Vu Luan was once sued by a female tycoon in the US and almost sold his house to pay off a debt of 75 thousand dollars.

Thảo MaiOct 10, 2024 at 07:09

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Since publicly dating Phuong Le and having a conflict with Vu Linh's daughter, Hong Loan, Vu Luan has received many mixed opinions. The male artist's past lawsuits have also been dug up.

Borrowed money from a rich woman, sued for money

In 2009, Phap Luat newspaper reported that Vu Luan went to the US and borrowed about 75,000 USD from a female tycoon named Thuy and had paid back 12,000 USD. Ms. Thuy filed a lawsuit to claim the remaining amount and the incurred expenses at the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City.

Vu Luan was once sued by a female tycoon in the US and almost sold his house to pay off a debt of 75 thousand dollars. - Photo 1

At the first instance, the court held that the transactions between the parties in USD were invalid, so it forced the parties to restore the original status and return to each other what they had received. Ms. Thuy then appealed because, according to her, Vietnamese law only requires transactions within Vietnam to use Vietnamese Dong, while transactions outside Vietnam do not require and cannot require the use of this currency. Therefore, the transaction between the two parties is completely legal.

Vu Luan was once sued by a female tycoon in the US and almost sold his house to pay off a debt of 75 thousand dollars. - Photo 2

Previously, Vu Luan said that Ms. Thuy supported him with money to produce and sell CDs. However, the business situation was not favorable, Ms. Thuy forced him to pay a large amount of money at once before the deadline (according to Vu Luan, the repayment deadline was 2010), and charged interest so he was unable to pay as requested. Vu Luan accepted all responsibility, hoping that the creditor would perform as agreed and that he would sell his house to pay off the debt as soon as possible...

Vu Luan was once sued by a female tycoon in the US and almost sold his house to pay off a debt of 75 thousand dollars. - Photo 3

Regarding this matter, Ms. Thuy's lawyer said that the parties had clearly agreed in the contract that the debt repayment obligation arose on March 24, 2007, and the 2010 deadline that Vu Luan mentioned was the deadline that came with the agreement for Ms. Thuy to own Vu Luan's house. Because Ms. Thuy is a foreigner and does not meet the conditions to own a house in the country, the above agreement is invalid, and therefore, it is impossible to base on the time of 2010 to say that Vu Luan's debt repayment deadline has not yet arrived.

Vu Luan was once sued by a female tycoon in the US and almost sold his house to pay off a debt of 75 thousand dollars. - Photo 4

Sued for 20 billion

On October 10, 2019, Nguyen Tam and Kien Vang Advertising Trading Company Limited - directed by Mr. Tran Minh Trong (Minh Bo) - signed a contract to produce the film Where is Love. Next, singer Nguyen Tam registered copyright at the Copyright Office and was granted copyright registration certificate No. 8607/2020/QTG on November 18, 2020.

Vu Luan was once sued by a female tycoon in the US and almost sold his house to pay off a debt of 75 thousand dollars. - Photo 5

Later, singer Nguyen Tam was informed by a friend that the film was being prepared for release on YouTube by a company. "I called the director of photography Minh Bo and found out that Vu Luan Entertainment Company had somehow taken the unfinished film that director of photography Minh Bo had given to the dubbing company, because Kien Vang Company had to cooperate with the dubbing company to complete the film," Nguyen Tam stated in the petition.

Vu Luan was once sued by a female tycoon in the US and almost sold his house to pay off a debt of 75 thousand dollars. - Photo 6

Upon discovering the incident, Nguyen Tam sent an email and contacted to request the removal of the film trailer, and announced that any unit wishing to screen this film must receive his written consent. According to Mr. Nguyen Tam, artist Vu Luan's company continued to use the film's materials under the name Happiness Far Away, changed the author and director's names, kept only the content and arbitrarily released it on YouTube and Facebook without his consent.

Mr. Nguyen Tam said that the actions of the Vu Luan artist company violated his rights and legitimate interests and seriously affected his reputation and honor, and that the Kien Vang Company did not protect confidential information as committed in the contract, causing the content of the film Where Love is revealed to a third party. In the petition, Nguyen Tam forced the defendant to be jointly responsible for compensation of 20 billion VND.

Vu Luan was once sued by a female tycoon in the US and almost sold his house to pay off a debt of 75 thousand dollars. - Photo 7

Meanwhile, Vu Luan affirmed that he wrote and had exclusive rights to the film script. He also directly contacted, worked with, and signed contracts with the actors. According to Vu Luan, his company cooperated with Kien Vang Company to film and produce the film, according to his ideas. He transferred the remuneration to this unit through his personal account. He kept all the evidence proving the incident and he believes in the fairness of the law.

Vu Luan was once sued by a female tycoon in the US and almost sold his house to pay off a debt of 75 thousand dollars. - Photo 8

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