The case of an 8-year-old b.oy being violently k.illed by his step-aunt: Hot developments before the trial made public opinion boil

NắngJul 19, 2022 at 16:24

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Regarding the trial of an 8-year-old b.oy who was abused by his step-aunt and biological father, on July 19, lawyer Tran Thi Ngoc Nu (Chief of the Bar Association of the Ho Chi Minh City Children's Rights Protection Association) said that petitioned the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City to request the return of the file for additional investigation, changing the crime from "Torturing others" to "Murder" for Nguyen Kim Trung Thai (SN 1985, living in District 1).

The case of an 8-year-old b.oy being violently k.illed by his step-aunt: Hot developments before the trial made public opinion boil - Photo 1

Nguyen Kim Trung Thai - Nguyen Vo Quynh Trang

Lawyer Tran Thi Ngoc Nu is a lawyer who protects the interests of the family of 8-year-old NTVA g.irl, who is the victim in the case.

The indictment of the People's Procuracy of Ho Chi Minh City prosecuted Nguyen Vo Quynh Trang (SN 1995, Gia Lai hometown) on charges of "murder" and "torture of others". Nguyen Kim Trung Thai (who lives as husband and wife with Trang) was also charged with two counts of "tortured others" and "hiding crimes".

According to lawyer Tran Thi Ngoc Nu, on page 6, the indictment cites the conclusion of the autopsy on January 20: "The cause of d.eath of the c.hild NTVA was acute pulmonary edema due to traumatic shock"; Injuries that "caused the victim's death" include:

The case of an 8-year-old b.oy being violently k.illed by his step-aunt: Hot developments before the trial made public opinion boil - Photo 2

"Hemorrhagic bruises on the outside of the right buttock (including 3 hematoma bruises in the form of two parallel lines), the back of the left hand in the form of 2 parallel lines caused by a direct impact, in which hemorrhagic bruises in the form of two parallel lines caused by a straight object. This is the cause of the d.eath of the victim".

"Injury to skin abrasions, bruises and hematomas at the waist, buttocks on both sides and left iliac crest (clustering), right iliac crest, and back of the left arm are caused by direct impact of the object. to the d.eath of the victim".

"Brained hematoma behind the right shoulder joint, blue-violet color. Arms and forearms on both sides have many scattered hematoma lesions with different wound times. These are old lesions, caused by direct impact objects. was the cause of the victim's death".

The case of an 8-year-old b.oy being violently k.illed by his step-aunt: Hot developments before the trial made public opinion boil - Photo 3

The results of extraction and assessment of camera data have determined that Vo Nguyen Quynh Trang and Nguyen Kim Trung Thai used metal rods and rods to beat An on December 10, 2021. The times of December 7, 2021 and the days after that, Thai witnessed Trang beat b.aby An as well as with Trang scolding b.aby An, even on January 22, 2021 Thai also witnessed through the camera.

On page 2 of the Indictment, the 14th line from the top down, it reads: "...Thai repeatedly looked directly at and witnessed Trang beat grandson A. but did not dissuade him, but repeatedly held a tree with Trang to scold and beat him. and tortured grandson A.

The progress of the crime through recorded camera data, extracted images, and the two defendants wrote confirmation: Trang used a whip, metal pipe, wooden tree directly to hit the head and other areas. of b.aby A. Thai also used a metal pipe to beat b.aby A...

The case of an 8-year-old b.oy being violently k.illed by his step-aunt: Hot developments before the trial made public opinion boil - Photo 4

This is physical evidence proving that the act of using a dangerous weapon to hit the vital area of b.aby A. is one of the cause-and-effect relationships leading to d.eath for the victim. This act constitutes m.urder, of a barbaric nature (more than in the Middle Ages), not an act of t.orture.

This is also material evidence reflecting the despicable and cruel criminal motives (b.eating the body of a n.aked c.hild, kneeling, having hands and feet tied...), the purpose of the crime is intentional. (using dangerous weapons to beat, kick ... on all body areas of children, including private areas); criminal acts that take place consecutively, many days, many times, even at night, are carried out with the same methods, tricks, and means, occurring at the same place.

"The sequence of actions of Nguyen Kim Trung Thai has been determined: As the biological father of b.aby A. but joined with Trang to scold b.aby A., directly used dangerous weapons to beat b.aby A. The times Trang hit B.eating b.aby A., Thai were both seen directly or watched through the camera.This action of Thai is meaningful to Trang who is the co-perpetrator of the crime, is the motivation and motivation for Trang to beat b.aby A even more. in a barbaric way.

Although Thai's testimony at the investigation agency was to blame Trang, Thai dissuaded Trang and did not allow Trang to beat b.aby A... but this testimony contradicts the development of the case, with the chain of actions of Thai, but the investigator easily accepted that the record was not reasonable. Therefore, Thai must bear the main responsibility for the d.eath of b.aby A," the petition stated.

The case of an 8-year-old b.oy being violently k.illed by his step-aunt: Hot developments before the trial made public opinion boil - Photo 5

Lawyer Tran Thi Ngoc Nu commented: "The above case is a typical example of domestic v.iolence, attracting public attention both domestically and internationally. Vietnam has had a Vietnamese family day and is in the National Domestic V.iolence Prevention Month. I request the People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City to pay additional investigation, requesting to change the crime against Nguyen Kim Trung Thai from tormenting others to m.urder."

The case of an 8-year-old b.oy being violently k.illed by his step-aunt: Hot developments before the trial made public opinion boil - Photo 6

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