Creepy! Prophecy 2025: Is the end of the world imminent?

Nguyễn Khanh16:03:22 28/12/2024
Recently, many people have paid attention to Nostradamus' prophecies about the year 2025, in which he predicted major changes in world order, advances in medicine and serious natural disasters.Parker probe "touches" the Sun: Breaking records and revealing the mystery of the corona.

Khanh Phạm16:45:05 23/12/2024
NASA's Parker Solar Probe will make the closest flyby of the Sun in history. It will approach the Sun at a distance of 6.1 million kilometers and will continue to explore the mysteries of the solar corona and cosmic phenomena that affect Earth.Rumors of humanity's impending extinction? 7 doomsday scenarios that will keep you up at night!

Khang Trần14:45:30 22/12/2024
Fear of the apocalypse has always haunted humanity. From ancient prophecies to modern science, what will end the world? Asteroids, aliens, or humans themselves? Discover the most terrifying theories about the end of the Earth.Breaking news about aliens, 1 valuable detail attracts attention

Nguyễn Kim15:37:31 17/10/2024
British filmmaker Simon Holland has claimed that scientists have detected signs of non-human intelligence in the galaxy, and that the evidence will be published within the next month.BTS will become the owner of the first K-pop song to be played outside of Earth

Hoàng Anh16:47:02 19/05/2022
It can be said that with their increasing global popularity, BTS's songs, old or new, have received strong attention and interest. Notably, recently, fans were excited with the news that BTS will be the owner of the first K-pop song to be broadcast outside of Earth. This...Why are penguins never frozen?

Hồng Hạnh10:19:44 14/08/2021
Why is this bird's feathers never frozen? Antarctic penguins live in an extremely harsh environment where temperatures can drop to -40C and wind speeds can reach 140km/h. So why is this bird's feathers never frozen? Penguins, also known as winged penguins, are an order of...What would the Earth be like if the distance between it and the Moon was halved?

Hồng Hạnh21:12:22 24/07/2021
The Moon always moves in a fixed orbit, while maintaining a relatively safe distance from the Earth. But if this limit is broken, what will happen? If the distance from the Earth to the Moon is reduced to only half of what it is now, a lot of strange phenomena and natural...Neptune and the truth about the farthest "ice giant" in the solar system

Hồng Hạnh18:40:37 04/07/2021
The coldest planet in the Solar System, has an eternal storm about the size of Earth and is the smallest gas planet just a few of the interesting facts about Neptune. It will not be easy if you want to see Neptune with your own eyes. This object is located about 4.41 billion km from Earth and is very faint,... Scott Neeson | Leaving Hollywood to go to poor children in Cambodia's landfill

team youtuber12:00:01 01/02/2021
For Scott Neeson, a luxurious life in America means nothing compared to changing the fates of thousands of poor children. Perhaps he himself did not expect that he would find true love in a stinking garbage dump on the other side of the Earth. Poor childhood Born in Edinburgh (Scotland)Detecting signs of life in the clouds of Venus. The "brother" planet is about to cease to be a mystery?

team youtuber12:21:04 17/09/2020
On September 14, scientists said they had discovered inside the clouds of Venus a gas called phosphine, indicating Microorganisms may exist on Venus and are a sign of the possibility of life beyond Earth, according to Reuters news agency. the head of NASA called the most meaningful developmentWhat would happen to the world if humanity perished?

team youtuber12:22:03 15/09/2020
American scientists have discovered that a mass extinction disaster occurs every 62 million years, and this pattern has been repeated over and over. over the past 500 million years. The last mass extinction was 65 million years ago, which means we have been extended by 3 million years, and the extension could endWhat would happen to humanity if the Earth stopped rotating?

team youtuber18:00:08 28/08/2020
At this moment, our Earth is still orbiting the Sun. But with the terrifying speed of the earth's rotation, have you ever wondered, how will humans and all things live if the Earth suddenly stops rotating? Perhaps the most dire scenario awaits us... Specifically... People are always swept up
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