Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team

Thảo MaiOct 19, 2024 at 07:13

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Mr. Pham Quang Linh (commonly known as Quang Linh Vlog) - founder of the African team, was just elected as one of 397 members of the Vietnam Fatherland Front on the morning of October 18.

"This is a great honor that I never thought of. I will try harder to do good social work, support the community, and build the image of Vietnam abroad so as not to disappoint people's trust," Quang Linh said.

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 1

After being "promoted", Quang Linh was immediately welcomed by his sister and the African team in a special way.

Specifically, in the latest clip, Quang Linh returned from the 10th National Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and he immediately "showed off" to his sister and brothers.

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 2

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 3

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 4

The team ran to worry and take care of him like a "big boss". Anyone who follows the African team regularly knows that they often troll each other. That's why when watching the clip above, everyone burst out laughing.

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 5

Before that, when the press reported on Quang Linh, at that time, Nhat Le and Tien Nguyen were also livestreaming to sell goods. Quang Linh immediately "showed off", ordering his sister to cook and wait for him". Once again, people were "holding their stomachs" at this humorous situation.

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 6

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 7

Quang Linh is 27 years old, from Nghi Loc, Nghe An province. In 2016, after finishing high school, Linh went to Angola, a country in central Africa, to work as a construction worker as an export laborer. After working at construction sites in the city, he saved up and opened an ice factory in the capital Luanda.

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 8

On a holiday, Linh's group went to Sanzala village and witnessed the poverty of the people there. He spent his own mone.y to organize free meals, distribute rice and necessities to support them. He created the YouTube channel Quang Linh Vlogs, sharing about life and volunteer activities in Africa, receiving much attention.

When the stone factory was doing well and the YouTube channel was profitable, Linh formed a group of 9 people, including 4 Vietnamese and 5 Angolans, named "Team Africa", and gradually organized larger-scale charity projects for the local people.

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 9

Realizing that Sanzala village had never had access to clean water, the group raised mone.y to hire workers to drill wells to provide a source of water for the people. Seeing that the people had no electricity, they installed a solar power system and ran the power lines to each house.

He spent two years with his team building and repairing schools, going door to door to mobilize people, sending 5,000 children to class.

In particular, Linh also helps Angolans grow rice. During the dry season, when villagers have nothing to do, Linh's group guides them to dig ditches, bring water from streams, and use Vietnamese-style agricultural techniques to have food all year round. In 2022, Linh returned home to visit after 6 years abroad. When he returned to Angola, he brought 6 boxes of rice seeds from Vietnam for experimental planting.

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 10

After a period of care, in April, Linh's group harvested the first rice crop in Angola. "From now on, people will have rice!", he said happily on harvest day.

After the initial success, Linh decided to invest in buying 14 hectares of wasteland, plant seeds, hiring workers, bringing lawn mowers from Vietnam, and building a livestock and crop farm. Some Vietnamese agricultural experts heard the news and also came to Africa to support the group with farming techniques. It is known that Quang Linh Vlogs has invested 4.3 billion VND in this farm.

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 11

The farm now produces a variety of agricultural products such as corn, sugarcane, vegetables, along with livestock, poultry, and seafood, creating livelihoods for many local people. The group also guides people in selling agricultural products to the market to generate income and stabilize their lives.

Linh's YouTube channel, which features videos about life in Africa, currently has 4 million subscribers. He said that income from the channel and community-supported business activities will be used to serve the communities in both Angola and Vietnam.

Quang Linh vlog just became a member of the Fatherland Front and immediately gave a shocking order to the African team - Photo 12

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