Mr. Thich Minh Tue's mother was hospitalized after being bothered many times, his younger brother declared harshly

Nguyễn KimJun 29, 2024 at 17:07

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Recently, many people have come to the house of Mr. Le Anh Tu's parents, who is also known as "Monk Thich Minh Tue", hoping to meet them by chance. However, because too many people came to bother him, Mr. Thich Minh Tue's mother had to be hospitalized for treatment.

Not long ago, Mr. Le Anh Tu (43 years old, also known as Thich Minh Tue) decided to temporarily stop walking to ensure traffic safety, avoid crowded gatherings, affecting security and order. However, after the information that Mr. Thich Minh Tue returned to Gia Lai to meditate was shared, hundreds of people came here to find a way to meet and pay respects at the place where he practiced. Among these, in addition to relatives and acquaintances of the family, there are also quite a few YouTubers and TikTokers and people the family does not know.

Mr. Thich Minh Tues mother was hospitalized after being bothered many times, his younger brother declared harshly - Photo 1

Because of these things, as a relative, "Monk Thich Minh Tue" has to receive many guests. Therefore, the ancestors of "Monk Thich Minh Tue" can only receive guests when they are healthy. If they are tired, they must close the door to rest.

"However, there are still some YouTubers and TikTokers who record family pictures and post them on social networks. Some even pretend to be monks and go into their parents' house," said monk Thich Minh Tue. " to "beg for alms", asked to stay in the house; pretended to drop the phone inside the house to give an excuse to enter the house to record "monk Thich Minh Tue".

In particular, some people even climbed the fence to get into the house and then slept in the garden. In the morning, when he saw that "Monk Thich Minh Tue" was not at home, he left," said "Monk Thich Minh Tue's" brother.

Mr. Thich Minh Tues mother was hospitalized after being bothered many times, his younger brother declared harshly - Photo 2

Recently, social networks suddenly shared a picture of Mr. Thich Minh Tue's mother being hospitalized for treatment, causing many people to stir.

On June 28, Mr. Thich Minh Tue's younger brother said he was in the hospital to take care of his hospitalized mother. Sharing about her health, this person said, "She is feeling much better. She is old, according to the hospital diagnosis, she has pneumonia, she also has a fever but it is mild but needs time in the hospital for treatment." a few days.

Mr. Thich Minh Tues mother was hospitalized after being bothered many times, his younger brother declared harshly - Photo 3

Besides, Mr. Le Thin - Mr. Thich Minh Tue's younger brother expressed his hope that people would not visit his home too much because his grandparents are old and need to rest. At the same time, he also said that his family does not accept any gifts or m.oney from anyone. "I hope people living far away don't send any gifts to my house, I will turn them all around. Don't send them because it's a waste of time and m.oney."

Mr. Thich Minh Tues mother was hospitalized after being bothered many times, his younger brother declared harshly - Photo 4

Mr. Thich Minh Tue's younger brother said his family currently does not know where Mr. Thich Minh Tue is. "Since the day he left, my family has not seen me again. Before he left, he met me and told me to 'go for a few days and then come back', but I haven't seen him yet. A few days ago, the family also wanted to meet the teacher but there was no news. So I don't know how my health is, whether I'm eating enough, or whether I'm sick or not."

Immediately after the above information was shared, many people expressed concern for the health of Mr. Thich Minh Tue's relatives when YouTubers, TikTokers and unknown family members disturbed the family during this time. long. Many people believe that everyone should stop bothering Mr. Thich Minh Tue's family so that his parents can have time to rest.

Mr. Thich Minh Tues mother was hospitalized after being bothered many times, his younger brother declared harshly - Photo 5

Previously, Mr. Thich Minh Tue expressed his wish to practice quietly, peacefully, secluded, and without noise. He said that studying according to Buddha's teachings is good and happy. Everyone watches and cares, but practicing and keeping the precepts is good. But people following for the purpose of getting likes, views, profiteering or disrupting security and order is not good.

Mr. Thich Minh Tues mother was hospitalized after being bothered many times, his younger brother declared harshly - Photo 6

"That is their right, but following along to do things like filming around the clock, disrupting traffic order and safety, is an obstacle for the monks. Everywhere is posted up, noisy, but not That's true for practitioners too. Practitioners need to be quiet, go alone, ensure peace and solitude," Mr. Thich Minh Tue added.

Mr. Thich Minh Tues mother was hospitalized after being bothered many times, his younger brother declared harshly - Photo 7

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