Vợ Xuân Son số hưởng, không làm động móng tay, chồng lo việc nhà

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It is known that until today, "golden striker" Nguyen Xuan Son continues his active upper body training program with training time and exercises designed equivalent to those at the club.
In addition to information from the hospital, doctors and the club, the 9X striker's wife - Marcele Seippel (born in 1999) also regularly updates and shares her husband's situation on social networks, and does not forget to send thanks to everyone.
Most recently, Marcele Seippel posted two personal photos, accompanied by a long caption filled with wishes for her husband's health and safety. "I am yours and you are mine," she affirmed.
Notably, even though he was in the hospital, just a few seconds later, Xuan Son immediately commented, praising his wife, and also revealing his way of addressing her. The original comment of the male player: "Linda como sempre. Love you baby" (roughly translated: Beautiful as always. Love you baby).
Accordingly, the male player praised his wife's beauty; calling her with the intimate name "em", "em yêu" or sometimes "tinh yeu".
Under this comment of Xuan Son, many netizens praised his affection for his wife. Although he is in the hospital, he is still very attentive to his wife's every move.
The way he addresses his wife also shows how much he loves and cares for her. In his wife's previous posts, Xuan Son was always among the first to comment and express his love. He always gave her compliments and did not hesitate to express his love for his wife, with sentences like: "I love you forever in this life", "I will always love you, my love".
On the contrary, Marcele Seippel has a lot of affection for her husband, which is clearly shown through the way she supports him in sports, takes care of him, worries about him when he is injured,... The young wife wrote on her personal page: "I will always be here for you, anytime, I will always hold your hand, and give you strength, be strong my love".
It can be seen that, even though they have been together for more than 10 years (from the time they fell in love until they got married) and have 2 children together, this couple is still as sweet and passionate as the first days. "Their marriage is beautiful and so is the love they have for each other.
Love someone you trust, someone you can rely on, someone who always cares for you and loves you, and is the motivation for you to grow," a netizen shared.
Previously, before the AFF Cup 2024 final night, the 28-year-old striker proposed to his wife. "Marcele, will you marry me?", the striker of the Vietnamese national team shyly expressed. In response, Marcele laughed and said: "I agree".
It can be seen that after 10 years together, Xuan Son is still very romantic with his wife. It is known that Xuan Son and Marcele are each other's first love. They first met in 2014 when Marcele Seippel was 15 years old and Xuan Son was 17 years old. From that meeting, Xuan Son had a crush on and pursued Marcele.
In July 2018, after more than 3 years of dating, the couple got married in January 2018. The two lived together when Marcele had just entered university. But that same year, Xuan Son received an invitation to play for a Japanese football team. The young couple faced a dilemma. If Marcele continued her university studies, they would have to separate immediately after getting married.
Right at the training session for the first match in Japan, Xuan Son was seriously injured and had to take a long break from competition. During the time her husband was in bed, Marcele had to take care of everything herself, taking care of him, encouraging him and helping him with his personal hygiene. Six months later, Xuan Son was able to practice rehabilitation. Marcele admitted that it was a very difficult time. But she recognized Xuan Son's determination to tell herself not to give up and to try to overcome the difficulties.
Finding no opportunities for growth in Japan, a year later, Marcele followed her husband to Denmark. After a short time living in Denmark, Xuan Son also did not see many opportunities. The couple moved to Vietnam in 2020. Also in this year, Marcele became pregnant with her first son Matteo and gave birth in 2021. In 2023, the couple welcomed their second son, Lucca.
While Xuan Son is busy competing, she takes care of her two children and does housework. On their personal social media platforms, the couple also regularly shares beautiful moments of love together, spending time traveling, taking care of their two children, and even moments of going out to eat and buying banana cakes in everyday life that also attract no less attention.
Xuân Son quỳ cầu hôn trước CK AFF Cup 2024, vợ nói 1 câu xúc động Bảo Nam15:14:10 02/01/2025Mới đây, vợ của Nguyễn Xuân Son - Marcele Seippel gây chú ý khi đăng tải đoạn video khoe được nửa kia trao nhẫn trong niềm hạnh phúc. Đây là thông tin gây chú ý trước trận chung kết giữa Việt Nam và Thái Lan.
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