Doan Di Bang spent nearly 1 billion to celebrate having a son and daughter with a strange disease, afraid of fruit

Đình NhưJul 05, 2024 at 17:04

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Doan Di Bang held a lavish and lavish party next to the Saigon River to announce the identity of the fourth c.hild she is pregnant. The party was attended by relatives, friends and Dr. Cao Huu Thinh.

The party space is extremely gorgeous and lavishly decorated. Not only that, she also rented a canoe to run around the Saigon River to release balloons high, adding more brilliance to the party.

Doan Di Bang spent nearly 1 billion to celebrate having a son and daughter with a strange disease, afraid of fruit - Photo 1

Accordingly, the 4th c.hild of Doan Di Bang and his wife is a b.oy. After this announcement, all relatives and friends burst into tears. Doan Di Bang burst into tears with emotion, and Mr. Quoc Vu - Doan Di Bang's husband had a bright smile throughout the party.

Before this important event, Mr. Quoc Vu hugged his wife and shared: "I am very happy for my wife because from now on she will not be told anything by anyone." Doan Di Bang held the mic and said loudly: "Parents, I have a son".

Doan Di Bang spent nearly 1 billion to celebrate having a son and daughter with a strange disease, afraid of fruit - Photo 2

"Before, I was told by many people that I didn't know how to give birth. At such times, the husband just quietly apologizes, saying 'it's because of you'. At the moment of announcing the gender of the fourth c.hild, I thought my husband would express a l.ot, but he only briefly said that he was happy that his wife was told 'I don't know how to give birth'. Listening to him, I cried a l.ot. How much self-pity has been removed," she added.

"My parents-in-law are happy that they are about to have a true grandchild even though their grandparents have never pressured them to have another grandchild. I felt my parents' eyes happy, but also very delicate, not doing too much for fear of my three nieces and nephews. I hope my son in the womb is good and healthy so that my mother and son can reach the finish line together," she confided.

Doan Di Bang spent nearly 1 billion to celebrate having a son and daughter with a strange disease, afraid of fruit - Photo 3

This good news of Doan Di Bang and his wife has received a l.ot of congratulations from the online community. Many people also advised her to take a break to have a safe, healthy pregnancy.

Besides, there is also an opinion that, when doing IVF, the probability of knowing the b.aby's gender from the beginning is very high, therefore, Doan Di Bang's family holding a lavish party is wasteful and unnecessary. Before this incident, Doan Di Bang said that she deliberately instructed Dr. Cao Huu Thinh not to let her and her husband know the gender of their c.hild in advance to create a surprise for her husband and her family.

Doan Di Bang spent nearly 1 billion to celebrate having a son and daughter with a strange disease, afraid of fruit - Photo 4

Doan Di Bang was born in 1989, used to be a singer and actor before turning to the beauty business. The beauty said she had a fulfilling life with her husband - businessman Nguyen Quoc Vu.

Recently, she revealed that 1 daughter had a strange disease. While the next two daughters, like their parents, are extremely fond of fruits. Even Doan Di Bang once shared that Yuki's daughter could eat all 10 boxes of strawberries by herself.

Doan Di Bang spent nearly 1 billion to celebrate having a son and daughter with a strange disease, afraid of fruit - Photo 5

But the eldest sister, Hana, is the complete opposite, and is also the most special person in the family when she suffers from a syndrome, which is fear of fruits. The great lady of the Hao Men family couldn't eat any kind of fruit, and she was even scared just by looking at it. Every time someone mentioned the fruit, Hana would run away, determined not to want to get close. Understanding this, all members of Doan Di Bang's family will avoid eating fruit in front of her.

Doan Di Bang spent nearly 1 billion to celebrate having a son and daughter with a strange disease, afraid of fruit - Photo 6

After the female giant of District 7 said that her daughter had this strange syndrome, many people were very surprised, some people heard about such a syndrome for the first time and couldn't help but wonder. However, it is worth noting that there are many sarcastic comments, saying that "the disease of fear of fruit must be the disease of the rich".

Doan Di Bang spent nearly 1 billion to celebrate having a son and daughter with a strange disease, afraid of fruit - Photo 7

In fact, Doan Di Bang's first daughter is not the only person in the world who suffers from this syndrome, but there are several others who also suffer from it. For families with children with fruit phobia syndrome, it is extremely necessary for parents to carefully understand the causes and appropriate parenting methods. Only then can parents help children develop in a healthy and comprehensive way.

Doan Di Bang spent nearly 1 billion to celebrate having a son and daughter with a strange disease, afraid of fruit - Photo 8

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