Angela Phuong Trinh's adoptive chil.d's family is frustrated because her chil.d is collaged, sends an application to CA

Uyển ĐìnhSep 11, 2024 at 10:22

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In recent days, social networks have appeared information and images claiming that Angela Phuong Trinh has a biological daughter. In particular, many posts also affirm that the daughter of the "little mother" has a face similar to the person who is said to be "biological father".

After that, Angela Phuong Trinh officially spoke out about the above rumor. The actress made it clear that she was being spread false information. Angela Phuong Trinh said that the gir.l who appeared in the photo was Tep - her adopted daughter (9 years old this year). The female artist was upset because her daughter's image was edited with malicious intent.

"Social networks constantly spread false information that I have a chil.d with someone else. This affected my adopted life. I hope the authorities will investigate and verify the truth so that everything is clarified and peace is returned to my mother and children," Angela Phuong Trinh said.

Angela Phuong Trinhs adoptive childs family is frustrated because her chil.d is collaged, sends an application to CA - Photo 1

Angela Phuong Trinh affirmed that she has been single for the past 8 years. The actress hopes that the security agencies will intervene, asking YouTube and TikTok channels to remove distorted posts, affecting the people who have been named in the past few days.

The actress said: "Trinh would like to affirm that for the past 8 years, Trinh has been single, vegan, has not known anyone and has never had a chil.d and given birth to anyone. So Trinh hopes that everyone will stop this collage immediately, in a time when just posting a few lines or collating photos and cutting false clips, everyone will believe and comment on negative, untrue, and easily led things like that, it will be easy to violate the law and cause serious consequences affecting children."

Angela Phuong Trinhs adoptive childs family is frustrated because her chil.d is collaged, sends an application to CA - Photo 2

After Angela Phuong Trinh denied and asked for help from the security agency, a representative of the family of Tep (the gir.l in the photo) also spoke up.

Sharing with Tien Phong on the morning of September 10, Mr. Nguyen Viet, the father of Tep, was upset because his daughter's collage appeared rampantly, accompanied by negative information.

The family representative said that Shrimp is the daughter of Angela Phuong Trinh's friend. The actress adopted the baby from the beginning of 2023. Angela Phuong Trinh sometimes leads her chil.d to events, advertising mother and baby products together because she sees that Shrimp has a talent for art.

"I affirm that Baby Shrimp is not the biological chil.d of Angela Phuong Trinh and others as information spreads online. I hope the online community strongly condemns the act of taking images of children to cut and fabricate on social networks to attract views and profiteers," Mr. Viet said.

Angela Phuong Trinhs adoptive childs family is frustrated because her chil.d is collaged, sends an application to CA - Photo 3

Mr. Viet said that his daughter is in grade 4. Baby Tep knew that he was collaged and mentally affected. Baby Tep also affects her studies because she is teased by her friends in class.

"I sent an application to the police, asking the law to intervene. I propose the Ministry of Public Security, the Cyber Security Department, the Criminal Department and the Children's Department to investigate those involved in fabricating, slandering, collapsing images and taking advantage of children to slande.r and affect children's psychology," Mr. Viet added.

Angela Phuong Trinhs adoptive childs family is frustrated because her chil.d is collaged, sends an application to CA - Photo 4

From the beginning of 2024, Angela Phuong Trinh has been constantly entangled in noise on social networks. Previously, in June 2024, the actress's personal account with a green tick continuously posted articles with content that was said to be extravagant, lowering the reputation of others.

Angela Phuong Trinh's incident directly affected her family. Her father, mother and sister Phuong Trang took turns to "ask for help". According to information from the family, Angela Phuong Trinh is missing, family members cannot contact or intervene.

Angela Phuong Trinhs adoptive childs family is frustrated because her chil.d is collaged, sends an application to CA - Photo 5

However, after that, the beauty born in 1995 spoke up to clarify information about family conflicts. Contrary to the words of her father, mother and sister, the actress said that her relationship with her family was harmonious, in constant contact and did not go missing. In particular, Angela Phuong Trinh said that many times she wanted to visit her family, but when she came home, her mother did not open the door for her.

After the noise of extravagant statements, Angela Phuong Trinh restrained herself in her posts. In the past few months, she has gradually returned to her life as before, actively livestreaming sales. However, the female artist has not yet appeared at entertainment events.

Angela Phuong Trinhs adoptive childs family is frustrated because her chil.d is collaged, sends an application to CA - Photo 6

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