Cam Nhung - Saigon's most famous dancer was doused with acid because she was a minor, had to beg until she died

team youtubeApr 23, 2021 at 18:04

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In marriage, anyone wants to be monogamous, faithful and happy. Therefore, when seeing someone enter their family, it is difficult for any wife to easily ignore it. And it is because of that resentment that the life of Vu Cam Nhung - a famous dancer in Saigon in the early 60s, "falled to hell", at the end of his life he dragged himself step by step begging, making everyone feel sorry. distant.

Cam Nhung - Saigon's most famous dancer was doused with acid because she was a minor, had to beg until she died - Photo 1.

Dancer Cam Nhung was born in 1940 in Hanoi. At the age of 15, she moved with her family to the South to live. Later, her father fell ill and passed away. Her mother decided to "go another step" and gave birth to a son with her second husband.

Cam Nhung had to drop out of school to work as a hostess in a restaurant. It was also at this time that the beautiful Cam Nhung g.irl was e.xposed to music and dances in the bar and gradually got used to the red and blue lights that flickered every night. This was the period when the dance movement flourished in Saigon.

At the age of 19, Cam Nhung started "on the floor". Due to her beautiful beauty and attractive body, Cam Nhung quickly became the most famous dancer in Saigon. Her skillful feet, her sloppy manner

That was the time when the dance movement flourished in Saigon. Grasping that, Cam Nhung started "on the floor". At that time, Cam Nhung was 19 years old, she had a very beautiful face, a charming body, the most skillful legs and her slightly flirtatious demeanor made men drunk like crazy.

She went through many discos in Saigon and stopped at Kim Son discotheque. With the available highlights and the excitement of youth, tickets to see Cam Nhung dance quickly skyrocketed. At that time, there were a series of princes and players who were willing to give expensive gifts or offer m.oney to get a beautiful smile. That is why Cam Nhung is living in silk thanks to the generous acts of men.

Cam Nhung - Saigon's most famous dancer was doused with acid for being a minor, had to beg until she died - Photo 2.

In the early 60s, the discotheque was the hangout of the rich and powerful. Among those who were regularly present there was lieutenant colonel in engineer Tran Ngoc Thuc. Lieutenant Colonel Thuc is over 30 years old and is an experienced leper. He is addicted to dancing, often goes to Kim Son discotheque and dances with the dancers here. He does not have a "b.lood relationship" because he has not met a g.irl who is completely satisfied. Until meeting Cam Nhung, Tran Ngoc Thuc was immediately ecstatic because of the beauty. After that first meeting, Cam Nhung officially became the "intestine relationship" of the lieutenant colonel. Every night, the two of them fell in love with each other, whirling around and dancing wildly. After that, they went on dates and hung out together.

Although she has been in the entertainment place for a few years and has experienced love, Cam Nhung is still captivated by Lieutenant Colonel Thuc's acumen, affluence and way of spending m.oney like water. Knowing that the mistress was married, the dancer turned a blind eye, committed to volunteering to become Lieutenant Colonel Thuc's mistress.

Paper could not wrap fire, everything was quickly transmitted to the ears of Lieutenant Colonel Thuc's wife - Mrs. Lam Thi Nguyet. She is also known by the nickname Nam Ra Do (because she specializes in selling Swiss Rado watches imported to Saigon).

At first, when she learned of her husband's wrong love, Nguyet blocked Cam Nhung's way to warn her. This woman also advised Lieutenant Colonel Thuc to return to his family and fulfill his duty.

However, Cam Nhung and Lieutenant Colonel Thuc underestimated the j.ealousy of women and continued their love affair. Being challenged, Ms. Nguyet quietly prepared a plan to fight the most terrifying and cruel j.ealousy.

She bought a can of concentrated acid at a battery factory and then hired two thugs for 2 taels of gold to throw Cam Nhung acid. She believes that only when she loses her beautiful beauty, she can no longer seduce men, and Lieutenant Colonel Thuc will also give up his mistress to return to his wife and children.

On the night of January 17, 1963, Cam Nhung left home to go to Kim Son dance hall to work. As she was approaching the taxi, a man crossed the street, approached her, and threw acid in her face.

Cam Nhung could only scream for help and then collapsed. The horrible j.ealousy incident shook Saigon, consuming countless papers and ink from the press. Although Cam Nhung was hospitalized, the situation could not be saved. The beauty of the famous dancer was completely destroyed.

The terrible j.ealousy incident made Ms. Tran Le Xuan (Wife Dinh Nhu) angry. She personally visited and took Cam Nhung abroad for treatment, but foreign doctors also had to give up. Advisor Ngo Dinh Nhu forced Lieutenant Colonel Thuc to discharge from the army.

Three months after the incident, Ms. Nguyet and 2 accomplices had to appear in court, each receiving 20 years in prison. However, the case was later suspended and forgotten because Nguyet's family was very powerful.

As for Cam Nhung, she went from a beauty to a scuba diving fish to a rabid narcissist. The rich lovers also absolutely did not come to visit. Both in pain and hatred for life, Cam Nhung became addicted to d.rugs and fell into a series of social evils.

After losing all her fortune due to g.ambling, her mother and a close nanny died, and Cam Nhung became more and more desperate because there was nothing left. In 1969, people in Saigon began to see Cam Nhung enlarging the photo she and Lieutenant Colonel Thuc carried in front of her chest and then wandered on the street to beg.

Cam Nhung - Saigon's most famous dancer was doused with acid for being a minor, had to beg until she died - Photo 3.

Cam Nhung trudged to practice on many routes in Saigon and then returned to My Thuan ferry station in the West. She was sent to a nursing home for the disabled, but she escaped to continue begging and disappeared for a while.

Exactly 50 years after the j.ealousy attack, in early 2013, Cam Nhung died in a poor inn in Ha Tien town (Kien Giang province), where beggars, lottery ticket sellers, porters from all over the world came to rent a house. inn. She was taken care of by her peers with a cheap coffin, and then taken to the cemetery.

Cam Nhung's life as a dancer seemed to have everything, but then it was completely ruined because of blind love, lost her way. If at first she was determined not to accept i.ntercourse with married men, and did not turn herself into a "third person", perhaps life would be much better.

Cam Nhung - Saigon's most famous dancer was doused with acid because she was a minor, had to beg until she died - Photo 4.

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