Fubao's "rumored boyfriend" is known as the French Prince

Mẫn NhiApr 10, 2024 at 09:34

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After the news of Fubao's return to the country, the question most interested in on Cnet was " Will Fubao date a boyfriend and become a mother?" . The strongest "candidate" whose name is being mentioned a lot is "French Prince" Vien Mong.

News about the panda Fubao during the transition from Korea to China is currently receiving the attention of many people. Initial images at the Panda Conservation and Research Center in Sichuan province show that the nearly 4-year-old panda is getting used to the environment, being prepared with familiar food such as bamboo, bamboo shoots, carrots, apples and vitamin supplements. Fubao was quite happy when he saw food and chose an apple to refuel first after the long journey.

Fubaos rumored boyfriend is known as the French Prince - Photo 1

During this time, experts will be careful every step of the way to help Fubao quickly adapt. Before returning home, this diplomatic panda was practiced by the Korean side in Chinese every day to get used to it.

After the news of Fubao's return to the country, the question most interested in on Cnet was " Will Fubao date a boyfriend and become a mother?" . Regarding this issue, Tang Wen - a caretaker working at the China Panda Conservation and Research Center said:

"It's still too early. Fubao is not yet 4 years old and is just a cub. Although he can live independently from his mother, he is not yet fully grown, so there is currently no specific m.ating plan . In the near future, it will be difficult to see Fubao 'dating'."

Fubaos rumored boyfriend is known as the French Prince - Photo 2

However, many reports say that when Fubao is old enough, he will marry a "French boy" named Vien Mong.

Vien Mong is the first panda born at Beauval Zoo (France) on August 4, 2017 to parents Yuanzai and Huanhuan. On December 4, 2017, Mrs. Peng Liyuan (wife of President Xi Jinping) and French First Lady Brigitte Macron jointly named this panda with the thought of "fulfilling dreams". This is not only a good wish for the bears but also carries expectations for the China-France friendship.

Fubaos rumored boyfriend is known as the French Prince - Photo 3

By 2021, Vien Mong's parents continued to give birth to a set of twins and the whole family became the "stars" of Beauval Zoo. In particular, Vien Mong is loved by many people and is called by the nickname "little prince".

Fubaos rumored boyfriend is known as the French Prince - Photo 4

Vien Mong also has the honor of having the French President's wife, Brigitte Macron, as her godmother. According to the commitment between France and China, the bear cub is owned by the Chinese Government at birth, so after weaning, Vien Mong was brought back to China in 2018.

Fubaos rumored boyfriend is known as the French Prince - Photo 5

According to the agreement between China and France, by July 25, 2023, Vien Mong returned to the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base (China). On the day Vien Mong left, there were many people who came to say goodbye to this panda as he left.

Mrs. Brigitte Macron herself came to Charles de Gaulle International Airport (Paris, France) to say goodbye to Vien Mong as well as express her joy because she is about to start a new life.

Fubaos rumored boyfriend is known as the French Prince - Photo 6

On March 22, a bronze sculpture named "Vien Mong" was officially launched at Beauval Safari Zoo. The 2.5 meter high work depicts the adorable image of Vien Mong lying in her mother's arms.

Fubaos rumored boyfriend is known as the French Prince - Photo 7

Director Rodolfo Delors said this is also a work marking the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China, and is a symbol of peace and friendship.

As a strong candidate for the title of "Fubao's boyfriend", netizens seem extremely excited and wait for the day when Fubao becomes an adult so that the "Samsung princess" can pair up with the "French Prince".

Fubaos rumored boyfriend is known as the French Prince - Photo 8

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