Thuy Tien was suspected of "faking it", boasting that her husband transferred 2 billion in cash was just a scam, the evidence is clear and obvious

Châu AnhNov 27, 2023 at 07:00

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Having just shown off that her husband Cong Vinh transferred 2 billion on her birthday, Thuy Tien was "spotted" by netizens accusing her of just "deceiving" the online community. Currently, the incident is being discussed by people.

The story of Thuy Tien joining the livestream artist sales association is receiving mixed reactions on social networks. In addition to comments mentioning a series of noises in the past, netizens also "dug up" the story that Thuy Tien once boasted that her husband gave her 40 billion VND in pocket m.oney but now has to go online to sell things online.

Amidst the controversy, Thuy Tien attracted attention when she revealed that her husband celebrated his birthday with 2 billion VND. The female singer also publicly authorized her husband's expenses and messages on social networks as evidence.

Thuy Tien was suspected of faking it, boasting that her husband transferred 2 billion in cash was just a scam, the evidence is clear and obvious - Photo 1

However, instead of taking a screenshot of the transfer, Thuy Tien publicly authorized Cong Vinh's m.oney transfer. This makes many people very curious.

Specifically, netizens saw that Cong Vinh's payment authorization letter had the command "Recieved", "No paid yet" meaning that the customer made the payment authorization, filled in all the information and could cancel it and not transfer it again. Currently, Cong Vinh - Thuy Tien side has not yet commented on the rumored information on this social network. However, currently this is only rumored information on social networks and has not been confirmed by insiders.

Thuy Tien was suspected of faking it, boasting that her husband transferred 2 billion in cash was just a scam, the evidence is clear and obvious - Photo 2

Thuy Tien was suspected of faking it, boasting that her husband transferred 2 billion in cash was just a scam, the evidence is clear and obvious - Photo 3

In response to this rumor, Thuy Tien did not respond but only replied that her husband did not transfer m.oney online but went straight to the bank to deposit m.oney. The female singer explained: "He doesn't know how to use ebanking, I keep saying it but he says it's too complicated, go to the bank quickly."

Thuy Tien was suspected of faking it, boasting that her husband transferred 2 billion in cash was just a scam, the evidence is clear and obvious - Photo 4

Thuy Tien said that when she received m.oney from her husband while livestreaming a sale, Cong Vinh immediately asked his wife to stop this job to spend time enjoying a leisurely life and taking care of their children.

"Dad hopes that his beloved mother will always be happy and cheerful, so he wants to give this gift to her, so that she can rest and play at home and take care of the family and children. Don't do anything else, let me take care of everything. Dad said. "Is there something wrong? Mom, please forgive me, or mom, don't sell online anymore, it's so hard, but I'm also worried that mom will get hurt," Cong Vinh texted to Thuy Tien.

Thuy Tien was suspected of faking it, boasting that her husband transferred 2 billion in cash was just a scam, the evidence is clear and obvious - Photo 5

However, Thuy Tien affirmed that she would not listen to her husband's suggestion: "Yesterday while I was livestreaming online sales, I received a surprise birthday gift from my husband with messages that made me extremely emotional. If I wasn't busy livestreaming, I would have run home to hug my husband and say 'Let's stop giving him gifts, dad, give me less advice'. I've never given advice, but I don't listen to it, so why is it so hard to give advice?".

Regarding the livestream, despite being attacked by netizens, Thuy Tien's livestream also lasted from 1pm on November 24 to nearly 1am on November 25. According to the sharing, the purpose of Cong Vinh's wife opening the livestream is to sell goods, but below the comments are mostly offensive, sarcastic words and also loudly mentioning the statement...

Thuy Tien was suspected of faking it, boasting that her husband transferred 2 billion in cash was just a scam, the evidence is clear and obvious - Photo 6

Before that, Thuy Tien also wrote a long letter because of the noise during the livestream: "I don't see anything bad about selling online. Instead of having time to rest and have fun with family, spend a little time on yourself." Selling good products and having m.oney can help many people relieve suffering. The m.oney I earn from honest buying and selling is not taken from anyone, not begged from anyone, does not violate any laws or ethics. But I don't understand why I livestream to sell People are so sarcastic about online products. Every month I have to carry so many difficult situations on my shoulders, so next week I will continue to livestream. I hope everyone will be happy for my work."

Thuy Tien was suspected of faking it, boasting that her husband transferred 2 billion in cash was just a scam, the evidence is clear and obvious - Photo 7

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