The golf course attendant was 'affected' by the chairman of the real estate group, suddenly revealed, the Golf Association spoke out

JennieDec 12, 2022 at 08:17

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According to Ms. L., after going to the hospital for treatment, the representative of Mr. D.'s side also directly visited and expressed regret about the lack of standards in anger, as well as an apology. sorry and expressed goodwill when there is financial support for treatment.

In the past few days, the fact that Ms. L. - a golf course attendant at BRG Da Nang was "affected" by a golf customer named D. (Chairman of a business in Quang Nam) using a stick to "affect" her, requiring her to be hospitalized for examination and treatment today. December 6 caused a stir in public opinion. Talking to the press, Ms. L said: Immediately after being "affected" by Mr. D on December 6, she was taken to the hospital for examination and treatment. I'm fine, so I was discharged home.

Ms. L. shared that being hit by Mr. D made her angry too. While angry, Mr. D. thought that his reputation had been insulted, so he got angry and said harsh words to her. "After being treated at the hospital, I was allowed to go home. Fortunately, it was only a software injury, which did not affect my health much. After being discharged home, my health returned to normal." .

The golf course attendant was 'affected' by the chairman of the real estate group, suddenly revealed, the Golf Association spoke out - Photo 1

According to Ms. L., she did not have a traumatic brain injury as some information posted on social networking sites. Ms. L. added that all problems have been resolved. The company's side stood to settle on her behalf. The person who broke up with Ms. L also went to the company where she worked to apologize and everything was resolved.

"When I was beaten, I was too surprised and panicked, but it did not affect my health. I only suffered a software injury, not a traumatic brain injury like on social networks," Ms. L. said.

The golf course attendant was 'affected' by the chairman of the real estate group, suddenly revealed, the Golf Association spoke out - Photo 2

According to Ms. L., after going to the hospital for treatment, the representative of Mr. D.'s side also directly visited and expressed regret about the lack of standards in anger, as well as an apology. sorry and expressed goodwill when there is financial support for treatment. The golf course also regularly inquires about health.

"Now, what I look forward to the most is that the company stands out to solve the problem for me in the most satisfactory way, so that I can go back to work soon" - Ms. L. exchange.

The golf course attendant was 'affected' by the chairman of the real estate group, suddenly revealed, the Golf Association spoke out - Photo 3

The representative of Mr. D. said that Mr. D. was very sorry about his uncontrolled actions while angry. Mr. D.'s representative also directly contacted the leader of the golf course where Ms. L works so that next week there will be a working session with the participation of all parties to share and solve this unfortunate matter together.

On the evening of December 11, Mr. Le Hung Nam, Vice President, General Secretary of the Vietnam Golf Association answered PLO about the incident. Talking about the above action, Mr. Nam said: "The Vietnam Golf Association as well as I personally oppose and strongly condemn any actions of any golfers that lack restraint, use force or threaten to use force. for caddies as well as for those serving and operating in the golf industry and in life, it goes against the noble spirit of golf and sport.

The golf course attendant was 'affected' by the chairman of the real estate group, suddenly revealed, the Golf Association spoke out - Photo 4

We will take appropriate action after clarifying the incident as well as receiving the report of the local golf association," said Mr. Nam.

On the same day, the golf club of the Vietnam Tourism Real Estate Association (VnTPA Golf Club) also released a statement saying that they felt very upset when they heard that Mr. institute. "We, on behalf of the VnTPA Golfers Community, would like to sincerely apologize to the caddie and at the same time condemn the actions of Mr.

The golf course attendant was 'affected' by the chairman of the real estate group, suddenly revealed, the Golf Association spoke out - Photo 5

He doesn't deserve to play golf - a sport that requires civility, courtesy and respect for people. Nor can he be called a golfer," the statement said.

Previously, Mr. Nguyen Muoi (Representative of Da Nang Polytechnic Golf Club (BKDN) answered in the press that this is an evil act, severely violating golf rules and golf culture, smearing the image of the golf course. of Vietnamese golfers and the healthy sports industry is developing well, contributing a large part to the tourism industry of our country.

The golf course attendant was 'affected' by the chairman of the real estate group, suddenly revealed, the Golf Association spoke out - Photo 6

In addition to the information, Mr. D. is the Chairman of a large real estate corporation in Quang Nam province, many information streams have been posted, this man is also a member of the People's Council of Quang Nam province. Specifically, Mr. NVD is a delegate to Quang Nam Provincial People's Council, term IX, term 2016-2021 and term X, term 2021-2026.

Before this information, VietnamFinance had an exchange with Mr. Trinh Minh Duc, Chief of Office of the People's Council of Quang Nam province. Mr. Trinh Minh Duc said the People's Council had not received any official information from relevant agencies.

"This I have just heard from the press, the rest of the authorities have not yet had official information," Mr. Duc informed.

The golf course attendant was 'affected' by the chairman of the real estate group, suddenly revealed, the Golf Association spoke out - Photo 7

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