The mystery of the ghost ship floating in the air at sea makes many people panic

An NhiJul 24, 2024 at 15:25

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The image of ships floating on the sea surface makes many people think that these are the "cursed" ships in legends. However, according to scientific explanation, this is a rare optical illusion phenomenon.

Recently, a clip was recorded by someone at Lake Huron, in the town of Tobermory, Canada, showing the silhouette of a black ship hovering above the water. The clip "caused a fever" on social networks and made many people stir, as they thought it was a "ghost ship".

The mystery of the ghost ship floating in the air at sea makes many people panic - Photo 1

The "flying ship" phenomenon is not uncommon and has caused a stir on social networks. In 2022, social networks went viral with a strange image showing a large cargo ship near the small village of Coverack in Cornwall, England, and it appeared to be hovering above the horizon.

The mystery of the ghost ship floating in the air at sea makes many people panic - Photo 2

In 2021, a man in England while walking along the beach was extremely surprised when he encountered a large transport ship floating in the air. This image was recorded by David Morris at the beach in a village in Gillan - Cornwall. He accidentally looked out to sea and captured an amazing moment. David wondered if it was an optical illusion that caused him to see the "amazing and disturbing" scene.

David's photo shows a large red and white ship floating on the water, above is a beautiful blue sky and blue sea. The giant ship seems to be floating above the waves. The photo was taken on the Cornish coast.

The mystery of the ghost ship floating in the air at sea makes many people panic - Photo 3

According to Cornwall Live, it is possible that the optical illusion that created the strange scene was caused by a cloud forming near the coast. The cloud formation seemed to change the color of the sea water near the horizon, making the ship at sea appear to be floating.

It is also possible that the ship is in a cloudless area and therefore the sky reflects the sea. An optical illusion is when we perceive an image or painting/photo in a different way than it actually is. According to experts, not everyone sees visual images the same way.

Or in the short video said to be filmed in Shenzhen, two cargo ships with a tonnage of thousands of tons appear to be floating above the sea. The incident caused a stir among Chinese netizens, forcing state media to get involved.

The Beijing government's People's Daily said the strange incident was filmed in Shenzhen on July 14. The clip, about 30 seconds long, shows two large cargo ships seemingly floating above the sea even though each has a tonnage of several thousand tons.

The mystery of the ghost ship floating in the air at sea makes many people panic - Photo 4

The incident has created a debate on Chinese social media, with some people claiming that this is new technology in the shipbuilding industry. Some people even go as far as to humorously claim that this is a spaceship (?!).

The Global Times, also of the Beijing government, responded on the morning of July 15 and quelled the speculations. This newspaper quoted "Chinese authorities" as saying that no cargo ships in Shenzhen were hovering over the sea on July 14.

"This is just a natural phenomenon. Humans have been deceived by nature," asked the Global Times.

As explained by this newspaper, the evaporation of water along the coast is the reason why many people are deceived. Water vapor makes the sea surface the same color as the sky, so from some angles, objects floating on the sea surface appear to be floating in the air.

Decode the mystery

According to scientists, this is the Fata Morgana phenomenon, a type of illusion that makes objects appear to be above the horizon, which can be seen on land or sea.

The illusion phenomenon called Fata Morgana is considered the most mysterious illusion phenomenon in the world. It is nihilistic, mysterious and unpredictable. To this day, it is still a natural mystery that science cannot explain.

The mystery of the ghost ship floating in the air at sea makes many people panic - Photo 5

According to Explorersweb, it is named after the wizard in Arthurian legend, who specialized in creating illusions of non-existent islands floating in the sky to fool sailors.

"The phenomenon occurs on the water surface due to the superposition of air layers with different extractions," a spokesman for the British Met Office (Met Office) said, saying that this is a rare and complex form of mirage.

For a Fata Morgana to appear, atmospheric conditions must be in harmony. It begins with a mass of cold air near the ground or water surface covered by a layer of warm air higher in the atmosphere. Although Fata Morgana can occur on land, they are more common at sea because the water helps form the necessary layer of cool air.

The mystery of the ghost ship floating in the air at sea makes many people panic - Photo 6

There are some places in the world that seem to be more prone to these mirages than others such as Antarctica (viewable from McMurdo Station), Lake Ontario, California coastal waters.

Thus, it can be confirmed that the ships that appear floating in the sky are not ships hit by a curs.e, but are all just illusions created by light refraction and the special climate of the terrain. direction.

The mystery of the ghost ship floating in the air at sea makes many people panic - Photo 7

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