Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve

Chi ChuMar 06, 2023 at 16:52

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Once known as "the reformed prodigy" paired with Meritorious Artist Vu Linh. However, Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam later lived a life full of events in the US with 2 broken marriages, had to work as a service.

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam (real name Nguyen Thi Thanh Thanh) is the daughter of the late Meritorious Artist Nam Hung and the late female artist Thanh Thanh Hoa. Born into a family with artistic traditions, Thanh Thanh Tam soon inherited the quintessence of cai luong. Tai did not wait for age, she followed her parents to sing from the age of 4, to the age of 8 to act in movies and was favored by everyone with the title of "reformed prodigy".

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 1

Thanh Thanh Tam has very sad eyes. Delicate facial features, a beautiful beauty, when acting, there is depth in the character's interior. When performing historical or Chinese plays, the dance is smooth and true to the style of Chinese or ancient tuong, so Thanh Thanh Tam sings any role well and is also beautiful.

Although she is a prodigy in the reformed world, the name Thanh Thanh Tam really shined and became a phenomenon when she paired with Meritorious Artist Vu Linh at Tran Huu Trang 2 troupe in 1987. The two created a couple of lovers. The stage is extremely fragrant through plays such as: Violent Tears, Love of a Bandit, Hon Vong Phu, Xa Phu Go to Land, Unjust Children...

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 2

During the two long years, the couple was a strange phenomenon, when Thanh Thanh Tam or Vu Linh sang with another actor, it did not attract the audience as intensely as when these two artists sang together in the same opera. . The audience formed fans to cheer and warmly support Thanh Thanh Tam and Vu Linh, so much so that the audience booed and protested not to let Vu Linh or Thanh Thanh Tam "couple" with any other artists.

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 3

It was not until the appearance of artist Tai Linh that the couple separated. Many viewers were so obsessed with Vu Linh and Thanh Thanh Tam that they thought that Tai Linh was the one who broke the stage. However, after a period of singing with Vu Linh, Tai Linh suddenly became a star and the audience gradually forgot the name Thanh Thanh Tam next to Vu Linh for a while.

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 4

In 1981, she married the son of director Luu Chi Lang until 1985, she gave birth to her first daughter named Luu Thi Ca Dao. Around 1988, she and her husband divorced, and her daughter lived with her. In 2000, she remarried to a non-singer husband. Her husband always helps and encourages her when Thanh Thanh Tam has the opportunity to appear on stage.

But happiness did not last long, Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam divorced her husband not long after, she raised two children alone to study. Reaching the age of 60, she is still loved by the audience and colleagues even though she has left the aura of the stage. Unfortunately, her private life is not as fortunate as her career.

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 5

Experiencing at the program Knocking on the door, episode 114 with Thuy Nga, the female artist regretted: "In my heart, I think that aura is that I am passionate about my job trying to sing, but I really don't like it. When the aura in my profession came, it was as if there would be an unlucky thing after that... especially in love matters.In my life of singing for decades, many times I asked the ancestors not to go. sing, but the Patriarch won't let me."

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 6

It is known that at the peak of his career, Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam left everything to the US to settle down and start over. Before that, the female artist had performed in the US many times but never thought of moving here. When her mother died, she decided to take this turn because of grief. 10 years in the US, despite facing many difficulties and pity when in a foreign land where she raised two children to study, artist Thanh Thanh Tam has never once regretted or shamed the manual work she chose. .

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 7

"I also determined that singing is a side job here, but I also miss my artists a l.ot. Recently in the US, I went to nail school but there were so many people that scared me, after two years, I quit. Then I working as a waitress, clearing tables, and cashier for a noodle shop. For a while, the manager - younger than my daughter bullied me. I found that job is nothing to be ashamed of, it is also my effort. I have returned to doing nails, facial skin care until now for 8 years, gradually have to accept this profession. I see my mother coming home from time to time crying, telling her not to go to work anymore, the children can take care of it, but I can't stay," the female artist shared.

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 8

Settling in the country, but Thanh Thanh Tam's profession still burns evenly, burning. She brought from Vietnam a few boxes of costumes and plays, and when there was a, she still accepted the invitation to satisfy her nostalgia for the profession.

Before Thuy Nga's question about the love story with NS Vu Linh in real life, Thanh Thanh Tam frankly affirmed that it was just love on stage.

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 9

"Whoever sings with Mr. Linh also likes it because he sings very supportive for his co-star. From support, it will later become a place to connect with each other. We only have love on stage, we are still born. Linh and I argue all the time. Sometimes we argue backstage without looking at each other, but when we start to act, we have to hug each other tightly, stop that scene and go back and forth angry. We were so angry with each other that we didn't want to act together, but that was just a misunderstanding.Sometimes we were angry with each other, but when I stepped out on stage, I was no longer Thanh Thanh Tam but the character in the play, Mr. Vu Linh also not Vu Linh anymore," she expressed.

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 10

According to artist Dieu Hien, a respected teacher of Meritorious Artist Vu Linh, he once brought Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam to his debut and expressed his intention to get married. Artist Dieu Hien advises students to slow down to see how their feelings develop and then go back to their hometown to talk to their biological mother.

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam further revealed: "I wonder why people say that America needs a man. Everyone keeps looking for someone to make a maid for themselves. I'm also a bit difficult, introduce anyone I say. But I really don't want to, I find living alone in America happy, I don't need a man, I can do everything on my own. When I was young, I knew a l.ot, now I'm tired. . I think she probably doesn't want me to go anymore. The children see that my love story is not good, more sad than happy, so they think that my mother is better there."

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 11

At the present time, Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam is satisfied with life, has no intention of opening a nail salon because she does not like the burden of burden when owning. She is also not ambitious and just wants a live full of artists to satisfy her nostalgia for her job and her colleagues.

In real life, artist Thanh Thanh Tam is like an ordinary woman, simple but multifaceted, gentle but decisive. Thanh Thanh Tam's presence on stage as well as in real life with friends or fans always brings something fresh and warm.

Meritorious Artist Thanh Thanh Tam: Unfinished love with Vu Linh and a life full of events in the US, go to serve - Photo 12

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