Taiwanese beauties: Lam Thanh Ha made a fox 'seize her husband', Ho Hue Trung sold a house to save her husband

Yang MiMar 27, 2022 at 14:42

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In the early days of Taiwan, Lam Thanh Ha, Ho Hue Trung were one of the four famous beauties of Taiwan. Possessing beautiful and talented beauty, the stories that happen to them are "not trivial".

Taiwanese beauties: Lam Thanh Ha made a fox 'seize her husband', Ho Hue Trung sold a house to save her husband - Photo 1

Lam Thanh Ha: Destroying other people's marriages and separating from her husband

Lam Thanh Ha was born in 1954. When Lam Thanh Ha auditioned for the film Outside the Window at the age of 18, she was helped by actor Qin Han and had the opportunity to participate in this film.

And after many times collaborating on many projects, Lam Thanh Ha - Qin Han became an enviable screen couple. Not long after that, the two fell in love with each other. It is worth mentioning that at this time, Qin Han has a wife and children.

Taiwanese beauties: Lam Thanh Ha made a fox 'seize her husband', Ho Hue Trung sold a house to save her husband - Photo 2

Lam Thanh Ha and Qin Han

After a period of sneaking back and forth, Lam Thanh Ha - Qin Han's "fake movie" relationship was exposed by the media. Lam Thanh Ha became "the fox", the third person in the mouth of people when destroying other people's marriages.

Before the condemnation and criticism of the public, Lam Thanh Ha could not stand the pressure, so he left Qin Han and went to America. At this time, Tan Tuong Lam, who had been secretly in love with Lam Thanh Ha for a long time, seized the opportunity and went to the US many times to visit Lam Thanh Ha, and at the same time took the opportunity to confess his love to her.

Taiwanese beauties: Lam Thanh Ha made a fox 'seize her husband', Ho Hue Trung sold a house to save her husband - Photo 3
The beauty of Lam Thanh Ha in her youth

Tan Tuong Lam is also an actor, interestingly he played a love triangle with Qin Han and Lam Thanh Ha. Before going to the US to confess to Lam Thanh Ha, Tan Tuong Lam pursued Dang Le Quan and married Tieu Phuong Phuong, but the marriage lasted only three years.

For various reasons, Lam Thanh Ha agreed to Tan Tuong Lam's marriage proposal. It is said that Lam Thanh Ha called Qin Han the night before the engagement that she had to be engaged to Qin Tuong Lam, but Qin Han was indifferent to it.

Taiwanese beauties: Lam Thanh Ha made a fox 'seize her husband', Ho Hue Trung sold a house to save her husband - Photo 4
Lam Thanh Ha and Tan Tuong Lam

As for Lam Thanh Ha, although she is engaged to Tan Tuong Lam, she has not yet held a wedding. She kept that "status" for four years and then ended her relationship with Qin Tuong Lam.

The reason was also because in her heart she really did not want to "let go" of Qin Han. Coincidentally, Qin Han divorced his wife two years before Lam Thanh Ha ended her marriage relationship with Qin Tuong Lam.

In this way, the two lovers finally got together. Lam Thanh Ha was inherently upright with Qin Han, really enjoying the joy in life. Not only sweet love, but career as well as fish meet water, in turn creating classic roles.

But her love for Qin Han also ended. Because they have been together for many years, Qin Han has never mentioned marriage to her. Lam Thanh Ha couldn't wait any longer, feeling that Qin Han didn't really need her in his life, so he decided to leave him.

Taiwanese beauties: Lam Thanh Ha made a fox 'seize her husband', Ho Hue Trung sold a house to save her husband - Photo 5
Lam Thanh Ha and Hinh Ly Nguyen's happy home before divorce

Also in this year, Lam Thanh Ha unexpectedly married a rich businessman who was pursuing her - Hinh Ly Nguyen after only half a year of finding out. The reason Lam Thanh Ha decided to get married with this businessman is because Hinh Ly Nguyen is ready to get married and is a responsible man who can give her enough sense of security.

Image Ly Nguyen really loves Lam Thanh Ha and cherishes their marriage. Even their eldest daughter's name is related to Lam Thanh Ha.

Taiwanese beauties: Lam Thanh Ha made a fox 'seize her husband', Ho Hue Trung sold a house to save her husband - Photo 6
Lam Thanh Ha's current beauty

But after many years of living together, Lam Thanh Ha and Hinh Ly Nguyen finally went their separate ways. It is said that it is because Xing Liyuan has trouble with outside business and does not respect their marriage.

From here, people once again woven that marriage ended also partly because Lam Thanh Ha did not forget Qin Han in her heart. Therefore, if the family life is complete, it will also be broken.

Ho Hue Trung: Loving her childhood boyfriend, struggling to earn m.oney to save her husband

Ho Hue Trung was born in 1958, famous after filming the literary film Hoan Nhan because of his pure and beautiful appearance. She is also known as the second Lam Thanh Ha. Although his career developed smoothly, Ho Hue Trung's love life was very bumpy.

Taiwanese beauties: Lam Thanh Ha made a fox 'seize her husband', Ho Hue Trung sold a house to save her husband - Photo 7
Ho Hue Trung has a face similar to Lam Thanh Ha

Ho Hue Trung had a love affair with Tang Chongsheng. The two played together from childhood to adulthood. However, Tang Chongsheng's family situation was not good, when he grew up he became a gangster. Therefore, Ho Hue Trung's mother f.orced her to end this relationship.

But the two have grown together and have a deep relationship, even after many years they still love each other. Years later, when Hu met Tang Chongsheng's brother at the airport and learned that Tang Chongsheng still had feelings for her, she sought out Tang Chongsheng and held a secret wedding with Tang Chongsheng.

However, Tang Chongsheng's unlucky fate was fate that made their love not last. Soon after, Tang Chongsheng's "jobs" were posted and Tang Chongsheng became a bad guy in the media. Ho Hue Trung's reputation was also damaged. To avoid embarrassment, Tang Chongsheng voluntarily "resigned" from the union and surrendered.

Although the ex-husband has surrendered, the stains and condemnation of the public have not subsided. What's even more sad is that even though Tang Chongsheng was reformed, he was still assassinated by the enemy...

Taiwanese beauties: Lam Thanh Ha made a fox 'seize her husband', Ho Hue Trung sold a house to save her husband - Photo 8
Ho Hue Trung married her second husband - Ha Chi Binh

It took a long time, until 1998, Ho Hue Trung found another love in his life, the destination. She was married to an ophthalmologist named Ha Chi Binh, eight years her senior, and was pregnant with her first c.hild a month later. Since then, Ho Hue Trung became faint and withdrew from the entertainment industry.

Ho Hue Trung initially lived a peaceful and happy life after getting married. But in 2017, Ha Chi Binh was arrested for bribery, m.oney laundering and corruption in the US. He was sentenced to three years and had to pay $400,000.

Therefore, to see her husband again, Ho Hue Trung had to borrow m.oney everywhere just to help her husband. Even Ho Hue Trung had to sell a luxury villa at a low price to pay his debt.

Taiwanese beauties: Lam Thanh Ha made a fox 'seize her husband', Ho Hue Trung sold a house to save her husband - Photo 9
Ho Hue Trung and her husband Ha Chi Binh after being released on bail

Ho Hue Trung had "run" with her husband for a long time, and because she "hit the wall" everywhere, she also thought about s.uicide. The daughter became the star's only hope of survival for a while.

Finally, thanks to Ho Hue Trung's efforts, in 2020, Ho Hue Trung's husband will be able to reduce his sentence and regain his freedom. But at this time, Ho Hue Trung's beauty has faded over the years, far from the "goddess" image when he was young. However, all of this is worth it because Ho Hue Trung can finally reunite with her husband and children!

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