The Depp - Heard case suddenly appeared a new episode: Dakota Johnson was constantly called, what's going on?

NắngJun 29, 2022 at 17:16

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In an interview with Vanity Fair, Johnson said she doesn't remember that touch very well. The actress hopes that netizens will stop calling her name in Depp - Heard's private story.

American media suddenly reported, recently, the video of actress Dakota Johnson touching Johnny Depp's injured finger and asking him questions during the press conference promoting the movie Black Mass (2015) suddenly became hot again on online forums. .

The Depp - Heard case suddenly appeared a new episode: Dakota Johnson was constantly called, what's going on? - Photo 1

Despite being re-posted, the video has received 4.1 million views. Many readers mistakenly thought that this moment had just happened, so they assumed that the star Fifty Shades of Gray had a move to defend, siding with Depp in the defamation lawsuit.

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Johnson said she doesn't remember that time well. The actress hopes that netizens will stop calling her name in the private affairs of her colleagues.

The Depp - Heard case suddenly appeared a new episode: Dakota Johnson was constantly called, what's going on? - Photo 2

Johnson shared: "Don't let the story go any further. Can you imagine? God, what if they called me to testify?".

Johnson also expressed that, for her, the trial of two famous actors Depp - Heard was like a show. She calls it a "courtroom drama". The actress is scared by negative comments on the Internet about the lawsuit.

Johnson said that Johnny Depp once lashed out at Hollywood's boycott culture after being dropped from a series of projects because of a scandal with his ex-wife. Dakota Johnson admits she is also wary of the movement.

"There are things that I will never say publicly for fear of risking my career, making myself an object of this culture," Johnson said.

The actress is of the opinion that in life, everyone makes mistakes, it is important that they realize their mistakes and correct them. According to her, it is not advisable to lash out or hurt or harm those who have made mistakes.

Johnny Depp and Dakota Johnson worked together on the movie Black Mass. This is a work based on the book Black Mass: The True Story of an Unholy Alliance Between the FBI and the Irish Mob by Boston Globe reporters Dick Lehr and Gerard O'Neill.

The Depp - Heard case suddenly appeared a new episode: Dakota Johnson was constantly called, what's going on? - Photo 3

In the film, Depp plays the notorious boss Whitey Bulger and Johnson takes on the character Lindsey Cyr. After this collaboration, they kept a working relationship and rarely saw each other.

Although the Depp - Heard lawsuit has ended for a while, the news surrounding the two actors is still attracting special attention from the audience.

While Amber Heard is "struggling" for a large amount of compensation, Johnny Dep spends time enjoying life when vindicated.

On June 27, originating from PopTopic, rumors of a deal worth $ 301 million to bring Johnny Depp back to the role of Jack Sparrow spread at breakneck speed in newspapers and social networks. According to the site, a source close to Disney said, "Disney is working to mend its relationship with Johnny Depp. The studio hopes the actor will forgive them and return to his iconic role. that."

Accordingly, Depp will receive $ 301 million, equivalent to nearly 7 trillion dong, if he only agrees to appear in the new part of Pirates of the Caribbean. Disney is also said to have given gifts and tried to make peace with Johnny Depp before his trial with his ex-wife ended.

The Depp - Heard case suddenly appeared a new episode: Dakota Johnson was constantly called, what's going on? - Photo 4

Four years ago, just four days after Depp's ex-wife Amber Heard accused him of domestic violence, Disney immediately removed the actor from the next installment in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. This move indirectly supported Amber Heard and pushed Depp into the charge of "violence". His career also took a hit since then.

The news of the record deal gives hope to the fans of the "pirate guy". Because for many viewers, Johnny Depp is Jack Sparrow, no one can replace him as this eccentric pirate captain.

The Depp - Heard case suddenly appeared a new episode: Dakota Johnson was constantly called, what's going on? - Photo 5

But before fans could celebrate, less than a day later, Johnny Depp's representative denied it. "It's purely a fabrication." - the representative answered NBC News.

However, so far, Disney has not made any move to deny or confirm the authenticity of the deal, and left open the possibility of inviting Johnny Depp to return to the series.

After Depp won the lawsuit, a former Disney official also commented that the studio would do its best to bring him back to the pirate series.

Many fans think Johnny Depp's attitude is the most important thing. During a trial, Amber Heard's defense attorney asked Depp if he would be interested in working with Disney again on the pirate sequel, if the studio agreed to pay him $300 million? Depp flatly refused.

The Depp - Heard case suddenly appeared a new episode: Dakota Johnson was constantly called, what's going on? - Photo 6

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