Forbidden by his father to sleep with his mother, the b.oy declared a green sentence that made his parents turn pale

Duyên TrầnOct 15, 2021 at 17:19

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Recently, a video recording the image of a b.oy arguing with his father in China was shared on social networks, causing a stir among netizens.

In the video, the b.oy sits on the bed with his mother, "negotiating" with his father about a "big deal". The b.oy asked his father, "Can I sleep with you today?".

Forbidden by his father to sleep with his mother, the b.oy declared a green sentence that made his parents turn pale - Photo 1

The father immediately mocked his son: 'How old are you and still asking to sleep with your mother? Aren't you ashamed?'. The father then pointed out 'steel' evidence in front of his son that both father and mother were legally husband and wife, even asserting that 100 years later the couple would definitely be buried in the same place. The sulky b.oy didn't want to give his father the satisfaction, so he insisted: 'Okay, now I won't let you sleep with my mother, later I will bury each of them in a separate place'.

When the father heard his son's firm statement, his face turned red with anger, while the mother burst into laughter because she did not expect her son to respond "toughly" and not yield to his father's reasoning. The incident after being posted caused a storm on social media and received the attention of netizens. Most people were amused by the argument between father and son and praised the clever b.oy that made his father 'drought words'.

Some people commented:

"The son's last words really made the father dumbfounded."

"Why are kids so smart these days?"

"He has a quick brain, flexible reactions and understands everything from an early age."

Another incident is equally remarkable when recently the image of a crying b.oy sitting in a car saying goodbye to his grandparents and then throwing m.oney through the window when the car sped away happened in Cangqiu city, Ha province. Nam (China) makes many people emotional. Specifically during the National Day holiday, many parents in China take their children back to their hometown to visit grandparents and rest. So is the b.oy in the yellow shirt in the clip. However, on October 6, when the holiday period ended and he had to return home, the b.oy couldn't bear to part with his grandparents.

At the time of parting, the b.oy was sitting in the car, crying and waving goodbye because he didn't want to say goodbye to his grandmother. She stood below and raised her hand to see me off, with tears in her eyes. When the car drove away, the b.oy suddenly threw the m.oney back through the car window, causing his grandmother to run to pick it up. The videographer revealed that the 10-year-old b.oy was the youngest, the most stubborn in the family, but lived a very emotional life, often crying when he had to say goodbye to his grandparents in the countryside.

Forbidden by his father to sleep with his mother, the b.oy declared a green sentence that made his parents turn pale - Photo 2

The b.oy understood that his grandparents worked very hard for m.oney, so every time he was given pocket m.oney, he only reluctantly accepted it. As he sat in the car about to leave, the b.oy threw the m.oney back for his grandparents to spend. The clip then recorded a grandmother standing at the door and wiping her tears with her hand because she missed her children and grandchildren. After the clip was shared on social networks, everyone praised the b.oy's filial piety, while others reminisced about his grandparents.

Some comments from the online community:

"Grandparents are all like that, they don't dare to spend 1 dong for themselves, but when they see their children and grandchildren, they try to stuff some for them."

"When I go back to my hometown, my grandparents give me a l.ot of m.oney. When I was young, I was happy to have m.oney to buy gifts. When I grew up, I didn't dare to accept it."

"She's only 10 years old, but she understands the truth, but when I grow up, I know how much grandparents love their children and grandchildren, so when they returned to their hometown, their grandparents gave them m.oney but they didn't dare to accept it."

Follow the line of h.ot events taking place on social networks. Recently, a social network account in Thailand shared the story he met on an animal rescue group and received great interaction. Accordingly, this guy told that he was driving home from Muang district, Khon Kaen province when he saw something on the road.

Forbidden by his father to sleep with his mother, the b.oy declared a green sentence that made his parents turn pale - Photo 3

When he got out of the car to look, he discovered it was a pack of puppies hugging each other in the cold rain. The b.oy guessed they were probably there the night before. It is possible that many passersby see them but are unable or unable to help them. So the guy decided to rescue these puppies by finding a cloth in the car and wrapping them up and putting them in the back of the car, leaving his brother to look after them, while he then went to find milk for them. drink. After counting, there are a total of 20 puppies in the herd. They drank all 20 cans of milk, it seems they have been hungry for quite a while. Since the surrounding area is not inhabited, it is difficult to inquire about the origin of these puppies. The young man himself could not take care of all 20 dogs.

Fortunately, after that, a couple working in the fields nearby agreed to temporarily bring the puppies home. The b.oy then also posted on social media groups to call for people to come and adopt these dogs. He also attached the couple's address so that anyone in need can come to the place to check the situation. His appeal then quickly received great attention from the people with 14,000 shares and thousands of other comments. Many people have offered to take 1 out of 20 dogs home. And so far, 11 puppies have been brought to a new place.

Currently, the guy is still updating the status of the remaining dogs on the calling post. What do people think of this guy's actions? If you are, will you be willing to take a dog home, please share it with us.

Forbidden by his father to sleep with his mother, the b.oy declared a green sentence that made his parents turn pale - Photo 4

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