The case of a female Mercedes driver who hit 10 motorbikes: Lawyers intervened, piling up 6 charges

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During the 4-hour trial of the doctor who kille.d his lover and then disposed of the body, from the defendant, the people involved to dozens of people in the audience continuously burst into tears. They all shed tears, but their emotions were not the same.
Danh Son (37 years old, from Kien Giang) and his girlfriend had an "extramarital" relationship. When he discovered his girlfriend was pregnant, he was afraid it would affect his work and family, so he attacked the victi.m and then disposed of the body.
The indictment announced by the representative of the Dong Nai Provincial People's Procuracy made those present at the trial on March 18 shudder at the brutal crime. The defendant stood in court, head bowed, trying to hide his probably very chaotic emotions. At this time, Danh Son was not speaking on behalf of a general practitioner, but of a criminal being brought to trial.
At the end of 2022, Ms. Truong Thi Ngoc N. (born in 1987, residing in Bien Hoa City) took Mr. Truong Thanh T. (biological father) to the hospital where Danh Son worked to treat cancer. From there, the two became acquainted and maintained an "extramarital" relationship.
In March 2024, Ms. N. announced that she was pregnant and asked Son to take responsibility. As a doctor working at a hospital and having a family (his wife was pregnant), Son said he was worried that the revelation would affect his wife, children, and work.
When the conflict reached its clima.x, Danh Son had the idea of attacking Ms. N. To commit the crime, the defendant bought a machete, a hammer, nails, and sleepin.g pill.s and hid them in the doctor's room.
On April 13, 2024, Danh Son asked his colleague to give up his duty room so he could be alone. Then, Son called his girlfriend to the hospital to talk. When they met, Son coaxed her and offered to give Ms. N. an IV.
While giving the IV, Son secretly injected 10 tubes of medicine into the IV bottle, causing Ms. N. to fall into a deep sleep.
Given the victi.m's condition, the defendant thought he could inject 2 tubes of medicine, but Danh Son injected 10 tubes with the aim of checking Ms. N's phone to see what information this person had to threate.n him.
After learning of his loverâs deat.h, the defendant struggled with his thoughts and wanted to escape, but was afraid of affecting his family and work, so he split up his lover. At the same time, Danh Son stated that during this process, he checked on Ms. N. and determined that the victi.m was not pregnant.
"The defendant divided his lover into small pieces and threw them in many places because he was in a state of panic, running around and throwing them in a deserted place," defendant Son testified in court.
Cold and cruel are what the audience imagined about Danh Son's actions towards his lover. Every word the defendant said made his relatives not dare to look at him.
After finishing, Son sobered up and returned to the hospital to erase all traces and throw away related items. At the same time, the defendant also took mone.y, gold, and a phone from Ms. N. worth nearly 50 million VND.
"I received a formal education and would have had other choices, but everything happened at a time when I was not in a good mental state and made mistakes. I accept everything," defendant Danh Son cried as he gave his final statement.
The defendant then cried loudly and apologized to the victi.m, his wife, relatives and colleagues working at Dong Nai General Hospital. The defendant said that his mistake had seriously affected everyone.
Finally, Danh Son asked the jury to consider and grant him leniency under the law so he could return home soon to take care of his elderly mother and young children.
With the actions he has committed, the defendant must pay for his crimes. The court sentenced Danh Son to deat.h on three charges. The verdict was not too surprising to those who followed the case. The defendant will no longer have the opportunity to take care of his elderly mother and young children as he wished. Just as the defendant himself took away Mrs. N's chance to live.
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