Happiness - MC of VTV 24h Movement and her secret marriage for 5 years

KengOct 24, 2024 at 17:21

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MC Hanh Phuc is a familiar face on Chuyen Dong 24h and the show Cap la yeu thuong but is quite secretive about his private life. That's why he recently surprised many people when he officially revealed his wife and children for the first time after 5 years of marriage.

MC Hanh Phuc said that before posting, he asked his wife for permission and she agreed. The male MC recounted the first time he became a father 3 years ago and the happiness of waiting for his second chil.d to be born:

"To my children! Exactly 3 years since Egg was born, Dad is lucky to receive another great joy. Mom is pregnant with Elephant. So Egg will have another sibling, no longer having to play alone.

Happiness - MC of VTV 24h Movement and her secret marriage for 5 years - Photo 1

Mom asked Dad what he wanted to call me at home. Immediately, without hesitation, Dad said "Elephant". Mom asked: "What? Voice - I'm the MC at home, I have enough voice and sound, and if I add voice, it will be noisy all day long".

Dad didn't think Mom would be so quick. Dad simply thought that Elephant was Elephant. Actually, since Egg was born, our house has had many things with elephant motifs: from bed sheets to pillows,... Dad also hopes that you will be gentle, kind and strong like an elephant.

Happiness - MC of VTV 24h Movement and her secret marriage for 5 years - Photo 2

Oh, and one more thing, Mom only found out later, when Dad mentioned that elephants usually eat grass and trees, which means they are vegetarians - Mom was a little hesitant. Dad being a vegetarian at home alone - is that enough?!

Egg, you are still the most precious and wonderful gift in your parents' life. As your father said, you changed both of our lives. Busier, harder, more worried, but above all, your parents are always happy and joyful to have you. Watching you grow up every day, learning to sit, stand, walk, and then babble.

Happiness - MC of VTV 24h Movement and her secret marriage for 5 years - Photo 3

Now that Egg is over 3 years old, the world of love in him is becoming bigger and bigger. When dad said he was going on a business trip, his face fell and he asked "when will dad be back?" When dad came back from a business trip, he asked to feed him and asked "are you tired?" These are small things, but dad finds this life to be a million times more meaningful.

Mom was pregnant and couldn't hold Egg. During the past few months, I sometimes said to myself: "When Mom gives birth to Voi, Mom will hold me like before." Both Mom and Dad looked at each other, only knowing that they loved their chil.d to the point of crying. Mom and Dad's little Egg, Dad's "beloved princess" - Dad still calls you that - you are still the best. It's just that Mom and Dad are focusing a little more on her this time. Dad knows Egg loves Mom a lot, loves Voi, and loves Dad too."

Happiness - MC of VTV 24h Movement and her secret marriage for 5 years - Photo 4

The male MC also shared more about the current condition of baby Voi in the mother's womb. MC Hanh Phuc said that the baby is developing faster than other babies of the same gestational ag.e.

"Dear Elephant, your parents eagerly wait for you every day, every hour, just like the first time you had Egg. That feeling of happiness and excitement is still intact, but this time there is also a bit of worry because you develop quickly and weigh more than your peers of the same gestational ag.e.

Happiness - MC of VTV 24h Movement and her secret marriage for 5 years - Photo 5

All of Mom's habits changed, she had to abstain from many things, eat carefully, bit by bit... Being a man is so great, she doesn't have to worry about anything, while women have to bear the burden of pregnancy and childbirth. Many times, seeing Mom standing up and sitting down, Dad would joke: "What are you doing that makes you so heavy, when you were pregnant with Egg, I didn't see you like this."

Then Dad had to open his eyes, Voi. It's true that each pregnancy is different, no two are the same. Dad, yes, it's hard work, going to work, teaching, going to extra classes, taking Mom to work, taking the kids out, going for regular checkups,... (taking the opportunity to tell a little story) - but none of it can compare to what Mom had to endure when she was pregnant.

Happiness - MC of VTV 24h Movement and her secret marriage for 5 years - Photo 6

If given the choice, no woman would want to suffer like that. But as a mother, I believe everyone is like your mother - enduring everything just to feel every little movement of the baby in the womb, every kick, every crawl. That is a happiness that only a mother can understand, and perhaps I will never fully feel it.

That's why I know I have to be more responsible for our little family. No matter how busy I am, I will always prioritize time for you and your mother. I may not be perfect, sometimes I'm selfish and mea.n, but I will try to live well every day, to be worthy of the love of you and your mother!", MC Hanh Phuc wrote.

Happiness - MC of VTV 24h Movement and her secret marriage for 5 years - Photo 7

The male MC also sent many loving words to his wife: "Wife, thank you for letting me be the father of two lovely angels. I always believe that my two children, they may not be as beautiful as other people, not as good as other people, not as smart as other people,... but I will try to raise them with my wife to become good people - the way we are trying."

And to celebrate the 5-year milestone and the happiness of welcoming their second chil.d, MC Hanh Phuc and his wife also took a set of photos together to keep. Many viewers and friends left comments congratulating MC Hanh Phuc's family. Many people praised the gentle and beautiful appearance of the MC's wife and children.

Happiness - MC of VTV 24h Movement and her secret marriage for 5 years - Photo 8

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