Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linh's team brought it to Angola to become a specialty.

Uyển ĐìnhOct 23, 2024 at 14:52

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Continuously developing agriculture in Angola, the African team (with Quang Linh as a member) is turning rocky lands into farms with many high-yield agricultural products, notably rice, carrots, onions, cabbage, kohlrabi....

Angola is one of the African countries with a large number of Vietnamese people living, working and contributing to the host country. In particular, recently, the activities of Quang Linh and Team Africa have received positive reviews from the community, with activities supporting agricultural development, promoting Vietnamese culture and cuisine.

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 1

Vietnamese farmers in Africa are increasingly proving the saying "With human strength, stones can turn into rice", especially Quang Linh Farm, founded by Quang Linh and the African team. The farm has so far produced many agricultural products such as corn, sugarcane, vegetables, along with livestock, poultry, and seafood, creating livelihoods for many local people.

Recently, on his YouTube channel, Quang Linh posted a video showing off the scene of harvesting onions to sell at the market and earning a large amount of mone.y.

According to the shared image, there are 20 rows of onions harvested. Unlike in Vietnam, the leaves are not removed because Angolans often buy the whole onion plant.

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 2

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 3

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 4

As soon as they were brought to the market to sell, traders fought over each other to buy, causing chaos. Currently, no one is buying wholesale, so they are forced to sell retail at the price of 4 small bulbs for 100 Kz, 2 large bulbs for 100 Kz. Some people bought for 12,000 Kz, some even brought pots and sacks to store them.

In Angola, it is the dry season, the local people mainly focus on raising livestock. During this season, not many people grow crops, because the soil is loose and drains well, making it difficult to irrigate the plants and may not be as effective as expected. Therefore, onions become a popular crop.

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 5

Walking around the market, Quang Linh realized that the onions that the vendors were selling were all bought from him. They had been selling since 12 noon, and 2 hours later, the number of customers was still not stopping. The total amount of mone.y earned from this sale was 560,000 Kz (equivalent to nearly 15 million VND). This amount will be used by the farm to offset the cost of nitrogen fertilizer.

Quang Linh shared that he sells a lot but farming here is really difficult. "Currently, the Angolan currency has lost a lot of value, and people are poor and hungry. Growing big tubers is a joy, but I'm afraid that no one will buy them at the market because each region is different. Only in economically developed areas are people willing to spend a lot of mone.y to buy food."

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 6

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 7

Every day, working hard with his African team on a 14-hectare plot of land, Quang Linh said that he never runs out of work. The Nghe An native also shared that Quang Linh Farm will reduce cultivation, increase livestock farming, and soon raise more pigs. At the same time, the Quang Linh Vlogs channel will no longer have daily videos to focus on implementing projects at the farm.

In particular, Quang Linh also helped Angolan people grow wet rice. He guided them by teaching them how to dig ditches, bring water from streams, and farming techniques, and brought 6 boxes of rice seeds from Vietnam for experimental planting.

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 8

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 9

After that successful rice planting, Quang Linh decided to invest 14 hectares of wasteland to create a farm, with an investment capital of 4 billion VND. This place has created many jobs for local people.

Notably, the Angolan Minister of Agriculture personally visited and encouraged the African team when he saw their rice growing achievements. He also bought 5 kg of rice for the team to try.

Not only helping people, Quang Linh is also praised for being very considerate when taking care of food and accommodation for his brothers. In addition to buying farms, investing in clothes, and raising livestock for himself, Quang Linh Vlogs also often looks at pieces of land a few hundred meters in size to buy or give a part to his employees, helping them settle down and work.

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 10

In addition, Quang Linh is loved for his many charitable activities and helping people in Angola. When seeing that Sanzala village still had many difficulties, Quang Linh's group donated mone.y to hire workers to drill wells to create a clean water source, and at the same time installed a solar power system, and brought power lines to each house... In addition, Quang Linh also spent 2 years building and repairing schools, going to each house to mobilize people, and sending 5,000 children to school.

In 2023, he donated a total of about 1.07 billion VND to build Sailundo Secondary School. In addition, he also supported 100% of tuition fees for students and teachers' salaries, along with school supplies, uniforms, teaching and recreational facilities, etc.

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 11

The Vietnamese community in Angola is the largest in Africa. The first generation of Vietnamese in Angola were medical and educational professionals, living and working long-term in Angola. Later, their families, friends, and neighbors came to live and work with them.

Most of them are hired workers and quite a few are small traders, medium-sized enterprises and even large enterprises. Their industries are quite diverse, the most common being construction, auto repair shops, followed by food production, and public service activities. What Quang Linh and the African Team are doing are considered miracles and myths to the local people.

Stunned by the type of tuber sold in abundance in Vietnamese markets, Quang Linhs team brought it to Angola to become a specialty. - Photo 12

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