Shocking official clip "tearing the blind bag of the third child" as a bank, mother-in-law relays

Trí NhiJan 03, 2025 at 13:31

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From the evening of January 2 and the morning of January 3, social networks simultaneously shook and spread many clips that were said to be the wife who made her jealous husband and another woman. In the clip, the alleged "baby three" wears a bank uniform, and her mother-in-law even relays her daughter-in-law.

The content of these clips shows that the wife has "torn apart" what is on the other woman. At the same time, another woman believed to be her mother-in-law also came to defend her daughter-in-law. There were many people standing around filming. The clips have been reposted by many people and social networking sites with thousands of interactions and comments, saying that she was jealous due to playing Pickleball and was working at a bank in Can Tho.

Shocking official clip tearing the blind bag of the third child as a bank, mother-in-law relays - Photo 1

It is known that the sister-in-law discovered that her husband was driving a car carrying her, had crossed the head of the car and stopped the car and a conflict occurred. The summary of the incident of netizens is as follows: At first, the couple argued back and forth, for a while the "third child" held a kick to his wife, his attitude was defiant, and he laughed contemptuously. The sentient beings sitting in the nearby tavern were frustrated because the wife was so gentle, and the original abacus scooped it up for her sister-in-law, as long as she asked for a father.

Shocking official clip tearing the blind bag of the third child as a bank, mother-in-law relays - Photo 2

Asked publicly if my sister-in-law needed a woman, at the beginning I was just there. After a while, the husband defended him, held a stone to treat his wife, and the male guests stopped her husband again. After arguing for a while, her mother-in-law defended her daughter-in-law again. Empowering my daughter-in-law, with everyone as a couple."

Shocking official clip tearing the blind bag of the third child as a bank, mother-in-law relays - Photo 3

Through research, the incident occurred in the area of Xang Tho lake (Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city). After the incident, the girl who was killed took to social networks to take a series of photos of her injuries. She also strongly declared: "I can't sleep because I'm in pain. See you tomorrow at 9 p.m. I'll livestream." Her posts immediately received thousands of comments, and you don't need to open it to read to imagine what the content is. Everyone thinks that she is too brazen and shameless.

Shocking official clip tearing the blind bag of the third child as a bank, mother-in-law relays - Photo 4

In addition to the comments aimed at mocking the "little three", some people also think that the wife seems to have been too angry and out of her mind, unable to control her emotions and behaving violently, causing serious injuries to the other party, most likely she will be sanctioned by the authorities. Because of the physical impact on others, no matter what the circumstances, if the assessment is seriously injured, he will definitely be guilty.

Shocking official clip tearing the blind bag of the third child as a bank, mother-in-law relays - Photo 5

Next, recording clips and spreading them on social media is also at risk of being sanctioned. Lawyer Dang Van Cuong (Hanoi Bar Association) said that in jealousy cases, the husband (or wife) who violates monogamous marriage and lack of fidelity may be subject to sanctions.

"However, the act of making jealousy, posting videos, touching the honor and dignity and health of others will be responsible before the law. From the victim in the betrayed case, he can become an accused or defendant in a criminal case," the lawyer advised.

Shocking official clip tearing the blind bag of the third child as a bank, mother-in-law relays - Photo 6

In fact, there are many cases in which the person who goes to catch jealousy has been criminally handled for the crime of violating the honor of others, intentionally causing injury. The reason may be that they cannot control their emotions and behavior, lack of understanding of the law, and a sense of ignoring the law,... However, the law does not allow the use of a violation in response to a violation of the law.

The Law on Cyber Security and relevant legal documents strictly prohibit acts that touch the honor and dignity of others, putting information that is contrary to the fine customs and cultural ethics of Vietnamese people in cyberspace.

Shocking official clip tearing the blind bag of the third child as a bank, mother-in-law relays - Photo 7

Therefore, those who post jealous clips in cyberspace, depending on the nature and severity of the act, depending on the consequences that occur, the violators will be administratively sanctioned or prosecuted for criminal liability.

Shocking official clip tearing the blind bag of the third child as a bank, mother-in-law relays - Photo 8

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