Empress Dowager Cixi and 100 children lie in the tomb, the macabre truth reveals the outraged crime

Như ÝNov 22, 2021 at 15:41

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Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908) was known as the most powerful and c.ruel woman in China's feudal history.

As the person who held the supreme position for many years in the Qing dynasty, she did many myths, k.illed sentient beings, changed the direction of development and caused the dynasty to gradually perish.

Empress Dowager Cixi and 100 children lie in the tomb, the macabre truth reveals the outraged crime - Photo 1

Until her d.eath, because to satisfy her personal aspirations, she continued to torment the poor people, forcing 100 children under 10 years old to die with her in the grave. The emperors of the ancient feudal period paid great attention to the post-mortem. Therefore, when excavating tombs, people often find countless gold and silver treasures buried with the bodies of kings.

Empress Dowager Cixi was no exception, she prepared her grave very early. The mausoleum was built magnificently, the secret organs were identical, and thousands of thousands of precious and luxurious items were stored for burial. Unlike Qin Shi Huang (a tyrant who spent her entire life trying to find a way to live forever), Empress Dowager Cixi was aware that humans could not resist the will of heaven, and she also feared that she would face retribution. for the crimes he committed in his life and for being tormented by the devil after he died.

Empress Dowager Cixi and 100 children lie in the tomb, the macabre truth reveals the outraged crime - Photo 2

After finding a solution from high-ranking officials and Taoists, she ordered to arrest 100 children in good households and force them to participate in building her tomb. The reason is because it is believed that children are the purest and purest beings, having the effect of purifying the tomb, preventing the devil from approaching. Before this action, the people were outraged by the court's unreasonable arrest, but could not protest for fear of being implicated in their lives. The children who were sent to hard labor gradually succumbed and died.

When the mausoleum was completed, the number of surviving children could only be counted on the fingers and then also became a burial object for Empress Dowager Cixi to forever accompany and chase away evil spirits for her. Empress Dowager Cixi was also afraid that she would face retribution until her d.eath. The world is actually a cycle of reincarnation. It was not the devil, but the human that had come to disturb the tomb, making her unsatisfied.

Empress Dowager Cixi and 100 children lie in the tomb, the macabre truth reveals the outraged crime - Photo 3

In 1928, the band of tomb robbers Ton Dien Anh overturned the tomb of Empress Dowager Cixi and "stealed" all the treasures inside, even the b.ody of the most powerful empress was trampled. side by side and stripped of his precious clothes and hat. Since then, the truth about 100 missing children and the children's bodies appearing in the tomb of Empress Dowager Cixi was also revealed. It was not until the 80s, when archaeologists once again excavated the tomb of Empress Dowager Cixi, and discovered that the interior was completely empty, leaving only the b.ody lying untidy. The team of experts carried out decontamination of dust and disposed of her b.ody. At this point, the new Empress Dowager Cixi was officially laid to rest.

When she was alive, Empress Dowager Cixi paid special attention to her meals. Moreover, because she loves to eat, her main meal every day must be carefully prepared with a huge amount of food, sometimes up to hundreds of dishes served at the same time. In addition to the main meals, Empress Dowager Cixi also eats 2 more snacks, each meal must have at least 20 dishes. Speaking of this, many people must have been able to imagine how lavish the life of Empress Dowager Cixi was.

Empress Dowager Cixi and 100 children lie in the tomb, the macabre truth reveals the outraged crime - Photo 4

And among the many delicacies that have been enjoyed by Empress Dowager Cixi, she especially loves a dish that from ingredients to processing is extremely expensive, but just hearing the name makes many people feel. "unreachable". The name of that dish is "Knitting tiger soup". The name said it all. Looking at the name of the dish, you immediately know that the main ingredient of this dish is tiger dan. So what is knitting tiger? It was the t.esticles of a male Siberian tiger that lived mainly in the Xiaoxing Anling Mountains, located north of present-day China's Heilongjiang province.

Empress Dowager Cixi and 100 children lie in the tomb, the macabre truth reveals the outraged crime - Photo 5

Tiger knitting is about the size of a small tea bowl. To make the dish, the chef will first put the tiger in a pot of boiling chicken broth, simmer for 3 hours. Then take out, peel off the outer skin, soak in the seasoning water for about 2 hours, then use a knife to cut into thin slices, arrange on a plate into the shape of a peony. Because tiger knitting is very fishy, it is necessary to use green onions, ginger, garlic, vinegar ... and many other spices to eliminate this fishy smell. "Tiger dan soup" is the favorite dish of Empress Dowager Cixi. Basically, almost every meal she wants to eat this dish. Currently, this "tiger dan soup" has been lost. The main reason is that the ingredients that make up this dish are almost impossible to find.

Empress Dowager Cixi and 100 children lie in the tomb, the macabre truth reveals the outraged crime - Photo 6

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