Ngoc Trinh and Quynh Thu were e.xposed to a series of photos "playing wildly", locking objectionable lips that caused eye pain

Duyên TrầnJan 14, 2022 at 20:03

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In addition to rumors that "small tam" destroys the happiness of Diep Lam Anh's family, Quynh Thu is also known as a close friend of nearly 2 decades of "underwear queen" Ngoc Trinh.

It is not difficult to see images of the two of them wrapped in tangerines, shopping for branded clothes, and complimenting each other on social networks. However, recently, people were even more shocked when a series of "chaotic photos" in the past of Ngoc Trinh and Quynh Thu spread on social networks. These photos caused pain around 2012, when Ngoc Trinh and Quynh Thu were both "pet chickens" in the company of boss Vu Khac Tiep.

Ngoc Trinh and Quynh Thu were e.xposed to a series of photos "playing wildly", locking objectionable lips that caused eye pain - Photo 1

At the bar, Ngoc Trinh and Quynh Thu were all dressed up in sexy clothes, wearing a strapless shirt and a strapless shirt to off their tight breasts. In particular, the two openly embraced boldly in front of the camera. Ngoc Trinh also acted to cause eye pain with Quynh Thu. At that time, the two long legs were still suspected of dating. Before the media, Quynh Thu affirmed: "I don't know how to tell people, but sometimes I also secretly think, if Ngoc Trinh and I love each other, many men in Vietnam will be jealous. and I'm so sorry."

Ngoc Trinh and Quynh Thu were e.xposed to a series of photos "playing wildly", locking objectionable lips that caused eye pain - Photo 2

Ngoc Trinh and Quynh Thu are famous close friends in the entertainment industry. They first met in a organized by boss Vu Khac Tiep in 2006 and gradually became close. "In the 16 years of playing together, Trinh and I have never argued loudly about anything. Maybe it's because we're both the same age, who are understanding, reasonable, and kind in friendship, so we can maintain our relationship. good relationship for so long," Quynh Thu said.

Ngoc Trinh and Quynh Thu were e.xposed to a series of photos "playing wildly", locking objectionable lips that caused eye pain - Photo 3

Along with artistic activities, Quynh Thu said she used to be annoyed when she was called by the phrase Ngoc Trinh's best friend, but over time the actress no longer felt that. "Despite being close, Ngoc Trinh and I have never asked each other for anything about work because our directions are different. We only care and comment on each other's good and bad sides to improve together. I don't want to take advantage of friendship for personal purposes," Quynh Thu said.

According to the actor "The Reluctant Girl", she feels fortunate that both herself and Ngoc Trinh are not jealous, so they play together very comfortably and reliably. "If one is successful, there is one or the other, then the other is truly happy for you, there is no j.ealousy, hidden competition with each other. Sometimes we take pictures together and then some newspapers bring the two of us out. compare and comment on me like this, Trinh like that, but both of us don't care much about it. We know that we are always sincere in our friendship, "Quynh Thu said.

There are many similar interests and personalities, but Quynh Thu said that she and her best friend do not have the same taste in choosing a boyfriend. As a result, they are assured that they will not fall into conflicting situations and jeopardize their friendship because of a man. " Trinh likes a mature boyfriend who is taller than her in everything and I just need someone on my level," Quynh Thu said. In Ngoc Trinh's eyes, Quynh Thu is a person with a strong personality, respect and care for friends.

Ngoc Trinh and Quynh Thu were e.xposed to a series of photos "playing wildly", locking objectionable lips that caused eye pain - Photo 4

In addition to being friends with Ngoc Trinh, Quynh Thu is also known to be close friends with Vu Khac Tiep for the past 15 years. The two often accompany each other in events as well as in daily life. However, in 2020, the two were suddenly caught up in rumors that they were "faced". It all stems from Vu Khac Tiep and Quynh Thu no longer appearing together. Even the actress directly cut Vu Khac Tiep from the common frame.

Before a series of questions about stopping play, Quynh Thu shared with the press as follows: "Quynh Thu and Ngoc Trinh, the relationship is still very normal, but only with Mr. Khac Tiep, it will probably not be the same anymore. If you pay attention, you can see that Quynh Thu's actions say it all about Quynh Thu's relationship with Tiep. Quynh Thu herself is sorry for the 15-year friendship, but everything is predestined."

Ngoc Trinh and Quynh Thu were e.xposed to a series of photos "playing wildly", locking objectionable lips that caused eye pain - Photo 5

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