Duong Hong Loan: "Western Bolero Queen" was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love

Chi ChuJun 14, 2023 at 19:20

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Unexpectedly famous for her charm and luck, but Duong Hong Loan is not "soon to bloom" but over the past 10 years has proven her talent, maintaining a stable performance with the title "Queen" Western Bolero".

Duong Hong Loan's passion for singing and the journey to pursue her dream

From a young age, Duong Hong Loan soon expressed her passion for singing but still has not determined the direction for herself. Later, when she grew up, she chose to study Information Technology because she wanted to have a stable life.

Duong Hong Loan: Western Bolero Queen was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love - Photo 1

As a g.irl from a small town in Saigon to study, Duong Hong Loan had to find a way to manage in a foreign country. With the advantage of singing, Duong Hong Loan started applying to perform at restaurants and baking villages. Although she only received a small salary, Duong Hong Loan saw this as an opportunity to perform and hone her skills.

"When I sang at the restaurant and grilled village for more than a year, I knew some editors there who introduced them to wedding singing shows. Initially, the salary was 30,000 VND, then 50,000 VND. Since there was a fixed wedding s.how, I stopped singing at the restaurant but took vocal lessons, so I learned more about breathing techniques, recognizing where the spelling mistakes are... Unlike the old days, I only sang instinctively," Duong Hong Loan shared.

Duong Hong Loan: Western Bolero Queen was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love - Photo 2

Get meager salary, find your own way to promote products

After singing, Duong Hong Loan accumulated some m.oney and bought herself a car to become a companion on every road. She ran to many places to ask for a performance, there were places that agreed, but Duong Hong Loan had to wait a long time, there were places that charged 70% of the m.oney that the audience gave flowers. Besides, there was also a place that was not welcoming, so she had to retreat and leave.

Although life is a bit difficult, Duong Hong Loan always believes that she has to go up by her own strength. Duong Hong Loan also did not receive financial help from anyone and once revealed that she only knew how to sing and come back.

Duong Hong Loan: Western Bolero Queen was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love - Photo 3

After a period of effort, Duong Hong Loan was also noticed by everyone. Luck began to smile at her when she was invited by local television stations to record and record. In 2007, Duong Hong Loan officially entered the professional singing path. However, about 4.5 years later, when her mother suggested to sing a song Bolero, Duong Hong Loan realized that this was really the "truth" of her life.

At first, when following the path of professional singing, Duong Hong Loan had to spend her own efforts to make her music products. The 8x female singer said that she made her own MV, tinkered with creating accounts on online music sites to upload her songs. Finally, Duong Hong Loan also obtained sweet fruit when her products continuously appeared on the homepage and received a considerable amount of listening from the audience.

Duong Hong Loan: Western Bolero Queen was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love - Photo 4

After a long time of efforts, Duong Hong Loan is now not only becoming an expensive singer in domestic shows but also being invited to perform abroad and being favored by the public as "The Western Bolero Queen". Having performed with a meager salary, Duong Hong Loan, after being successful, was able to receive a large amount of m.oney. Even Duong Hong Loan takes care of her own life and helps her family back home.

Sharing about the time in the past, Duong Hong Loan said everything came by chance and naturally. Although studying information technology, the passion in her heart since childhood has always been singing. So when she entered the art scene, the singer already had knowledge of information technology at that time so that she could easily create an account on social networks.

Duong Hong Loan: Western Bolero Queen was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love - Photo 5

Technology has brought unexpected popularity to Duong Hong Loan, but this is also a risk when she has to receive a l.ot of opinions from the public.

"Those who criticize, I say again, let me try harder, and those who praise me, I thank you. Just like that, over time, I noticed that the number of people accessing my channel is getting more and more crowded and supporters follow. This makes me more excited, actively researching and investing in quality and more thoughtful music products to send to the audience instead of the original products that lacked funds to produce. complete".

Duong Hong Loan: Western Bolero Queen was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love - Photo 6

In addition, Duong Hong Loan also had to face being criticized by the audience for her image when she stepped from social networks to real life. The singer said that since she started filming, she had received some disparaging comments from the audience saying "what singer is so black, so round". However, for her, everything takes time and slowly the image of Duong Hong Loan will become familiar when appearing in public and now the audience has accepted her.

Duong Hong Loan: Western Bolero Queen was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love - Photo 7

Regarding how the audience received the image of a new artist, Duong Hong Loan affirmed that she did not feel sorry for her Western background. Not only that, she also said that she needed to preserve and spread the image of this Western woman.

"The nature of a Western g.irl is to be a little alum, gentle and especially to keep her long hair. Although sometimes seeing short hair or this type of hair is very beautiful, but in general, the hair is beautiful. If you're long, you can create many styles and you're old, so you're always confident with your long hair," Duong Hong Loan confided.

Duong Hong Loan: Western Bolero Queen was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love - Photo 8

Besides her sweet, lyrical voice that captivates many people, Duong Hong Loan is also admired by many for her happy married life. It is known that Duong Hong Loan and her husband got married in 2006 after 10 years together.

The two met when Duong Hong Loan was in high school and her husband was at university in Saigon. Duong Hong Loan's mother allowed her and her current husband to see each other because of his gentle personality. From the days when Duong Hong Loan came to Saigon with wet feet, her husband took care of her, even going to school and singing. Talking about her husband, Duong Hong Loan proudly said: "You are the only love of my life".

Duong Hong Loan: Western Bolero Queen was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love - Photo 9

The singer admitted that she had faced a l.ot of pressure from her husband and her husband's family. "At one point, the husband asked: "One is to choose to sing, the second is to choose me", Duong Hong Loan shared. Before her husband's "difficult" question, Duong Hong Loan suggested that her husband sing a song with her. Then make a decision.Duong Hong Loan's husband followed her to a tea room at her wife's suggestion.

Duong Hong Loan: Western Bolero Queen was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love - Photo 10

Duong Hong Loan once confided: " No matter how successful I am without a family, I am still fluffy" . Duong Hong Loan may have a flashy image on stage, but when she returns home, she is a family woman with a simple, rustic look. For Duong Hong Loan, happiness is not about m.oney or fame, but simply a place to go home peacefully with her husband and children.

Duong Hong Loan: Western Bolero Queen was once despised and had a perfect marriage with her first love - Photo 11

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