2Q Vlogs: Vietnamese doctor and wife living in Angola, single-mindedly supporting African people

Gia NhiOct 02, 2024 at 14:29

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Besides Quang Linh Vlogs and the African team, in Angola, another couple of Youtubers are also attracting attention and receiving a lo.t of appreciation. It is the owner of the 2Q Vlogs channel, of doctors Nguyen Thi Quynh and Nguyen Xuan Quyet.

7 years ago, Ms. Nguyen Thi Quynh (born in 1990, from Chi Linh, Hai Duong) and her husband Mr. Nguyen Xuan Quyet (born in 1990, from Thanh Hoa) wrote a volunteer application to go to Angola to work under the cooperation program of the Ministry of Health.

2Q Vlogs: Vietnamese doctor and wife living in Angola, single-mindedly supporting African people - Photo 1

Currently, the couple are working as medical experts at a hospital in the province of Cuanza Norte, Angola. In addition to medical examination and treatment for the people, they regularly introduce the life and people of Angola, and at the same time bring Vietnamese cultural identity closer to African people through the YouTube channel 2Q Vlogs - African Life.

Ms. Quynh said that in the past, when she was studying at Hai Phong University of Medicine and Pharmacy, she met and fell in love with Mr. Quyet. At that time, her family forbade it, not wanting her to love Mr. Quyet. The family wanted her to go to Angola to separate their relationship. But when Ms. Quynh did not have time to go to Angola, Mr. Quyet went first.

2Q Vlogs: Vietnamese doctor and wife living in Angola, single-mindedly supporting African people - Photo 2

Mr. Quyet recalled: "After I went to Angola for 10 months, my wife came. After that, both families found out." Sharing about the difficulties in your country, you said that when you first came here, you were very surprised because of the differences in culture and people here, and the facilities are much more lacking than in Vietnam. It took the two of them a year to learn Portuguese, survival skills in a geographical environment, harsh weather, epidemics.

What scares Hai Duong girls the most in Angola is looting and malaria. When she first came to her friend's country, she had experienced malaria twice, so she was always afraid of getting sick rather than afraid of material deprivation.

2Q Vlogs: Vietnamese doctor and wife living in Angola, single-mindedly supporting African people - Photo 3

After coming to Angola for 3 years, the brothers and sisters asked their families for permission to marry. After returning to Vietnam to give birth to the baby, she returned to Angola when the chil.d had just turned 10 months old. Sending her back to her grandparents in Hai Duong to take care of, the brothers and sisters stood side by side to carry out humanitarian missions.

Currently, Mr. Quyet is a diagnostic imaging doctor, in charge of X-rays and ultrasounds of the hospital. Ms. Quynh is also the only ophthalmologist here.

2Q Vlogs: Vietnamese doctor and wife living in Angola, single-mindedly supporting African people - Photo 4

Their working day starts from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Outside office hours, there are alternating duty sessions. This is also the only local hospital, which often has many overtime emergency cases, so doctors like you are always in a state of "ready to fight".

When the Covid-19 epidemic was complicated, they always stood side by side with colleagues from your country to fight the epidemic and take care of the people. They are living in a house provided by the hospital. With their own farming experience, they increase their own crops, cover the campus outside the house, grow their own plants and vegetables, cabbage, bitter melon, corn, peanuts, papaya... and raise a small flock of chickens.

2Q Vlogs: Vietnamese doctor and wife living in Angola, single-mindedly supporting African people - Photo 5

During his years working in Angola, he has helped many people here. But the most impressive thing was helping the family of a friend named Antony. Because he saw that Antony's family was too poor, working all day without enough food, almost the family only ate boiled bananas, Mr. Quyet took advantage of the break to go to his house to instruct how to make food, grow crops, build some works... The life of the friend's family is gradually getting better, there is no shortage of food. They have known intensive cultivation and livestock farming to be self-sufficient and self-sufficient.

2Q Vlogs: Vietnamese doctor and wife living in Angola, single-mindedly supporting African people - Photo 6

Sometimes, on holidays, they make Vietnamese food such as fried spring rolls, all kinds of stuffing, fried food... invite the people of Angola to eat. In order to preserve memories of the people and country of Angola, they set up a YouTube channel to record life here. In the process of making the program, if he encounters any difficult cases, he always seeks to help. Currently, your YouTube channel has reached 200,000 subscribers and is growing quite steadily.

2Q Vlogs: Vietnamese doctor and wife living in Angola, single-mindedly supporting African people - Photo 7

After 2 years of being affected by the Covid-19 epidemic, in early June 2022, the young couple took a leave of absence and returned to their hometown to visit their family and young daughter. Mr. Quyet said that if he can make a passport for his daughter, it is expected that in mid-July, the small family of three will return to Angola.

Talking about the desire to be attached in Angola, Mr. Quyet said that because the people here are still very difficult, they always warmly welcome the medical workers. Just hearing that the guest is a doctor, they are very precious. When they know that they are Vietnamese, they love and admire them even more.

2Q Vlogs: Vietnamese doctor and wife living in Angola, single-mindedly supporting African people - Photo 8

In addition to medical examination and treatment for people, Dr. Quyet and his wife have sought to connect and bring Vietnamese identity to Angola. The ho.t, arid weather in Africa has been almost subdued by the hands of a young doctor and his wife. With the farming experience of Vietnamese people, the couple grows their own vegetables and livestock. Their vegetable garden is always green, there are flowers of all colors, such as suzu, squash, melon... to corn, potatoes, sunflowers...

2Q Vlogs: Vietnamese doctor and wife living in Angola, single-mindedly supporting African people - Photo 9

When witnessing that people are not able to calculate quickly and combine calculations, or children in grade 7 who are not yet in the multiplication table, Dr. Quyet and his wife decided to open a math class. In addition, the couple also combined to teach Vietnamese to Angolan children.

He said: "The children love to learn, especially learning Vietnamese. In the neighborhood, there is also an Angolan friend who used to be an international student at the University of Agriculture, when the children saw their husband and wife communicating in Vietnamese with the international student, they were very interested."

2Q Vlogs: Vietnamese doctor and wife living in Angola, single-mindedly supporting African people - Photo 10

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