Thuy Tien was sarcastically criticized for being a vegetarian but praised the deliciousness of goat meat, the owner responded viciously

Kim LâmMay 18, 2024 at 11:33

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Since the charity m.oney scandal a few years ago, singer Thuy Tien has still received a lot of criticism from some netizens even though she has spoken out. Recently, when being teased about being a vegetarian, Cong Vinh's wife responded harshly.

Singer Thuy Tien is always an artist who receives attention from netizens. Her every move in real life and on social networks attracts attention. Even sometimes, netizens still dig up old statements and compare them with the female singer's current actions. Since then, the online community has always been excited about everything related to this singer.

Thuy Tien was sarcastically criticized for being a vegetarian but praised the deliciousness of goat meat, the owner responded viciously - Photo 1

Recently, when Thuy Tien showed off the peaceful, flower-filled scene in her billion-dollar house with Cong Vinh, the female singer was suddenly criticized by netizens: "Oh, is Thuy Tien still a vegetarian? I changed the dish. Before, I heard you say you're a vegetarian, but now I've heard you say goat meat is delicious. I hope you can explain to me and calm my mind."

Thuy Tien was sarcastically criticized for being a vegetarian but praised the deliciousness of goat meat, the owner responded viciously - Photo 2

In response, Thuy Tien made it clear that she had never claimed to be a vegetarian: "Well, now I have never declared to be a vegetarian. I've stopped "hearing about it" on nonsense news sites. Is it okay to go gossiping and talk about things with people? Shouldn't you have to talk bad about them to make yourself feel secure that you're really good? And it has nothing to do with whether you're a vegetarian or not I'm not at home, so why is my mind not pure?"

This sharing by Thuy Tien received the approval of netizens. Fans of the female singer think that some netizens are being too harsh on Cong Vinh's wife.

Thuy Tien was sarcastically criticized for being a vegetarian but praised the deliciousness of goat meat, the owner responded viciously - Photo 3

A few days ago, Thuy Tien posted on her personal page after nearly 2 months of silence on social networks. Since then, there have been a number of social media accounts that have revived Thuy Tien's charity scandal. The most notable is the ironic comment that the rich singer built a house for charity.

Thuy Tien then took a tough step when sharing a photo of the investigation agency's report concluding that she had no fraudulent behavior or signs of crime related to the accusation of stealing charity m.oney, and at the same time dividing shall:

Thuy Tien was sarcastically criticized for being a vegetarian but praised the deliciousness of goat meat, the owner responded viciously - Photo 4

"Or let's trade. If I take a single penny of charity for personal use, I pray that God will take all my assets and have to live in poverty for the rest of my life because people like that don't deserve to be human. And if I haven't done anything wrong and you spread resentment and cause bad karma for me, then I'll ask for all your blessings, okay?".

Previously in 2020, Thuy Tien received many compliments when calling for voluntary donations for people in the Central region affected by floods. However, in 2021, the female singer suddenly became the center of attention when she was "called out" for the "statement storm", consuming a lot of ink from the media. Not long after that, Thuy Tien and Cong Vinh made a statement and invited a lawyer to help them regain their honor.

Thuy Tien was sarcastically criticized for being a vegetarian but praised the deliciousness of goat meat, the owner responded viciously - Photo 5

There was a time when Thuy Tien and Cong Vinh decided to "hide" on social networks. Since 2022, Thuy Tien has begun to reappear more regularly on social networking platforms. The female singer has gradually stabilized and diligently updates images of her daily life on social networks.

Thuy Tien was sarcastically criticized for being a vegetarian but praised the deliciousness of goat meat, the owner responded viciously - Photo 6

In addition, Thuy Tien also returned to artistic activities such as releasing new songs, accepting shows, etc. However, the female singer still received many negative comments from a part of the audience.

Thuy Tien was sarcastically criticized for being a vegetarian but praised the deliciousness of goat meat, the owner responded viciously - Photo 7

Thuy Tien was sarcastically criticized for being a vegetarian but praised the deliciousness of goat meat, the owner responded viciously - Photo 8

In November 2023, Thuy Tien suddenly entered the online sales livestream segment. It's worth mentioning that, in all of Thuy Tien's livestreams, there were a large number of viewers pouring in to leave comments criticizing and mocking her, and even many obscene comments appearing, severely insulting the female singer. doctor. After only a few livestream sessions, Thuy Tien had to stop this job.

Thuy Tien was sarcastically criticized for being a vegetarian but praised the deliciousness of goat meat, the owner responded viciously - Photo 9

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