Tong Phuc Kim - The luckiest royal in ancient times, a happy life is considered as the 2nd Wu Zetian

youtuberJun 14, 2021 at 18:09

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In ancient Chinese society, the status of women was very low. However, in history there are also many extraordinary women and one of them is Vo Tac Thien. In addition, there is still a person who is considered a legend and almost became the second Vo Tac Thien. She is Tong Phuc Kim.

Tong Phuc Kim is from Jiangxia, Hubei (now Wuhan), comes from a family of scholars (is an educated lineage), life is not too rich nor to the point of lack of food or clothing. She was born during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, one of the most turbulent times in Chinese history.

Because of the chaos, when fleeing the family had an accident, Tong Phuc Kim and his family lost each other. Fortunately, the governor Vuong Nhung saw that Tong Phuc Kim's situation was too pitiful, so he kept her and arranged to be the maidservant for the great lady of the Royal Family.

Tong Phuc Kim - The luckiest dentist in ancient times, a happy life is seen as the 2nd Vo Tac Thien - Photo 1.

At that time, Emperor Nam Ngo had no real name, and great power in the court was in the hands of the great man Tu On. Tu On has an adopted son named Tu Chi Cao, he respects this person very much. Later, Tu Chi Cao became close with the great lady of the Vuong family, Tong Phuc Kim with the status of a maid and a concubine also moved to live in the Tu family, becoming a housekeeper.

The ancient maidservant not only served the lady, but when that lady was married off, the maid also had the added responsibility of serving her husband. Tong Phuc Kim is also often blessed by Tu Chi Cao.

While the great lady of the Wang family was sick and could not have children, Tong Phuc Kim soon gave birth to a plump son, named Tu Canh Thong. The mother is precious (meaning the mother's wealth depends on her children), thanks to Tu Canh Thong, Tong Phuc Kim is more loved by Tu Chi Cao.

Tong Phuc Kim - The luckiest dentist in ancient times, a happy life is seen as the 2nd Vo Tac Thien - Photo 2.

The Great Lady of the Royal Family was disgraced for a long time, because she was too sad and physically weak, this person died after a serious illness. After that, Tu Chi Cao raised the head of the court to pay the price of Tong Phuc Kim to become his main house.

With the wisdom of being educated from a young age, Tong Phuc Kim often helps Tu Chi Cao in difficult matters. This made Tu Chi Cao love her even more.

In the 7th Thuan Nghia year (ie 927), the great minister Tu On died, his adopted son Tu Chi Cao took over his power. Not only wanted to seize all power, Tu Chi Cao also devoted all his efforts to seize the throne.

In the 3rd year of Ngo Thien To (ie 937), Emperor Duong Pho ceded the throne to Tu Chi Cao, the Ngo dynasty officially collapsed. From Chi Cao ascended the throne, changed to Ly, took the name Ly Bian and established the state of Nam Duong. As for Tong Kim Phuc, the former maid of honor, now she has become the mother of the world, and is a high-ranking empress who founded the country.

Tong Phuc Kim - The luckiest dentist in ancient times, a happy life is considered the second Vo Tac Thien - Photo 3.

In 943, Ly Bian died at the age of 56, his son Ly Canh (ie Tu Canh Thong) inherited the throne, Tong Kim Phuc became the Empress Dowager. At that time, Ly Canh was still young, many ministers thought of Tong Kim Phuc's ability in the past, so they tried to convince her to go to court to confess and handle the official case.

However, if Tong Kim Phuc has ambition, she will become a second Vo Tac Thien, but she is not like that. She entrusts (requests, entrusts) the great god of martial arts to support Ly Canh, and she herself is at ease as an empress dowager.

Although Tong Phuc Kim lost her parents at a young age and became a maid, she soon experienced the bitterness of life, but later she had the opportunity to become Empress, and then Empress Dowager. People always consider her to be the luckiest dentist in ancient times.

But besides that, there is still an ambitious Queen who dreams of becoming the second Vo Tac Thien and creepy prophecy.

In feudal times, it was not uncommon for the Empress and concubines to commit mistakes and be punished. Among them, there were people who were stripped of their titles, some were exiled to the cold palace, suffered enough estrangement, even given d.eath with just a glass of poisoned wine or a white ribbon.

Tong Phuc Kim - The luckiest dentist in ancient times, a happy life is seen as the 2nd Vo Tac Thien - Photo 4.

However, China's thousands of years of history only recorded one case, even though it was a "suspect mother", but was sentenced to e.xpose her head in front of the people. It was Empress Vi Thi (often called Empress Vi or Empress Dowager Vi) of the Tang Dynasty, the wife of Duong Trung Tong Ly Hien and also the daughter-in-law of Queen Vo Tac Thien.

When she first married Duong Trung Tong Ly Hien, Wei Empress was known as a gentle and honest woman. Ironically, Lee Hien was not popular with Vo Tac Thien - who held all the power at that time. This is also the reason why he was dethroned by the powerful queen.

Tong Phuc Kim - The luckiest dentist in ancient times, a happy life is seen as the second Vo Tac Thien - Photo 5.

Devoted to caring, not leaving when Lee Hsien was in trouble, Queen Vi finally waited for the day when her husband returned to the throne safely. It was thought that Vi Hau would continue to maintain the image of a gentle and good-natured woman, but no, she increasingly showed her passion for power, no different from Vo Tac Thien's mother-in-law.

According to history, Duong Trung Tong Ly Hien was inherently weak, so he always listened and followed Wei Hau's words in almost everything. However, Wei Hau's ambition is in fact much larger than that. Instead of being the person behind manipulating everything, Vi Hau wanted to stand up and claim the emperor herself, mastering the vast country like Vo Tac Thien's mother-in-law in the past.

In order to realize her dream, Vi Hau is not afraid to kill her own husband who took care of her with all her heart. Trung Tong Ly Hien died on Nham Ngo day, June of the year of the Dog (July 3, 710) at Than Long Palace due to p.oisoning, at the age of 55.

People at that time all blamed Ma Qin Kha and Princess An Lac, but the ministers who supported Tuong Vuong Ly Dan "pointed the spear" at Queen Wei, thinking that she was the one who k.illed the king. In fear, Empress Wei found all sorts of ways to manipulate the court, appointing trusted people to important positions, supporting the Crown Prince to ascend to the throne and becoming the Queen Mother herself.

Tong Phuc Kim - The luckiest dentist in ancient times, a happy life is seen as the 2nd Vo Tac Thien - Photo 6.

After many efforts, Vi Hau has firmly grasped both the government and military power. However, there was one thing that Vi Hau did not anticipate. Those are the trusted people she appointed to important positions, who are actually just "empty drums" who have no real talent. These people often rely on kinship relationships to abuse power, do all kinds of evil things, causing people to complain and complain everywhere.

Therefore, after murdering her husband and becoming the Empress Dowager less than half a month, Wei Empress received a tragic d.eath in the coup led by Princess Thai Binh and Ly Long Co (son of Tuong Vuong Ly Dan and Duong Huyen Duong). Later tones) launched.

Tong Phuc Kim - The luckiest dentist in ancient times, a happy life is seen as the second Vo Tac Thien - Photo 7.

Specifically, being informed that Vi Hau's faction intends to cause difficulties for his father, Ly Long Co decided to carry out a political transformation, eradicating the family of Vi Hau. Hearing about the political upheaval, Vi Hau was extremely frightened and rushed to the Phi Ky camp to seek protection but did not know that the generals here soon hated her to the bone.

Seeing Empress Wei running in panic, the group of people immediately drew their swords, and simultaneously s.lashed at Wei Empress. As a result, Wei was beheaded by a cavalry soldier. That political upheaval caused the entire Wei family from large to small to be chased and k.illed. A few days after the coup d'etat, Empress Wei's head was hung in the eastern market of Truong An.

At this time, many people think back to the previous prophecy of the famous monk of the Tang Dynasty, whose Dharma name is Van Hoi, and found it to be incredibly fulfilled. It is known that Venerable Van Hoi was a bit lonely and less intelligent in his childhood than his peers, but he was very kind.

Tong Phuc Kim - The luckiest dentist in ancient times, a happy life is seen as the 2nd Vo Tac Thien - Photo 8.

He said very little, but every time he predicted something, it would definitely come true, and Wei's d.eath was no exception. Because Venerable Van Hoi was once respected by Vo Tac Thien, Duong Trung Tong Ly Hien often invited him to the palace. Every time she accidentally met Vi empress in the palace, Van Hoi did not hesitate to point her face directly and scold: "Your family will cut off your head!".

Unexpectedly, those vain predictions actually came true. In addition to being beheaded and carried in the middle of the market, Vi Thi was also stripped of her title of Empress, reduced to the rank of subordinate, and was not allowed to join the Emperor's funeral. This is really a sad e.nding for a person who has twice sat in the position of "the mother of the world" like Wei.

Tong Phuc Kim - The luckiest dentist in ancient times, a happy life is considered the second Vo Tac Thien - Photo 9.

Tong Phuc Kim - The luckiest dentist in ancient times, a happy life is seen as the second Vo Tac Thien - Photo 10.

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