Vanga's 4 "child heirs": Possessing strange abilities that science cannot explain

Kim LâmJun 30, 2024 at 16:28

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In the world, there are children who surprise the world because they possess unusual and strange abilities, causing many people to believe that they are the descendants of the blind prophet Vanga.

1. The l.ittle g.irl is said to be a descendant of Mrs. Vanga

The famous prophet Vanga is famous around the world for his extremely accurate predictions about the future of the world. Before passing away in 1996, Ms. Vanga left her last words: "Many years later, a l.ittle g.irl will be born in the middle of Europe. She will be born in a time when dangerous events occur. . She also has the same ability to predict the future as me." In 2009, the French press reported on a l.ittle g.irl named Kaede Uber, possessing strange abilities, who was believed to be the "descendant" that Mrs. Vanga mentioned.

Vangas 4 c.hild heirs: Possessing strange abilities that science cannot explain - Photo 1

Kaede was born in 2004 in the city of Montpellier, southern France. At first, this l.ittle g.irl was just like any other normal c.hild, but as time went on, she revealed more and more strange features. Kaede has a congenital eye defect that causes weak eyesight, very similar to Vanga's blind eyes. In addition, Kaede's gestures and speech are very similar to Mrs. Vanga when she was alive.

Kaede once correctly predicted that her grandmother would have a heart attack, her brother would have a broken leg, or even that her father's company would go bankrupt. Also during this time, Kaede accurately predicted the global financial crisis, the war in Egypt and even the d.eath of Colonel Muamar Gaddafi or the pregnancy of French First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy...

Vangas 4 c.hild heirs: Possessing strange abilities that science cannot explain - Photo 2

In 2011, when appearing on a television program, Kaede was asked by journalist Aksinya Volotovo to predict who would be elected president of Russia. She immediately pointed at the photo and said: "It's the man with the forehead." this bald". Later, people shuddered to realize that it was Russian President Putin.

Later, Kaede also made many predictions about the fate of the world. However, possessing unusual abilities also makes her life difficult and disadvantageous. Kaede and her family used to live in seclusion to avoid media scrutiny. Kaede's parents always wanted their daughter to have the most normal life possible.

2. 5-year-old b.oy speaks 7 languages and communicates telepathically with his mother

5-year-old b.oy Ramses Sanguino, living in Los Angeles, California, USA, possesses extremely special talents and is considered one of the smartest 5-year-old children on the planet. Not only that, the b.oy also has the ability to telepathize with his mother, something that even science can't explain.

Vangas 4 c.hild heirs: Possessing strange abilities that science cannot explain - Photo 3

From a young age, Ramses liked reading and playing with books more than regular toys. The b.oy could read when he was 12 months old and by the time he was 18 months old he knew the multiplication tables in English and Spanish, the periodic table and atomic numbers. At the age of 5, the b.oy was able to solve complex mathematical equations, especially speaking 7 languages, including Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Arabic, Indian, Hebrew and Spanish. . Ms. Nyx Sanguino, Ramses' mother, said she did not teach her c.hild these foreign languages, so she did not know where he learned them.

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Dr. Diane Powell, a former faculty member at Harvard Medical School, believes that Ramses actually had telepathic abilities. Ms. Diane believes that the b.oy has high-functioning autism, or intelligent autism, and that telepathy is a special way for him to communicate with his mother.

3. L.ittle g.irl creates fire with her hands

L.ittle g.irl Maria, living in Antique province, Philippines, is said to have the ability to create fire from her hands, and can even maintain it long enough to burn surrounding objects. That seemingly unreasonable thing was confirmed by Maria's parents. During that time, firefighters and police were always on duty outside Maria's house to prevent any incidents.

Vangas 4 c.hild heirs: Possessing strange abilities that science cannot explain - Photo 5

To explain this, a group of scientists went to the place to investigate, bringing along tools and equipment. However, everything about Maria is normal. The temperature and environment of her body, in this house or the surrounding area, are normal. In the end, they had to conclude that this was a "mysterious ability".

In addition to creating fire with her hands, Maria also has the ability to sense flames near her, thereby helping to detect some fires. Later, the g.irl was sent to a local special elementary school.

4. B.aby girls can read minds without touching people

In 2013, the media reported about an Indian g.irl named Nandana Unnikrishnan who discovered special abilities at the age of 9. This l.ittle g.irl can read her mother's thoughts without touching her or going through anything.

Vangas 4 c.hild heirs: Possessing strange abilities that science cannot explain - Photo 6

Nandana has been autistic since childhood. After growing up, Nandana's mother discovered that her daughter always reacted to her every thought or look. Nandana has trouble with words but can type very quickly on the computer keyboard even though she never knew what it was.

Not stopping there, while taking a nap, Nandana heard a l.ittle g.irl calling for help. Nandana told this story to her mother and the people in the village rushed to search, finally discovering a l.ittle g.irl who had just died in the river from d.rowning.

Vangas 4 c.hild heirs: Possessing strange abilities that science cannot explain - Photo 7

Doctors, experts and psychiatrists determined that Nandana's extraordinary telepathic and telepathic abilities were real. However, until now, there has been no satisfactory explanation for Nandana's strange powers.

Vangas 4 c.hild heirs: Possessing strange abilities that science cannot explain - Photo 8

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