Zhou Qingxuan tried to imitate Doan Hai My, Quang Hai had a tired attitude on his face?

Đình NhưJul 05, 2024 at 17:38

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Quang Hai is a famous player, achieving many admiration achievements in the Vietnamese sports industry. Regarding his personal life, he held a wedding with Chu Thanh Huyen in March this year. The couple is excitedly waiting for the official day to welcome their first c.hild.

On the eve of his wife's birth, Quang Hai tried his best to buy and prepare the best items for his first son. In the latest moment posted by Chu Thanh Huyen, Quang Hai expressed his excitement and confusion when practicing to hold his c.hild. This image made many viewers immediately remember Doan Van Hau, because about a few months ago, Doan Hai My's husband also had a similar reaction when practicing to hold his c.hild.

Zhou Qingxuan tried to imitate Doan Hai My, Quang Hai had a tired attitude on his face? - Photo 1

When referring to Quang Hai's thoughtfulness for his c.hild, Chu Thanh Huyen excitedly confided to the audience: "Do you believe that this guy has been sitting for two hours? It's true that being a father for the first time is different, tinkering, meticulous, little by little." She did not hide her happiness because she saw Quang Hai still washing the milk bottle, ready to pick up her c.hild at any time. Because her husband buys too many things, Chu Thanh Huyen also posted an article wishing to give back some items to pregnant mothers who are also preparing to have children in the near future.

Zhou Qingxuan tried to imitate Doan Hai My, Quang Hai had a tired attitude on his face? - Photo 2

After the wedding, Quang Hai and Chu Thanh Huyen became more open in sharing their daily lives. As for Chu Thanh Huyen, she always updates every moment by her husband's side. When following the h.ot g.irl's personal account, netizens were able to see a different side of Quang Hai compared to the image of the male player's "shorts, number shirt" on the football field. He does not hesitate to do everything to take care of and care for his pregnant wife.

Zhou Qingxuan tried to imitate Doan Hai My, Quang Hai had a tired attitude on his face? - Photo 3

In a private party that took place before the wedding G hour, Quang Hai was touched when he sent a message to Chu Thanh Huyen: "Three years ago, I confessed my love for you on January 12, 2021, which was completely intentional. Ordinary people will only see the number 2, the number 0, and the number 1. But for him, Zhou Qingxuan is a special g.irl. The g.irl has 1 not 2". Besides, the couple was also happy to announce the news that Chu Thanh Huyen was pregnant with a b.aby boy to the surprise and happiness of all close friends.

Zhou Qingxuan tried to imitate Doan Hai My, Quang Hai had a tired attitude on his face? - Photo 4

In addition to her daily life with Quang Hai, Chu Thanh Huyen is also curious about her relationship with Doan Hai My.

Many times, netizens from curiosity came to ask a frank question to Chu Thanh Huyen: "Are you and Doan Hai My close?". And instead of dodging, Chu Thanh Huyen livestreamed and answered this question after her wedding ended.

However, Chu Thanh Huyen did not confirm nor deny whether she was close to Doan Hai My or not.

Zhou Qingxuan tried to imitate Doan Hai My, Quang Hai had a tired attitude on his face? - Photo 5

Instead, Zhou Qingxuan gave the following point of view: "Everyone, everyone often asks me if I am close to this or that person, Zhou Qinghuan, I would like to tell you. For relationships, I always keep it at a level that is not too close but not too negligent. It's all just about enough, including friends or whatever. Huyen's point of view is like that."

Thus, it can be seen that Chu Thanh Huyen always keeps a certain distance, not too close, nor too indifferent to Doan Hai My. This friendship can be considered only "just enough".

Zhou Qingxuan tried to imitate Doan Hai My, Quang Hai had a tired attitude on his face? - Photo 6

Through Chu Thanh Huyen's answer, many netizens also praised Quang Hai's wife's wise answer. Besides, many opinions also support this point of view of Chu Thanh Huyen.

However, recently, netizens suddenly dug up a series of intimate photos between Chu Thanh Huyen and Doan Hai My from when the two were not married. Those are the photos taken in April 2022, when Quang Hai parted ways with Hanoi FC to prepare to go abroad to France to play for Pau FC.

Zhou Qingxuan tried to imitate Doan Hai My, Quang Hai had a tired attitude on his face? - Photo 7

This time was also the first time Chu Thanh Huyen (at that time still Quang Hai's rumored girlfriend) appeared at Hang Day stadium to watch Hai's "son" match. When witnessing the farewell of Quang Hai and the team that has been together for many years, Chu Thanh Huyen shed tears of emotion. Doan Hai My was by her side at that time, hugging her sister's shoulders to encourage and comfort her. The two chatted cordially.

Not only that, people also found out, at that time, Chu Thanh Huyen and Doan Hai My also wore a double ring together.

Zhou Qingxuan tried to imitate Doan Hai My, Quang Hai had a tired attitude on his face? - Photo 8

In fact, Chu Thanh Huyen and Doan Hai My are still often put on the scale by netizens for comparison. Many people even let go of negative words for Chu Thanh Huyen to be "jealous" of Doan Hai My. Once talking about this, Chu Thanh Huyen affirmed: "There is nothing to be jealous of, I also have enough, now it is enough, satisfied with what I have. There is nothing to be jealous of, envy, there is no such thing."

Zhou Qingxuan tried to imitate Doan Hai My, Quang Hai had a tired attitude on his face? - Photo 9

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