Eating Tet feast Vietnamese style: Team Chau Phi kept shaking their heads and raising their hands because of 2 'shocking' dishes?

Lan ChiJan 25, 2025 at 08:22

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Two traditional Vietnamese dishes that often appear during death anniversaries, holiday parties, and Tet are spring rolls and boiled chicken, which Africans who eat them for the first time continuously praise as delicious.

Eating Tet feast Vietnamese style: Team Chau Phi kept shaking their heads and raising their hands because of 2 shocking dishes? - Photo 1

Cong Giap (from Nghe An) is a familiar member of the African group who has been with Quang Linh Vlogs for many years in Angola. In addition to supporting local people in farming, he also regularly cooks typical Vietnamese dishes to introduce to the people here such as: stir-fried beans with chicken gizzards, pig ear salad, roast pork, chicken rice, grilled pork vermicelli, and red wine sauce bread.

In a recent video posted on his YouTube channel with over 626,000 subscribers, Cong Giap went to Maiala village to cook a Vietnamese-style feast on the occasion of the inauguration ceremony of a new house for the parish priest. This was a special gift from a Vietnamese donor to the Angolan parish priest.

In this intimate party, in addition to Cong Giap and the parish priest, there were also the village chief, the district police chief, the landowner and a few other people.

Eating Tet feast Vietnamese style: Team Chau Phi kept shaking their heads and raising their hands because of 2 shocking dishes? - Photo 2

"Dear father and uncles, today I want to celebrate the inauguration of your house and organize a spring meeting with everyone. I will cook a traditional Vietnamese meal," Cong Giap said excitedly.

Quang Linh Vlogs group members also enthusiastically introduced some Vietnamese dishes at the party, including boiled chicken, potato and rib soup, and spring rolls.

There is also white rice and herbs for everyone to enjoy. "All the dishes in today's meal are cooked in Vietnamese style. On holidays, Tet or death anniversaries of Vietnamese people, there is almost always boiled chicken and spring rolls like this," Cong Giap added.

Eating Tet feast Vietnamese style: Team Chau Phi kept shaking their heads and raising their hands because of 2 shocking dishes? - Photo 3

He also meticulously instructed everyone on how to enjoy dishes like Vietnamese people. For example, boiled chicken sprinkled with chopped lemon leaves, dipped in seasoning powder, and spring rolls eaten with herbs, dipped in sweet and sour fish sauce.

The district police chief revealed that this was the first time he had tasted traditional Vietnamese food. Therefore, he was very excited and curious to know how the spring rolls and boiled chicken tasted. "The dishes were all delicious. I have never tried anything like this. The fish sauce is also special, it is still delicious when dipped in boiled chicken," he said.

Eating Tet feast Vietnamese style: Team Chau Phi kept shaking their heads and raising their hands because of 2 shocking dishes? - Photo 4

As the main character of the party, the priest expressed his emotion when enjoying the Vietnamese-style feast on the day of moving to his new home. The priest picked up a piece of boiled chicken with chopped lemon leaves, gently dipped it in seasoning powder and slowly tasted it.

The priest commented that the boiled chicken was firm, fragrant and naturally sweet. Throughout the meal, the members kept raising their fingers to show their satisfaction and delight. Everyone praised the deliciousness and expressed surprise at the way Vietnamese people prepare ingredients and season each dish with unique spices.

Eating Tet feast Vietnamese style: Team Chau Phi kept shaking their heads and raising their hands because of 2 shocking dishes? - Photo 5

In addition, on a previous occasion, Africans had tried Vietnamese banh tet for the first time. They repeatedly praised the dish for its deliciousness and admitted that it made them feel full for a long time, so even though they craved it, they could not eat any more. Accordingly, Cong Giap and Son Thach went to Maiala village and treated the priest, the Portuguese landowner, and some locals to Vietnamese banh tet.

Eating Tet feast Vietnamese style: Team Chau Phi kept shaking their heads and raising their hands because of 2 shocking dishes? - Photo 6

Son Thach said that his family recently had a death anniversary and was making banh tet, so he conveniently made 5 more to invite the villagers to enjoy this traditional Vietnamese delicacy. In addition to the banh tet he wrapped by hand, he also prepared ham, chili sauce and fried eggs.

Eating Tet feast Vietnamese style: Team Chau Phi kept shaking their heads and raising their hands because of 2 shocking dishes? - Photo 7

Having not eaten Vietnamese banh tet for a long time, Cong Giap also seemed excited. "It's raining today, the weather is cold like this, having sticky rice and banh tet to eat is perfect for everyone", he said. A member of the Quang Linh Vlogs team also revealed that banh tet is sticky and fragrant, and makes you feel full for a long time, so it is suitable for locals.

"Africans have a very strong appetite and this dish makes them feel full for a long time, so after eating it they will have enough energy to work for many hours," Cong Giap added.

To preserve the natural flavor and help people fully enjoy the dish, Cong Giap and Son Thach peel and cut the banh tet into thin slices instead of frying it.

Eating Tet feast Vietnamese style: Team Chau Phi kept shaking their heads and raising their hands because of 2 shocking dishes? - Photo 8

The ham was also served on a plate, cut into bite-sized pieces. When everything was ready, the two invited everyone to sit at the table and happily shared about the special Vietnamese cake during Tet. "This is a traditional cake in Vietnam, wrapped in banana leaves. And this is ham, eaten with banh tet, it is very delicious. Banh tet is made from sticky rice so it is very sticky and filling. And ham is made from minced meat," Cong Giap introduced.

After sharing from Quang Linh Vlogs team member, everyone was excited to enjoy it. The priest said he had never eaten anything similar to banh tet. When Cong Giap asked him about the dish, the priest kept nodding his head in praise, showing his enjoyment.

Eating Tet feast Vietnamese style: Team Chau Phi kept shaking their heads and raising their hands because of 2 shocking dishes? - Photo 9

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