team will be helped. Anyway, today was a success because we were able to bring our rice to display. presented to the Minister and all levels and sectors. I also got to shake hands and greet them, but there were so many people that I didn't have time to talk much with the Minister," Linh Philip shared.

The African team welcomed the Angolan Minister to the place to buy rice, regretting one thing - Photo 4

It can be seen that to achieve today's results, the members of Linh Philip's farm have gone through difficult times. In Angola, many places still do not have rice cultivation areas. Wet rice is even more strange, because from planting to caring for it, it is challenging and requires high technology.

From the first days of sowing seeds until the rice plants are in the field and gradually ripen, each stage needs to be closely monitored. Linh Philip was very worried when the wet rice fields encountered problems in early April. A small portion of the rice fields had yellow leaves and red leaves from root to tip, causing some fields to have two colors.

"The first year of rice transplanting was really hard, because it was difficult to prepare the land, and there wasn't much young mud in the fields. Having a yield of 1.5 tons of the first crop, for us, was a proud achievement. This year's rain has been wonderful," Linh Philip said.

The African team welcomed the Angolan Minister to the place to buy rice, regretting one thing - Photo 5

Linh Philip said that a group of Vietnamese brothers supported the people of Bota village to build a church. Partly because they wanted to "return the favor" and partly because they were curious about growing wet rice, they came to help on the farm a few times. The atmosphere was extremely bustling, including mothers carrying their children still enthusiastically participating. In order for the workers to harvest rice properly and take advantage of the straw, Linh Philip even had to order sickles from Vietnam, instead of using local knives.

The African team welcomed the Angolan Minister to the place to buy rice, regretting one thing - Photo 6

From the first days of "holding their breath" sowing seeds, anxiously watching the process of rice growing and gradually ripening, everyone on the farm experienced many levels of emotions. Successful wet rice cultivation not only makes the team proud, but is also a great spiritual encouragement for the Vietnamese group working in agriculture in Angola. This success shows the efforts and perseverance of the African team, and opens up new directions in agricultural development in this African country.

The African team welcomed the Angolan Minister to the place to buy rice, regretting one thing - Photo 7

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