Tan Beo's wife suddenly made an urgent announcement about her husband's stroke, netizens admired

JLOOct 23, 2024 at 13:40

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Recently, Tan Beo's health condition after the stroke has still received attention from the audience. Currently, the male comedian has returned home and is being taken care of by his wife.

Most recently, artist Hong To visited and said that Tan Beo is in the process of recovering from a stroke, having difficulty talking and walking, but is very optimistic because he is cared for by colleagues and taken good care of by his family, especially his wife.

Tan Beos wife suddenly made an urgent announcement about her husbands stroke, netizens admired - Photo 1

Talking about Tan Beo's wife, artist Tan Hoang previously said that he admired the comedian's wife for taking care of her husband wholeheartedly, even selling her house to treat her husband's illness instead of asking for charity. Every time he visited his colleagues, he gave her mone.y but Tan Beo's wife refused to accept it. Accordingly, Tan Beo's wife said that her husband had saved up some mone.y after many years of performing, so the family still had the mone.y to treat him.

Tan Beos wife suddenly made an urgent announcement about her husbands stroke, netizens admired - Photo 2

Sharing with the media, Ms. Phung Thi Dung - wife of artist Tan Beo, said that because she wanted to maintain a good image for her husband, the family limited sharing photos of the male artist when he was sick. "For a long time, my family has kept it a secret because they don't want gossip about Mr. Beo's bad image. My children also called to ask why such a thing happened and I also reassured them that their father's health is improving," Tan Beo's wife shared.

"I often tell Mr. Beo that the audience loves him very much, so now I have to think of them to try to do physical therapy, to quickly recover to serve the audience. In addition, some close colleagues also give words of encouragement and boost Mr. Beo's spirit," the comedian's wife added.

Tan Beos wife suddenly made an urgent announcement about her husbands stroke, netizens admired - Photo 3

Previously, in the program "Confession", Tan Beo also shared his feelings when mentioning his wife. Tan Beo admitted that he rarely lets his wife and children appear on television because his family does not have the artistic nature like his, so it is easy to feel shy. "My wife has nothing to do with showbiz, but is only a housewife, a solid support for me to pursue my career", the male comedian shared.

Tan Beos wife suddenly made an urgent announcement about her husbands stroke, netizens admired - Photo 4

In married life, Tan Beo is always aware of maintaining family happiness. According to Tan Beo, having a husband who is an artist, his wife cannot avoid worrying every time he performs away from home. However, the male artist affirmed that after a long time together, the two understand each other better. "At first, my wife was not jealous, not angry because it was new, and they were still happy. After a few years, the feelings became deeper. When we had children, my wife was also worried that I would be away from my children and away from my wife for someone else," he said. As for himself, Tan Beo affirmed that if he had a romantic streak, everything would have appeared in the newspapers and not been quiet like now.

Tan Beos wife suddenly made an urgent announcement about her husbands stroke, netizens admired - Photo 5

Sharing about his married life, Tan Beo said that his wife cares for him when pursuing an artistic career. Therefore, the male artist is always aware of living a standard life because: "I live to leave virtue to my children, that is my wish. I have to live in a way that the audience loves and understands me. At first, when I didn't have a family, I could teas.e this person or that person. But now that I have a wife, from the time we got married until now, I have not done anything to bother her. I don't know if I am good or bad, but I affirm that I only know how to work to earn mone.y to give to my wife to raise children. I also don't let things happen with other women outside."

Previously, when the audience gave him a therapy machine, the male comedian was moved. Specifically, when visiting his colleague, Tan Hoang brought a therapy machine. He added: "Let this machine help your wife, because your wife is so exhausted. Your wife is so wonderful, what more do you want?" Tan Beo seemed very happy with his friend's affection and care. During the 8-minute clip, he smiled brightly.

Tan Beos wife suddenly made an urgent announcement about her husbands stroke, netizens admired - Photo 6

Artist Tan Hoang shared honestly: "This machine costs 6.5 million VND. People asked me who I was buying it for? I said I was buying it for my grandfather, who was also an artist. The store owner asked, which artist is your grandfather? I said Tan Beo, but they didn't take the mone.y.

"They didn't charge me for buying it for Tan Beo. I love him and care for him, but in the en.d I didn't spend any mone.y, not a penny at all. They love him even more than I love him. You have to love your wife, use this machine, it's a relief for your wife," Tan Hoang told his friend.

Tan Beos wife suddenly made an urgent announcement about her husbands stroke, netizens admired - Photo 7

Tan Beos wife suddenly made an urgent announcement about her husbands stroke, netizens admired - Photo 8

Hearing Tan Hoang say that someone loved him and gave him a machine, he couldn't hide his emotions and sat there thinking.

Tan Beos wife suddenly made an urgent announcement about her husbands stroke, netizens admired - Photo 9

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