Tran Chi Bang - "Nhat Thai" has a rough life and a long slide after "Hoan Chau is different"

team youtubeJul 01, 2021 at 10:28

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It has been more than 20 years since Hoan Chau's way of "storming" across the Asian small screen, the career and private life of the famous cast in the film is still a topic that the audience is extremely interested in. While Pham Bang Bang, Trieu Vy, Lam Tam Nhu, To Huu Bang respectively rose to A-list stars with successful careers, an actor encountered many events that made the audience feel sad. That is Tran Chi Bang - the actor who plays Phuc Er Thai.

Tran Chi Bang - Nhi Thai has a rough life and a long slip behind Hoan Chau - Picture 1

A lightning career and a fateful accident

Tran Chi Bang was born in 1971. He entered the entertainment industry as a singer in the group Tieu Ho Doi, along with To Huu Bang and Ngo Ky Long. In the group, Tran Chi Bang was named Tieu Soai Ho thanks to his warm, scholarly appearance and was noticed for his resemblance to the Hong Kong legend Truong Quoc Vinh. In 1989, the group's first album was released, creating a fever throughout Asia with the number of albums sold up to 2 million copies. In 1991, Tran Chi Bang joined the army and the group "Tieu Ho Doi" disbanded.

After being discharged from the army, Tran Chi Bang's name cooled down. But he had the opportunity to rebuild his reputation by participating in the movie "Hoan Chau Cach". The film successfully brought the cast "flying high and flying far". With the image of a handsome young man in love with a warm smile, Tran Chi Bang has made many female fans' hearts sob.

Thanks to that, the name Tran Chi Bang received a lot of love from the audience. Many people believe that he will quickly achieve success on the acting path in the future like his two teammates To Huu Bang and Ngo Ky Long. However, it seems that the actor is not as lucky as the other two "pieces" of the Tieu Tiger team.

Hoan Chau distance is also the last glory in the actor's career. Since then, Tran Chi Bang has participated in a number of films. However, contrary to the audience's expectations, the actor did not have any more outstanding roles. In 2011, while participating in the film Teenager Hong Van Dinh, Tran Chi Bang encountered an accident on set and suffered burns on his face.

Tran Chi Bang recalled: "Remember that day when it rained, I had to act a scene through smoke and fire. This scene actually only needed to be used by a stuntman, but I still wanted to do it myself.

Originally, the fire that I had to jump over was small, but because it was raining heavily, the fire staff added explosives, about 5.6 times. I don't know, so I just jumped over. Unexpectedly, when I just jumped up, the fire suddenly rose and the accident happened.

Suddenly, I saw that it was dark in front of me, and I couldn't open my eyes. My face was burned, black from the fire and smoke, and my eyebrows and eyelashes were all burned. My outfit was also on fire. The feeling at that time was very painful, as if being stung by thousands of thousands of bees.

After that, I went to the hospital for examination, but I only treated the wound simply and then returned to the set. Because that day was the last scene, I had to go back, without me, the whole crew couldn't close the s.hooting.

My eyebrows at that time were burned clean. In order to film, they had to draw more eyebrows on my face. But even so, filming was still difficult, because my face was sore and uncomfortable.

Tran Chi Bang - Nhi Thai has a rough life and a long slip behind Hoan Chau - Picture 2

Finally, to help me relieve the pain, the staff in the group had to break ice cubes, wrap it in a towel, and put it on my face. Every few minutes the towel was removed again, I immediately looked into the camera and acted, and so on until the scene ended.

I was afraid that my family would worry, so I asked the press not to make this story public. I tell them to take pictures of me, but when posting, keep my photos as small as possible. I don't want my parents to see my burned appearance. I also lied that I was very busy these days, so I couldn't meet them.

But when I left the group, my face became more and more terrible. It started to blacken and had a lot of blisters. However, only 2 days later, I had to fly to Nanjing to participate in a program, because the contract was signed in advance, so I couldn't cancel it.

At that time, the venue was very h.ot, my face was swollen and blistered, extremely uncomfortable. But after the performance was over, I still flew back to Beijing, packed my bags, and went on the road again. Looking back on that time now, I see myself as resilient.

Indeed, when the accident happened, I didn't think too much, but later my face was burned to 50%. It took me more than 2 months of treatment and face transplant surgery. Therefore, my face changed and people suspected it was plastic surgery."

A serious accident caused Tran Chi Bang's career to decline. After many facial transplant surgeries, the actor regained his original appearance and returned to the entertainment industry as a singer.

However, after a long absence, his career and reputation were not as good as at first. To make a living, Tran Chi Bang even had to sing at fairs, small events or even bars. Tran Chi Bang confided about the most difficult time in his life: "At that time, every time I looked at the light, the storm suddenly hit".

Hold on to your career by dressing weirdly, offensively

After many years, the name Tran Chi Bang was suddenly "h.ot" again in 2017. But this time, he was noticed not because of movies or music, but because of his rebellious and colorful fashion style. , monstrous. And then, public opinion began to talk, mock, suspect that Tran Chi Bang deliberately created a joke to be famous at all costs. Therefore, the name Tran Chi Bang on the newspaper in recent years has always been closely associated with the image of "eye pain" and negative criticism from the public.

The audience rated the actor's quirky costumes as offensive and suspicious of his gender. Many people think that the reason Tran Chi Bang deliberately "plays out" like that is to hold on to the past glory and is struggling to survive in the midst of an increasingly aggressive entertainment industry.

Not only appearing with "strange" outfits on stage or events, but also in everyday life, Tran Chi Bang's fashion style also makes the audience bored. There were even malicious rumors that Tran Chi Bang was mentally ill.

Tran Chi Bang - Nhi Thai has a rough life and a long slip behind Hoan Chau - Picture 3

Before the criticisms and criticisms from the public, Tran Chi Bang countered: "Why can't men be stylish? I studied design and believed that my style was beautiful. I don't care to succeed. but in the future, it's okay to live happily."

The 50-year-old actor thinks that he is in a rebellious period and will not care about the disapproval or scrutiny from the public: "I'm not Er Thai, I don't need to pretend to be Truong Quoc Vinh, and I don't need to listen to him. anyone's opinion. Although very nostalgic for your Er Thai 20 years ago, that is too far in the past."

Before the success of his contemporaries, the actor was quite indifferent and affirmed that although he did not succeed as expected, being able to live with himself made him feel happy.

At the end of 2020, Tran Chi Bang was entangled in the suspicion of selling fake gold when participating in the livestream program. Selling online is an activity that many out-of-date stars choose to increase their income, but they do not carefully check the quality of the products.

Currently, Tran Chi Bang still sings and performs fashion shows. He said he was so used to insults and attacks that he was no longer sensitive and vulnerable. He said: "Now that I look back on my life, I think I have no regrets. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't make any other choice. Because everything, no matter good or bad, These are all my own experiences. Life can't always be calm and quiet, it takes ups and downs to add more meaning."

Tran Chi Bang - Nhi Thai has a rough life and a long slip behind Hoan Chau - Picture 4

Tran Chi Bang - Nhi Thai has a rough life and a long slip behind Hoan Chau - Picture 5

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