Mount Kailash - Tibet's impregnable holy place and mysterious stories

Hà HàJul 24, 2021 at 21:07

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The people of each country have different religious beliefs. If the mountain god of the ancient Greeks was Mount Olympia, the mountain of the Jews was Mount Sinai, and the mountain of the Han people was Mount Kunlun, for the Tibetans, Mount Kailash was considered the gateway to the realms. 7th invisible of the great sages.

Mount Kailash - Tibet's impregnable holy place and mysterious stories - Photo 1

The ancestral land of life

According to mythology, Mount Kailash is the axis of the Earth or the ladder leading to the sky, the intersection between Heaven and Earth. In Hinduism, Mount Kailash is considered the abode of Lord Shiva. Buddhism says that Buddha once lived here. In fact, Mount Kailash, more than 1,000 km west of Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, is a magnificent red cobblestone mountain that stands tall among the surrounding mountains.

Its miraculous shape is the symbol of Buddhism: Mandala, meaning the universe in miniature, also means the convergence of merit and wisdom. The southern body of the mountain has a flat stone layer, forming a ladder that can reach the heavens. Mount Kailash is also considered the "Center of the World" in the hearts of followers of religions such as Buddhism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.

According to Buddhist legend, this is where the city of the gods can be found, is a holy place that holds the treasures of mysterious knowledge of the ancients, also known as Mount Sumeru. It is said that the Buddha and 500 Arahants flew from Bodhgaya (India) to Mount Kailash.

Then the Buddha sat on the rock in front of Mount Kailash and taught the teachings to the Naga Gods residing at the sacred lake Manasarovar and the demon lake Lanka. Mount Kailash is also the God-City of the Somachi people, enlightened practitioners who turn themselves to stone. This holy place is surrounded by 4 mountains of 4 Buddhas and Vajra in the Five Wisdom Tathagatas, the caves of Patriarch Milarepa, the ashram of Patriarch Lotus-Born and the cave of Bodhisattva Guan Yin.

It is said that in 1093, the great Master Mat Lac Nhat Ba (Milarepa), the founder of the Kagyupa sect of Tibetan Buddhism, went to Mount Kailash to practice, but was taught by the great master Na Nhuoc Ban Quynh of Bon. prevent. Na Nhuoc Ban Quynh said that the top of Mount Kailash is the God Mountain of the Bon religion, Buddhist followers like Mat Lac Nhat Ba can practice here. The two sides argue forever, in the end, the contract of fightin.g the Dharma wins or loses, whoever wins will have the right to decide, the person who climbs to the top of Kailash first will be the winner.

At the beginning of the match, Na Nhuoc Ban Quynh immediately aimed at the top of the mountain, and Mat Lac Nhat Ba was still sleeping soundly in no hurry. When Na Nhuoc Ban Quynh was about to climb to the top of the mountain, she suddenly discovered that Mat Lac Nhat Ba was sitting neatly on the top of the mountain and was calmly looking at her. Na Nhuoc Ban Quynh fell backwards in surprise. Currently, there is a deep slip on the southern slope of Mount Kailash, which is said to have been saved by Na Nhuoc Ban Quynh. From then on, the god mountain of Bon religion became the Holy Land of Buddhist cultivators.

Mount Kailash - Tibet's impregnable holy place and mysterious stories - Photo 2

At the foot of Mount Kailash, there is Lake Manasarovar, which is also because of the quiet practice of Mat Lac Nhat Ba, which then got its name. Manasarovar in Tibetan means "Invincible Jade Lake". Since that time, Tibetan Buddhism, which was on the verge of extinction, turned into a strong revival, like a phoenix bathed in fire reborn Nirvana. And Mount Kailash has also become a mountain of the first God in the hearts of Buddhists, also the land where the ancestors of life began to be reborn.

Later, archaeologists found written records that a Portuguese missionary had left in the cave. These records talk about a mystery that still cannot be solved to this day, that is, at the foot of Mount Kailash there was once an ancient kingdom, with 100,000 inhabitants. But this kingdom and its inhabitants suddenly evaporated overnight. Since then there has been no word, and in history there are no more records of them.

However, there are two theories about the disappearance of this kingdom. One is that they were destroyed by the Ladakh kingdom in the west. Another theory is that they were destroyed by natural disasters. However, there are also many scholars who believe that the massacr.e war is not enough to wipe out the ancient civilization. Moreover, from the remain.s of Co Cach to this day, it doesn't look like it was destroyed by a natural disaster in the blink of an eye. According to many speculations, it is possible that the disappearance of the Ancient Kingdom was related to the desecration of the mountain of God...

Mount Kailash - Tibet's impregnable holy place and mysterious stories - Photo 3

Not allowed to see god

"No mortal is allowed to ascend to the top of Mount Kailash, among the clouds, the abode of the gods. Anyone who dares to climb the holy mountain and see the gods will die!", this warning almost as found in all the ancient texts of Tibet.

However, in recent decades, there have been many people who ignore this warning and head up the mountain, recklessly trying to conquer one of the most mysterious peaks in the world. It may seem hard to believe, but climbers all have to deal with sudden weather changes, almost insurmountable obstacles, strange experiences, all these inexplicable phenomena. make them come back.

In the 1920s, British mountaineer Hugh Ruttledge and Colonel Wilson made the first expedition to Mount Kailash, each taking a different route. Ruttledge was sure he could climb to the top of the North Mountain, but he was disappointed with his choice because the path he chose was extremely difficult. However, despite the adverse weather conditions, he continued eastward. Finally, he found a route to the top of the mountain. However, it was too late, the temperature dropped unexpectedly and the view was obscured by fog, forcing Ruttledge to turn back.

A similar experience of unusual weather occurred with Colonel Wilson, who ascended the mountain by the road on the southwest side opposite. As soon as he found an easy way to the top of the mountain, the snow fell so heavily that he could no longer climb.

A few years later, Herbert Tichy, an Australian geologist, asked permission to climb the mountain. It was assumed that he would be rejected, they said: "Only someone who is completely pure can climb to the top of Mount Kailash. And such a person does not exist on Earth. With steep cliffs like phases. pears, you can only fly to reach the top of the mountain."

In 1980, the Chinese government gave Reinhold Andreas Messner (who is considered today's greatest mountaineer) the opportunity to conquer Mount Kailash. For unknown reasons, Messner abandoned the idea at the last minute. If we conquer this mountain, he said, it means conquering the most important thing in human spirituality. According to him, this is not wise and should not be done.

Mount Kailash - Tibet's impregnable holy place and mysterious stories - Photo 4

Also in the 80s, a group of American tourists ventured up this unconquered mountain. The whole team was not physically prepared and poorly equipped so their plan did not work out. According to local residents, the incident only stopped a few years later when the American climbers, about 30 years old, suddenly aged during the night. Their fingernails grew abnormally long and their hair turned white for the next two weeks.

Although the phenomenon of abnormally rapid aging has been studied by many people, there is still no scientific explanation. The only explanation found in Tibetan texts says that the mountain is protected by supernatural deities capable of changing reality and time.

In 2007, Russian mountaineer Sergei Cistiakov, after failing to discover Mount Kailash, recalled: "I am an experienced mountaineer, I have made dozens of expeditions to the top of the Himalayas, but what we experienced on this mountain was beyond my understanding.When I came before that sacred mountain that was supposed to be impenetrable, I felt weak before its greatness and feared that it would be the same. like its predecessors, slain by its magic.

After going up, both me and the other team members started complaining of severe headaches. We think it may be due to lack of oxygen due to relative altitude. Hours later, our legs were as heavy as lead, and I could barely crawl. I felt extremely tired and then suddenly haunted by the thought that I had no obligation here, needed to go back.

I began to inform my companions who decided to come back at all costs. As soon as I started going down, I felt liberated. My body became relaxed, my muscles relaxed, I felt like I was walking without weight. A strong auspicious energy enveloped my whole body. Although the trip failed, I feel happier than ever.

I believe that the warnings in the Tibetan texts are not mere fiction and that the experiences dozens of climbers have gone through over the years are not mere coincidences..."

Mount Kailash - Tibet's impregnable holy place and mysterious stories - Photo 5

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