Actor Quoc Thuan: Scolded by Tran Thanh's friend group for accidentally criticizing an inanimate movie

Minh LợiFeb 03, 2025 at 14:33

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For Vietnamese audiences, artist Quoc Thuan is a familiar face. Starting as a comedian, he later also took on the position of director and MC for favorite TV shows.

With his talent and passion, Quoc Thuan has chosen the acting path. He studied Actor at the College of Theatre & Cinema in Ho Chi Minh City. In 2000, Quoc Thuan officially graduated. His education did not stop there when he continued to study at the school with the Director course. Thanks to a solid foundation, going through school and training has contributed to helping him enroll in the ranking of famous comedians in the South.

Actor Quoc Thuan: Scolded by Tran Thanhs friend group for accidentally criticizing an inanimate movie - Photo 1

Not only making a unique impression as a comedian, he also encroached into the field of television director. Few people know that he used to be the director of the program Familiar Faces. With his grace, he also concurrently holds the position of MC of the program Son and his wife.

As a celebrity, there are many false rumors around him. Due to his frequent roles in "shadow" roles on the screen, there are many people who doubt the gender of this comedian. However, he now has a happy family with his wife and two children.

Actor Quoc Thuan: Scolded by Tran Thanhs friend group for accidentally criticizing an inanimate movie - Photo 2

Controversial for criticizing Tran Thanh's movie?

On the evening of the 3rd of Tet 2025, Quoc Thuan shared the status line "My new wife just went to see a bland, monotonous, and inanimate Tet movie without knowing why it won. Sorry for the money, don't go to see it to waste time. Don't ask me what the name of the movie is!". Although the name of the film is not clearly mentioned, the comedian's sharing line immediately made the online community "wake up". Netizens flooded the actor's personal page to argue loudly.

Actor Quoc Thuan: Scolded by Tran Thanhs friend group for accidentally criticizing an inanimate movie - Photo 3

The audience thinks that Quoc Thuan is aiming for Tran Thanh's movie "The Four Avengers". Shortly afterwards, Quoc Thuan quickly let this line of sharing "evaporate". On the 4th of Tet, actors Le Giang and Miss Thu Hoai took turns to share harshly when the "Quartet of Journalists" was considered "ignorant, wasting money", even the two did not hesitate to call Quoc Thuan and his wife directly in their articles.

"The movie is watchable, but it's not as bad as my wife and I said. Agree that it is not as profound as Mai, the House of the Lady, but it's okay, it's not bland or inanimate. I will invite the two of you to eat and pay for the tickets, I also wish you can make 1% of Tran Thanh. I live a bit straight because I think artists live with their hearts and blessings. Blessed they are thick, I am the one who eats the same cup of To rice, life is very short" - Le Giang sent a message to MC Quoc Thuan and his wife.

Actor Quoc Thuan: Scolded by Tran Thanhs friend group for accidentally criticizing an inanimate movie - Photo 4

Meanwhile, Thu Hoai directly called MC Quoc Thuan a "man with many things", even expressing his admiration for the actor's wife for being able to endure such a type of person. Based on the male MC's previous post, netizens quickly related to the controversy surrounding the actor's open status, which is said to implicitly criticize a Tet movie but shift the responsibility to his wife.

In the article, Thu Hoai did not hesitate to affirm that a man who "talks a lot" is more difficult to accept than being poor or unattractive. According to her, masculinity does not lie in appearance or material conditions, but in the fact that men dare to take responsibility for their words, dare to face problems that they are not satisfied with, instead of "hiding behind women" to make controversial statements.

Actor Quoc Thuan: Scolded by Tran Thanhs friend group for accidentally criticizing an inanimate movie - Photo 5

Besides, the actress also said that MC Quoc Thuan's actions were unfair to his wife. Pushing his wife forward, and then letting her be the one responsible for her husband's statements, can put her in an awkward situation, especially when she herself is also active in the film industry.

Closing the post full of implications, Thu Hoai did not forget to send a "gift at the beginning of the year" to To Hoa Thuan's wife - a box of skin care masks.

Currently, netizens are divided into 2 camps and are constantly talking about this topic on Facebook, Threads and TikTok.

And recently, a short clip of Quoc Thuan while recording for a TV show at the end of 2023 suddenly went viral again. Quoc Thuan emphasized that he was not sad but still shared: "In the past, the artists were so happy, going through a lot of jobs and roles: Actor, MC, director, program organizer, doing so many episodes... But at that time, everyone never had the attitude of 'looking at half an eye' of a colleague."

Actor Quoc Thuan: Scolded by Tran Thanhs friend group for accidentally criticizing an inanimate movie - Photo 6

Quoc Thuan affirmed that he had been in a situation where he was met by a "junior" but showed "no acquaintance, ignored, glanced at him as if he was nearsighted and ignorant", even though a few years earlier the actor had driven that "junior" to perform. When asked by the MC about the name of this "junior", Quoc Thuan immediately refused to mention his name. He only gave the characteristics of that person: "talking a lot of mouths can't pull the young skin in time". At that time, Quoc Thuan felt a little enlightened, he emphasized: "It's only been a few years, but people are very strange! Understanding in the profession is expressed through behavior and action. I just need 1 bow to be very appreciative even though she is currently one of the top actors in Vietnamese cinema."

Actor Quoc Thuan: Scolded by Tran Thanhs friend group for accidentally criticizing an inanimate movie - Photo 7

Below netizens commented: "I know who to say!', "I'm sure you're good at talking to someone"... Currently, this clip is still causing a fever and is a hotly discussed topic.

Actor Quoc Thuan: Scolded by Tran Thanhs friend group for accidentally criticizing an inanimate movie - Photo 8

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