The guard who saved Qianlong's life only wanted a plump palace maid as a rewar.d, why?

Bình MinhFeb 20, 2025 at 15:02

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After saving Emperor Qianlong from a pack of ferocious wolves, this guard only wanted to be married to a plump palace maid and no other rewar.d. The truth behind it surprised later generations.

The Qing emperors were succeeded by Nurhaci. Among them, Qianlong was a famous emperor. As soon as Yongzheng ascended the throne, his successor was designated Hongli, who was only 13 years old at the time. After that, Yongzheng took great pains to train and find talented people to teach his son.

The guard who saved Qianlongs life only wanted a plump palace maid as a rewar.d, why? - Photo 1

Thanks to that, Hongli was very excellent and did not disappoint his father's expectations. In the 13th year of Yongzheng, Yongzheng passed away, Hongli ascended the throne, taking the name Qianlong. Emperor Yongzheng ruled quite strictly, after ascending the throne, Qianlong thought a lot about how to rule his country and finally decided to implement a benevolent policy.

Therefore, Emperor Qianlong was very popular with the civil and military officials in the court and was also a good emperor in the hearts of the people. Emperor Yongzheng, when he was still in power, was very passionate about researching the art of immortality. Therefore, he summoned many martial arts experts to the palace to practice alchemy. When he encountered strange natural phenomena or strange dreams, he also called them to decode them. Qianlong extremely disliked these things and objected many times, so when he ascended the throne, he expelled these "experts" in the palace.

The guard who saved Qianlongs life only wanted a plump palace maid as a rewar.d, why? - Photo 2

The affairs in the palace had been resolved, but the factionalism in the court was still very troublesome. E'er Tai and Zhang Tingyu were both high-ranking officials in the court, each with their own power. Therefore, Qianlong found a reason to strip them of their positions. He also promoted talented people, so that the king and his subjects were of one mind.

Qianlong's devoted bodyguard

Every emperor, no matter how great his achievements, had enemies who wanted to assassinate him, so the protection of his guards was very important and Qianlong was no exception. His guards were all very devoted and had saved him many times. Hai Lancha was Qianlong's closest guard. His full name was Dorai Hai Lancha, born in Heilongjiang.

The guard who saved Qianlongs life only wanted a plump palace maid as a rewar.d, why? - Photo 3

Hai Lan Sat joined the Qing army at a very early ag.e. Because of his loyal character and excellent martial arts skills, he was quickly trusted and highly regarded by the emperor. His position also rose rapidly, from an ordinary soldier to a general.

During the Qing army's pacification of Sichuan, the great general Feng Sheng'e was unable to break through, so Emperor Qianlong sent this young general to assist Sichuan. Hai Lancha led his army straight into the enemy army, cooperating with Feng Sheng'e. The two armies coordinated with each other, breaking through the fortress like cutting bamboo. Afterwards, they encountered the enemy's main force, which also had the advantage of terrain, making it impossible for the Qing army to organize an effective attac.k.

The guard who saved Qianlongs life only wanted a plump palace maid as a rewar.d, why? - Photo 4

This gave Hai Lan Sat, Phong Thang Ngach and the other generals a headache. Emperor Qianlong did not blame them but comforted them: "You must stay calm and make more achievements." And Hai Lan Sat did not disappoint the king's trust, his strategy was very effective. After several great battles, he rose to become a second-rank guard next to Qianlong.

Hai Lan Sat did not dare to let his guard down for even a moment when he was with Qianlong, because even a small mistake on his part could put the emperor in danger. Afterwards, he saved the emperor many times and was quickly promoted to first-rank guard.

The guard who saved Qianlongs life only wanted a plump palace maid as a rewar.d, why? - Photo 5

Special rewards and lessons for posterity

Besides protecting Qianlong, Hai Lan Sat also acted as an advisor to the emperor in many matters. He had experience in battles, was more resourceful than others, was both literary and martial, and had a broad vision. After such a guard passed away, the emperor specially ordered the construction of an ancestral temple for him and posthumously awarded him the title of First Class Super Brave Merit.

Speaking of Hai Lan Sat, there is also a very interesting story between him and Qianlong. This story took place during a hunting trip, the emperor arranged for his generals to attend. In the hunting ground, there were also many wild animals, including wild chickens, hares, elk, wolves...

The guard who saved Qianlongs life only wanted a plump palace maid as a rewar.d, why? - Photo 6

The generals all brought their bows and arrows into the yard to start their hunt, and Qianlong also joined in. While everyone was competing in archery, suddenly a pack of wolves surrounded the emperor. Wolves are carnivores, if they attacke.d at the same time, the emperor would definitely lose his life.

At this moment, Hai Lan Sat rushed forward. Although he was alone, he was not afraid of the wolves. He was seen charging into the pack with a knife in his hand, while Qianlong was behind him using his bo.w and arrow to shoo.t the wild wolves to deat.h. Thus, he saved the emperor's life.

The guard who saved Qianlongs life only wanted a plump palace maid as a rewar.d, why? - Photo 7

This was the merit of saving the king, Qianlong was very happy. Therefore, he asked the guard Hai Lan Sat: "What do you want? I will fulfill all of it". He thought that he would ask for gold, silver, jewels, houses, fields and gardens, but unexpectedly he said "Please, Your Majesty, grant me a plump palace maid".

This surprised Emperor Qianlong, so he asked what this palace maid's relationship was with Hai Lan Sat. It turned out that this palace maid was the emperor's beloved concubine's sidekick, and Hai Lan Sat liked her very much. The emperor saw that this guard was also of marriageable ag.e, so he gave this palace maid to Hai Lan Sat and also arranged a marriage between them.

The guard who saved Qianlongs life only wanted a plump palace maid as a rewar.d, why? - Photo 8

Hai Lan Sat was also very smart, this choice was first and foremost for his own happiness. Through the rewar.d, he could marry the person he loved. Moreover, if the guard Hai Lan Sat asked for official positions, land... then he would disappoint Emperor Qian Long, because Qian Long did not like greedy people.

Having a corrupt official by the emperor's side was a great danger to the country. If the emperor lost confidence because of this rewar.d, it would not be able to develop well in the future. Therefore, later generations felt that Hai Lan Sat's fightin.g spirit was very precious.

The guard who saved Qianlongs life only wanted a plump palace maid as a rewar.d, why? - Photo 9

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