Công ty của Quang Linh - Hằng Du Mục phải giải trình gì về vụ kẹo rau củ?

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From the noise of the vegetable candy case, Quang Linh Vlogs made the audience disappointed. Looking back on his journey from Angola to Vietnam, many people are curious about his current way of doing business and income.
From a young man who came to Angola to work as a hired laborer, Quang Linh became a "boss" with farming and livestock projects. In Angola, Quang Linh Vlogs invested 4.3 billion VND to buy 14 hectares of land, plant seeds, and hire workers,... livestock farms and crop cultivation in Africa. He rents land to grow crops, hires local people to work for him in the fields and farms.
In addition, Quang Linh Vlogs has built a significant fortune thanks to his YouTube channel with more than 4.1 million subscribers and about 1,700 videos so far. According to data from Social Blade in 2023, the estimated revenue from Quang Linh's channel ranges from 8,000 to 128,600 USD/month. In addition to YouTube, this guy's website also attracts more than 2.2 million followers, each post receives thousands to tens of thousands of interactions.
It is estimated that each year will earn from 843 million VND to more than 13.5 billion VND. This is the dream number of many content creators on social networks. However, this is only an estimate. In fact, the income from Youtube of channel owners in Vietnam is still an unknown.
In a rare time sharing with the public about the amount of mone.y received from YouTube each month in a video posted on YouTube, Quang Linh Vlogs said that the lowest revenue at the beginning was 100 USD to more than 1,000 USD after becoming famous (estimated at 2.4 million to more than 24 million VND)
In addition to income from social networks, Quang Linh Vlogs is also the vice president of an exclusive management and distribution unit of a perfume brand in Vietnam. He collaborated with Miss Thuy Tien.
In addition, Quang Linh also opens a clothing shop on e-commerce platforms called "Quang Linh Store" and currently owns 3 distributors in 3 major countries including Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.
Most recently, on January 21, 2025, Quang Linh opened Cku Linh Rice Bowl restaurant in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. It is known that Quang Linh's restaurant is more about traditional rice dishes.
From a YouTuber specializing in life content, Quang Linh gradually switched to the field of sales livestream, taking advantage of great influence on social networks. The appearance of Quang Linh in livestream sessions with Hang Du Muc - another famous KOC, has created shopping "fevers", bringing in millions of orders.
Recently, Quang Linh Vlogs and his team were also entangled in a bigger controversy related to the advertising of Kera vegetable candy - an item developed by Sister Rot Group Joint Stock Company (CER Group), where he and Hang Du Muc are shareholders. In the livestream sessions at the end of 2024, Quang Linh once affirmed: "1 candy is equivalent to 1 plate of vegetables" while Hang Du Muc also promoted that this product can replace "1 bunch of vegetables" for the body.
However, these claims were quickly questioned by the online community. The culmination was that in early March 2025, another TikToker brought the product for inspection at the Technical Center for Quality Metrology Standards 2.
The results showed that each 100g of Kera candy contained only 0.51g of fiber - that is, one candy (about 3.2g) only had about 0.016g of fiber, much lower than the amount of fiber in a regular vegetable plate (about 1.5-3g depending on the type of vegetable). For comparison, an average banana (2.6g of fiber) is equivalent to about 153 Kera candies, making the advertisement "1 ball equals 1 plate of vegetables" judged to be overblown.
The incident caused a storm on social networks, leading to a series of harsh attacks on Quang Linh, Hang Du Muc and Thuy Tien. Under public pressure, on February 24, 2025, Quang Linh posted an apology, admitting that the advertising information was inaccurate and affirming that the product was only a food supplement, not a substitute for vegetables.
Tôn Bằng phốt Hằng Du Mục bán hàng lậu, ham lời, hứa tung bằng chứng Minh Lợi10:19:11 10/03/2025Những ngày vừa qua, Hằng Du Mục (Nguyễn Thị Thái Hằng, sinh năm 1995) và em rọt Quang Linh Vlog trở thành nhân vật được cư dân mạng chú ý do ồn ào quảng cáo sai sự thật sản phẩm yến sào và kẹo rau.
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