Breaking news about aliens, 1 valuable detail attracts attention

Nguyễn KimOct 17, 2024 at 15:37

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British filmmaker Simon Holland has claimed that scientists have detected signs of "non-human intelligence in the galaxy", and that the evidence will be published within the next month.

The New York Post (USA) recently reported that British Professor Simon Holland - a scientific filmmaker at NASA (USA) - has just provided hot news that could shock the world, forcing human history to write a new chapter in the journey to find extraterrestrial civilizations.

Specifically, Professor Simon Holland, who has worked on projects for the BBC, National Geographic and NASA, revealed a little information to The Mirror (UK) that the telescope system on Earth has discovered evidence of intelligent alien life.

Breaking news about aliens, 1 valuable detail attracts attention - Photo 1

In particular, regarding this potentially world-shattering news, there are currently two competing groups of astronomers racing to announce the first confirmed evidence of an alien civilization, and this announcement could come as early as next month.

"We have found an extraterrestrial civilization in our galaxy (the Milky Way), and humans have never known about it. Using the Parkes Telescope in Australia, we have found initial evidence of signs of non-human technology" - Professor Simon Holland hinted.

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The British filmmaker claims that a contact from Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg's Breakthrough Listen program shared the information with him. Breakthrough Listen is a privately funded scientific research program that searches for evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

This news is currently causing a stir in the international press, media and astronomy lovers. For nearly a hundred years, mankind has been tirelessly searching for the answer to the big question: "Are humans alone in the universe?"

Speaking further about the two groups of astronomers racing to provide the most convincing evidence of aliens, Mr. Simon Holland revealed that they are astronomers at Oxford in the UK and scientists from China's FAST Program.

International astronomers say that this groundbreaking statement by the British professor requires truly convincing evidence, and British and Chinese astronomers are racing to collect more data to prove the existence of aliens.

With its FAST (Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope) "Eye of Heaven" - which currently holds the record as the world's largest single-dish radio telescope - China is likely to overtake Britain.

The Chinese are believed to know the coordinates of the target object, known as BLC-1, and are competing with an astronomy project in Oxford to be the first to announce definitive evidence of alien life by November 2024.

Professor Holland revealed the most valuable detail about BLC-1: In April 2019, the Parkes Telescope (in Australia) captured a radio signal from BLC-1 at a frequency of 982 MHz.

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The signal came from the region around Proxima Centauri, a star just 4.2 light years from Earth.

Notably, the signal from BLC-1 is considered significant because it comes from a single source, has a narrowband electromagnetic frequency (982 MHz), and has a Doppler shift. All of this suggests a rotating planet.

Mr. Holland believes that this signal is unlikely to be human intervention, because its characteristics do not match known natural phenomena in the world.

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Breaking news about aliens, 1 valuable detail attracts attention - Photo 5

However, according to a source from Breakthrough Listen cited by Mr. Holland, new compelling evidence has emerged that suggests the signal may actually originate from an advanced alien civilization.

According to Mr Holland, this theory is supported by a senior manager in the EU radio telescope sector. The research team at Oxford also confirmed that they were analyzing the signal, but did not reveal the specific reason.

“We have detected non-human alien intelligence in our galaxy and the world doesn't know it yet,” Mr Holland asserted.

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Since the Parkes Telescope's discovery, China and the UK are racing to find more concrete evidence of "traces of extraterrestrial technology." The UK side confirmed that they are analyzing the signals but did not reveal their possible origin. China also did not discuss their work further.

The results are likely to be finalized next November.

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This news is currently attracting a lot of international attention. Because the search for extraterrestrial life has been going on since the mid-20th century, when scientists used many different methods to detect signs of life, including analyzing telescope data and radio communications. That is on the ground.

In space, NASA has just launched the Europa Clipper spacecraft with a mission to hunt for signs of alien life on one of Jupiter's icy moons - Europa. The spacecraft will not arrive until 2030, but what it finds could change our understanding of life in the Solar System, BBC reported on October 15, 2024.

Breaking news about aliens, 1 valuable detail attracts attention - Photo 8

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