Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do "hot scenes" just to "get views"

Gia HoàngOct 12, 2023 at 10:53

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Even though he doesn't have a good-looking appearance, Lam Vissay is always a face that directors prioritize. Appearing in many music videos and dramas, Lam Vissay left many impressions in the hearts of the audience.

Lam Vissay was born on June 5, 1976, and is not a strange name in the country's film industry. Few people know that Lam Vissay had the opportunity to start a career in cinema 8 years ago (2016).

Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do h.ot scenes just to get views - Photo 1

Lam Vissay graduated from the Arts Training School - Actors School Theater der Keller in Cologne, Germany (Germany). This handsome, dusty actor can fluently speak up to 5 languages (German, English, French, Thai, Lao). Particularly the 6th language, which is his mother tongue, is the language that Lam Vissay had to learn "hardly" to be successful in using it.

He has lived in Germany for 33 years and by chance met director Do Thanh Hai at a film festival in Berlin. It was this meeting that brought him back to Vietnam. Started his acting career when he was middle-aged.

Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do h.ot scenes just to get views - Photo 2

Lam Vissay is of mixed Vietnamese and Lao descent with his father being Laotian. But he is always proud and introduces to many people that he is Vietnamese. He loves his country and that is the reason he chose to return home. Although before that he was a movie actor in Europe.

As soon as he returned to Vietnam, Lam Vissay immediately participated in the movie "When the Birds Return". This is one of the most popular movies on television.

Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do h.ot scenes just to get views - Photo 3

His start in Vietnam was not very smooth because he was not good at Vietnamese. There was a time when he wanted to give up, but thanks to the encouragement of his colleagues, Lam Vissay's efforts were rewarded. During filming, Lam Vissay took advantage of learning Vietnamese. Now he speaks Vietnamese very gravelly and fluently.

After the success of the film, Lam Vissay continued to participate in the films "Yen's Life", "Turray", "Family Curse".

Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do h.ot scenes just to get views - Photo 4

In addition to acting, Lam Vissay also participates in writing scripts, composing music and making music videos. In particular, he started with a new role as a director with his first film " Unlock". With the concept of constantly growing and challenging himself, Lam Vissay is increasingly developing and becoming a big name in the country's cinema industry.

During the filming of "Whom I Miss" and collaborating with a famous and difficult director like Luu Trong Ninh, Lam Vissay said: "I have the fate of working with people like Mr. Ninh. Director Luu Trong Ninh is A serious, professional, perfectionist who sacrifices everything (including his health) for his work. Mr. Ninh puts his happiness in artistic work. Mr. Ninh's views coincide with mine. Therefore, people often say that Mr. Ninh is difficult, but for me it is not pressure. It is happiness. I still believe that becoming an actor is to inspire others, not to be famous. .

Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do h.ot scenes just to get views - Photo 5

I always try my best for each role. After filming ended, the responsibility fell to someone else. I don't like looking at the past, I just want to look forward."

Accordingly, the movie "Loving Whom, Missing Whom" is a film set in rural Vietnam. Directed by the fastidious director Luu Trong Ninh.

Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do h.ot scenes just to get views - Photo 6

Regarding s.ex scenes in the movie, Lam Vissay said: "I don't mind the script h.aving s.ex scenes. I have lived as a professional actor for 19 years, and have always clearly separated emotions. and work. In foreign countries, doing s.ex scenes is very normal. I always consider that if it's too noisy and too restrictive, I will refuse.

The actor also frankly said that when he accepted the role in the movie "Two Horizons", Lam Vissay could not speak Vietnamese but could only speak English. Although his mother is Vietnamese, she lived in Laos since childhood so Lam only speaks Lao.

Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do h.ot scenes just to get views - Photo 7

After that, the actor continued to take on the role in the movie "When the Birds Return", which was the first time Lam Vissay made a television series in Vietnam. Actually, at this time Lam's ability to speak Vietnamese is still very poor. It was a villain role, Lam Vissay co-starred with Kieu Thanh. He studies dialogue every day, but he gets frustrated because he finds Vietnamese too difficult. Lam said he felt lucky when the director explained that dialogue was not a problem and would do a voiceover. The director really liked his acting ability so he tried to continue.

When asked about the h.ot scene co-starring with Phi Huyen Trang in the movie "Family Curse", Lam Vissay said: "Being in the movie means you two have to really live in that scene. I quit. all protective clothing, because for me, liberating my b.ody and doing my best in that scene.

Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do h.ot scenes just to get views - Photo 8

The difference between filming h.ot scenes abroad and in Vietnam is that in foreign countries, actors can free their bodies 100% to devote themselves to their roles, but in Vietnam, they still have to wear protective clothing. guard".

Because he was well-trained at a German acting school and has also experienced many Vietnamese films, even though he participated in a h.ot scene for the first time in a rather difficult context, Lam Vissay still acted very artistically. in a good combination with main actress Phi Huyen Trang.

Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do h.ot scenes just to get views - Photo 9

"Lam doesn't like to just create pictures to attract customers, but must have content, depth and the true meaning of the story. Fortunately, with "Family Curse" it achieves both. That factor, not the producer, will bring out the scene to "catch" the audience, the overseas Vietnamese actor confided.

The difficulty of the role Lam plays in "Family Curse" is not the animation but the two roles are intertwined so it will challenge the audience. According to the actor, this will be a bit difficult to understand, but he thinks it should be left like that, there will be space for the audience to imagine and not necessarily explain clearly.

Regarding love affairs, many people still wonder if Lam Vissay is married. Because now he is over 40 years old but I have never heard him mention family matters.

Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do h.ot scenes just to get views - Photo 10

The truth is that up to now, Lam Vissay has not been married to anyone. He also had a few relationships but they were all short-lived. His longest relationship was 5 years. Perhaps because of the nature of his job, his love life is not very favorable.

Lam Vissay said that his type of woman does not need to be special. Just being kind, honest and compassionate is enough. It can be seen that Lam Vissay is a talented actor and will become a talented director in the future.

Lam Vissay: The U50 male god of Vietnamese cinema declares that he does not do h.ot scenes just to get views - Photo 11

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