The 5th generation descendant of Empress Dowager Tu Xi: Beautiful appearance, outstanding talent

An NhiAug 09, 2024 at 14:28

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Tu Hi's 5th granddaughter owns a smooth beauty that is considered younger than her age despite time and has facial features very similar to Tu Hi in old photos.

In the more than 5000-year feudal history of China, Empress Dowager Cixi must be a name that is no stranger to the luxurious lifestyle and terrible secrets hidden. Although she ruled for 47 years and controlled the country's destiny at the end of the Qing Dynasty, she did not know the suffering of the people, only knew how to greedily enjoy, and was even called a person who only brought disaster to the country and the people. Therefore, even though a hundred years have passed, the history of her and the story of the future generations of Empress Dowager Tu Xi has always received a lot of attention.

The 5th generation descendant of Empress Dowager Tu Xi: Beautiful appearance, outstanding talent - Photo 1

According to recorded history, Empress Dowager Tu Xi was originally a beautiful woman, so she received infinite favor from King Ham Phong. In the harem of thousands of beauties, in just 2 years she can be promoted to the rank of concubine, in 2 years to the rank of concubine, and then in just 1 year to become a concubine. The reason why Empress Dowager Tu Xi stands out among many beauties is not only because of her splendid beauty but also because of her elegant and energetic calligraphy writing. Not only was she allowed by Emperor Ham Phong to help approve the music, but she was also able to express her opinion in front of the whole court.

At that time, everyone in the palace took her as an aesthetic standard. Unfortunately, most of the photos circulated after the fall of the Qing Dynasty were from around 1900 onwards. Tu Hi was more than 60 years old when he first started to know about cameras. Therefore, even though she left many images, she was already an old woman who made others doubt her beauty when she was young.

The 5th generation descendant of Empress Dowager Tu Xi: Beautiful appearance, outstanding talent - Photo 2

However, the controversy over the appearance of the powerful Empress Dowager in her youth had an answer when her 5-generation descendant, Diep Hach Na Lap Hu Huang, became famous.

Diep Hao Na Lap was born in 1969, carrying the noble blood of Diep Hao Na Lap. Tu Xi only had one son, Emperor Dong Tri, but he had no children, so Hu Huang was the lifeblood of the Tu Xi family. The Diep Hach Na Lap family is large and complicated, although Hu Huang has the surname Ye Hach Na Lap, but her mother is really the descendant of Tu Xi, and on top of that, there is also Tu Xi's second brother, Ye Hach Na Lap Que Tuong. Therefore, Hu Huang has to call Que Tuong his maternal grandfather, and Empress Dowager Tu Xi is also her maternal grandmother, with this status, if placed in the Qing Dynasty, she is at least called Cai Cai (princess).

The 5th generation descendant of Empress Dowager Tu Xi: Beautiful appearance, outstanding talent - Photo 3

Although she is the 5th grandchild, Hu Hoang still owns the same eyes as Tu Hi, at the age of 52 she is still beautiful and young. In particular, since childhood she has been very well educated, inheriting the Guan Ke cannons of the two Han and Manchu cultures. China has a proverb "as long as you have a full body of poetry, you will have a more talented temperament than people" is indeed true for Hu Huang because just looking at her exudes a noble, elegant, and gentle royal temperament. Empress Dowager Tu Xi also became the grace of Emperor Ham Feng thanks to her talent in calligraphy.

The 5th generation descendant of Empress Dowager Tu Xi: Beautiful appearance, outstanding talent - Photo 4

Her beautiful appearance and ethereal personality are many parts similar to Empress Dowager Tu Hi, so many times Hu Hoang has been invited to act in movies, especially the role of Tu Hi. However, she always refused those offers, focusing only on her calligraphy career.

Hu Huang's uncle is the great-grandson of Tu Xi's paternal cousin, and is also the only heir to the Guan Ke calligraphy of the two Han and Manchu cultures. Since childhood, she has followed her uncle to learn calligraphy, so she possesses the ability to write very beautifully.

In this respect, she is also similar to Empress Dowager Tu Hi, because that year she relied on her calligraphy talent and was favored by King Ham Phong. Hu Huang's calligraphy was neat and spacious, and he fully understood the essence of Quan Ke calligraphy of the two Han and Manchu royal cultures.

Currently, Hui Huang is not only a teacher, but she has also been a famous figure in the calligraphy world for a long time, also the President of the China Great Wall Calligraphy Association, who has made many contributions to Chinese calligraphy and charity.

The 5th generation descendant of Empress Dowager Tu Xi: Beautiful appearance, outstanding talent - Photo 5

In addition, Ye He Na Lap Hui Huang is also the Deputy Director of the Beijing Calligraphy Office, a member of the Beijing Royal Judicial and Painting Research Association. She possesses a very famous calligraphy talent in the world, both beautiful and talented.

The 5th generation descendant of Empress Dowager Tu Xi: Beautiful appearance, outstanding talent - Photo 6

Today, Hu Huang's calligraphy often appears at major auctions, also wins many awards, and is recognized by the public and experts in the world. The Imperial Han Manchu calligraphy that she studied was indeed unparalleled in the world, passed down without many people being able to comprehend it. Therefore, the calligraphy of the Emperor is worth thousands of dollars, and is also praised as an extremely valuable cultural heritage in history.

The 5th generation descendant of Empress Dowager Tu Xi: Beautiful appearance, outstanding talent - Photo 7

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