The bride had just gotten off the wedding car when her husband's wife put something on her. Fans exclaimed: This is too much!

SnowOct 28, 2023 at 12:35

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The strange incident that happened right when the bride and groom got off the wedding car has attracted the attention of many netizens. Many people can't help but wonder what "her husband's aunt" is trying to do?

Not long ago, a lavish wedding took place in Van Phu city (Guangdong, China). The bride was welcomed by the groom to the palace in the presence of officials from both families, preparing to enter the house to perform the ceremony. the next ceremonies.

The bride had just gotten off the wedding car when her husbands wife put something on her. Fans exclaimed: This is too much! - Photo 1

Everything was going on like any other normal wedding ceremony until just as the newlywed couple got out of the car, a middle-aged woman suddenly approached and put on the bride's pink apron.

At this time, the new bride was somewhat bewildered, not knowing what was going on, but thinking that it was her b.ig day, she still followed without comment.

The bride had just gotten off the wedding car when her husbands wife put something on her. Fans exclaimed: This is too much! - Photo 2

The sight of the bride wearing a pure white wedding dress, holding a bouquet of bright roses, standing in the middle of the crowd while wearing an apron, did not look appropriate at all. Worth mentioning, the surrounding people laughed out loud and applauded the work of the "husband's aunt".

After the video clip recording this moment was widely shared on forums, many netizens strongly criticized the groom's family. Because they believe that this action on the wedding day means that as soon as the bride enters the house, she must go to the kitchen to cook and fulfill her duty of cooking for her husband.

"It's really difficult to understand! In what era is it still considered that a wife or daughter-in-law must serve the husband's family? This groom's family only wants the bride to do housework and cook for them all day long," " Why wear an apron and not some kind of gold necklace? Doesn't it mean wealth and a complete family?"... are the comments left by netizens.

The bride had just gotten off the wedding car when her husbands wife put something on her. Fans exclaimed: This is too much! - Photo 3

Many people were even so angry that they asked the person who posted it to quickly delete this video, but it still appeared on other accounts and social networking sites. However, there are still many conflicting opinions that have arisen.

Accordingly, some online users believe that it is very normal for the bride to go to her husband's house to take care of the cooking. Furthermore, this may just be a wedding custom in the place where the couple above lives, so it is not certain that the husband's family is forcing the bride to fulfill her duty.

At the same time, they also think that compared to the requirements that the groom must do at the wedding, having the bride wear an apron is quite light. Specifically, the groom must overcome many challenges set by the bride to welcome the bride.

In particular, as soon as he entered the wedding room, he had to kneel down and swear a promise. Moreover, kissing the bride's feet and shoes and reading a letter pledging to love his wife for the rest of his life...

The bride had just gotten off the wedding car when her husbands wife put something on her. Fans exclaimed: This is too much! - Photo 4

Some netizens have revealed that the act of wearing an apron for the bride does not imply housework. Because according to the customs of many localities in Van Phu (Guangdong, China), wearing an apron around the belly on the wedding day shows that the new bride is pregnant and wishes to have many children and grandchildren, many children, many blessings, and many children and grandchildren. trousers.

"I come from Uc Nam district, Van Phu. My wedding was the same. On the wedding day, I was not pregnant yet but still wore an apron. People have misunderstood. Wearing an apron for the bride is just to protect the bride. pregnancy, wishing for a smooth birth, a healthy mother and a square b.aby.

There is no meaning in forcing the bride to do housework or serve her husband's family. Housework in my family is all divided between husband and wife, respecting each other," the online account shared.

The bride had just gotten off the wedding car when her husbands wife put something on her. Fans exclaimed: This is too much! - Photo 5

It is known that wedding customs in the country of billions of people are extremely rich and diverse, especially in rural areas, they are even more "rich in identity". There are good customs worth inheriting, but there are also many bad customs that are no longer suitable with the times.

Typically, the custom of "noisy marriage" in this country is said to be the fear of brides and grooms on their b.ig day. This is a traditional Chinese ceremony, dating back to the Han Dynasty, more than 2,000 years ago, with the meaning of "making a commotion in the wedding hall."

According to this custom, male guests who are the groom's friends will enter the bride and groom's wedding room to joke around to ward off evil spirits and spirits and help the bride quickly adapt to married life.

The bride had just gotten off the wedding car when her husbands wife put something on her. Fans exclaimed: This is too much! - Photo 6

Marriages in feudal society are often arranged by parents, so even though the wedding day has come, the bride and groom still feel shy. "Closing up the wedding room" may help them feel more comfortable and closer to each other. But there are also documents that say that "noisy marriage" is actually a remnant of the ancient custom of "wife-stealing".

In a survey, more than 78% of Chinese netizens said that teasing the bride at a wedding is disrespectful to women. According to CCTV, the custom of "noisy kissing" is no longer appropriate and 70% of people in this country feel embarrassed.

In March 2021, officials in Zhouping, a city in Shandong province, issued a notice specifically banning "vulgar behavior at weddings" and calling for "reform of wedding traditions."

The bride had just gotten off the wedding car when her husbands wife put something on her. Fans exclaimed: This is too much! - Photo 7

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