Nemo page is "disgusted" by the prison sentence, revealing a "accusation" of lying about pregnancy

Uyển ĐìnhFeb 28, 2024 at 15:49

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The news that Trang Nemo had her application for postponement rejected by the court and had to serve 9 months in prison has received a lot of attention. During this time, her actions on social networks were also quickly noticed by netizens.

According to Nguoi Lao Dong newspaper, on February 27, the People's Court of District 10 (HCMC) just sent a notice of prison sentence e.xecution to Nguyen Xuan Huong Trang (born 1992; also known as Trang Nemo). Accordingly, this person was f.orced to serve the 9-month prison sentence for the crime of "Disturbing public order" that the People's Court of District 1 announced in the first instance.

Nemo page is disgusted by the prison sentence, revealing a accusation of lying about pregnancy - Photo 1

While receiving notice of e.xecution, Trang Nemo posted on her personal page a photo wearing a red outfit with bold cut details showing off her slim waist without any excess fat, attracting the attention of residents. netizens. Below the post, a series of comments wondered about her slim waist because Trang Nemo had previously asked to postpone her 9-month prison sentence for the reason of pregnancy.

Nemo page is disgusted by the prison sentence, revealing a accusation of lying about pregnancy - Photo 2

Nemo page is disgusted by the prison sentence, revealing a accusation of lying about pregnancy - Photo 3

Nemo page is disgusted by the prison sentence, revealing a accusation of lying about pregnancy - Photo 4

According to records, from October 2023 until now, although the appeal judgment of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Court has taken effect, Trang "Nemo" is still on bail and continues to work as a salesperson as if she had not committed a crime. On her personal Facebook page, Trang Nemo and her staff continuously livestream many hours every day to sell fashion products.

Nemo page is disgusted by the prison sentence, revealing a accusation of lying about pregnancy - Photo 5

In September 2023, the Ho Chi Minh City People's Court of Appeal rejected the appeal and upheld the 9-month prison sentence for "disturbing public order" against this defendant. At the trial, Trang Nemo defended herself because she did not have a lawyer and asked for a suspended sentence because she was raising young children, her parents were sick, and her family had someone with meritorious service to the revolution. However, the Trial Council rejected the appeal and upheld the first instance verdict.

Nemo page is disgusted by the prison sentence, revealing a accusation of lying about pregnancy - Photo 6

Next, Trang Nemo submitted a request to postpone the sentence due to pregnancy. The People's Court of District 1 found that defendant Trang resides in District 10, so it entrusted the People's Court of District 10 to execute the judgment.

On January 23, 2024, the Chief Judge of the District 10 People's Court announced the decision not to accept the application to postpone the prison sentence that Nguyen Xuan Huong Trang sent. On January 26, 2024, Trang sent a complaint to the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City against the notice of not accepting the application to postpone the e.xecution of the prison sentence that the Chief Judge of the People's Court of District 10 signed. On February 20, 2024, the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City issued a written response not accepting Trang Nemo's complaint and upholding the announcement of the Chief Judge of District 10 People's Court.


Nemo page is disgusted by the prison sentence, revealing a accusation of lying about pregnancy - Photo 7

On February 23, 2024, the People's Court of District 10 issued a notice on the implementation of the decision to execute the prison sentence for Trang Nemo. On February 26, 2024, Trang Nemo received notice of the e.xecution of the decision to execute the prison sentence.

Trang Nemo's case stems from a conflict over online sales with Ms. Tran Nguyen Tra My. The couple arranged to meet at Trang Nemo's store in District 1. At around 2:45 p.m. on January 16, 2022, Tra My, Ms. Pham Le Khanh and Tran Hoang Yen came to Trang Nemo's store to talk. Here, My and Yen went into the store to meet Trang to apologize, while Khanh stood outside.

Nemo page is disgusted by the prison sentence, revealing a accusation of lying about pregnancy - Photo 8

At about 3:00 p.m. on the same day, while My was apologizing, Khanh entered the store and asked the two girls to leave and an argument broke out with Trang Nemo. During the argument, a f.ight broke out between both sides, and many people at the store joined in b.eating Khanh.

Nemo page is disgusted by the prison sentence, revealing a accusation of lying about pregnancy - Photo 9

The incident was livestreamed on social networks, causing a stir in public opinion, and at the same time causing insecurity and disorder on the street in front of Trang Nemo's store in District 1, the authorities had to come and disperse the crowd. Ms. Pham Le Khanh then sued Trang Nemo and her accomplices to court for injuring her.

Nemo page is disgusted by the prison sentence, revealing a accusation of lying about pregnancy - Photo 10






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