Habits that seem right but turn out to be wrong

team youtubeApr 14, 2021 at 09:14

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There are so many daily habits that you yourself repeat month after month, year after year, you still think it's right to do so because they are so common. However, if you look at the images below, you will be surprised because these actions yourself also accidentally made mistakes without even knowing it.

Habits that seem right but turn out to be wrong - Photo 1

Keep your wallet in your back pocket

Many people often have the habit of keeping their wallet in the back pocket of their pants, for them, this is the most appropriate and convenient position. While this may seem like a very appropriate position, sitting on your wallet, even for a short period of 15 minutes, puts a lot of pressure on the spine causing the spinal ligaments to begin to change. .

This will eventually create an asymmetry that can disrupt the normal alignment in your spine. Sitting on a purse for long periods of time can cause chronic back pain, sciatica, and scoliosis.

Bring electronic devices to bed

A recent poll found that an estimated 89% of adults and 75% of children have at least one electronic device in their bedroom. Regular use of electronic devices before bed not only affects the quality of sleep, but also makes us gain weight and causes daytime fatigue. It also affects work productivity, learning ability, and stress levels. Stopping using electronic devices for at least an hour before bed can dramatically improve the quality of your sleep and preserve your health.

Habits that seem right but turn out to be wrong - Photo 2

Wash your hands with h.ot water

Whether it is 38 C or 16 C, the temperature of the water does not play an important role in reducing bacteria. There is a misconception that h.ot water helps k.ill bacteria. But in fact, h.ot water does not k.ill bacteria, only boiling water can k.ill bacteria, which is why medical instruments must be disinfected with boiling water. Moreover, washing hands with cold water is a much better choice, because washing hands with h.ot water will soften the skin and reduce antibacterial ability.

Mask every day

Until now, you always think that applying a mask every day will help your skin to be beautiful quickly. But the reality is quite the opposite, providing too much nutrients to the skin will have the opposite effect, even damaging the skin texture. As recommended by dermatologists, you should only apply a mask 2-3 times a week.

Exfoliating too much

Many people think that exfoliation is a "divine" method to remove dirt and make skin bright and smooth. But in the winter, the skin will produce less excess oil than in the summer, so you can reduce the frequency of exfoliating. Exfoliating too often will s.trip the skin of its natural oils, making dry skin even drier. This bad habit will rub and abrade the skin, causing damage to the skin.

Habits that seem right but turn out to be wrong - Photo 3

When done with a dense density, it will lead to dry skin, inflammation, and destruction of healthy skin cells. As a result, the skin is stimulated to produce more melanin as a natural defense mechanism, and the skin also produces a lot of oil. The best way, you should exfoliate 1-2 times a week. This allows you to remove dead skin cells without damaging healthy skin.

Apply eye cream too thick

Eye care with eye cream is very necessary for women, especially after the age of 25. Normally, we are so familiar with the advertising images of densely applied eye cream. But the truth is, eye creams often contain heavy oils equivalent to mineral oil and petroleum. These ingredients are not easily absorbed through the skin but to some extent it will clog the pores.

Therefore, you should not apply too thick eye cream and should choose the right cream according to your age. It is best to choose creams with mild formulas that are easily absorbed by the skin and keep the skin hydrated and soft. A good eye cream will make users feel like using a serum, because the skin around the eyes is extremely sensitive and can not tolerate the excess in "heavy" creams.

Habits that seem right but turn out to be wrong - Photo 4

Wash your face too thoroughly in the morning and more than 3 times a day

Many people have the habit of waking up in the morning and washing their face very carefully. However, in fact, when you sleep is the time for the skin to regenerate, balance the pH and increase collagen production, the skin is not affected by as much dirt and cosmetic residue as during the day, so in the morning, you just need to wash your face with water or a mild cleanser is enough, not necessarily rubbing too much.

Besides, washing your face too many times a day is a bad habit that is harmful to the skin. Because using water, regular face wash will lose moisture and pH, making the skin rough, dry and quickly aging. Therefore, you should only wash your face a maximum of 3 times a day. And if oily skin causes a lot of trouble, make yourself a habit of using oil blotting paper daily.

Habits that seem right but turn out to be wrong - Photo 5

Using too many skin care products

Most people who keep a regular skin care routine are "addicts" to beauty. However, due to using too many products at once, their skin faces the risk of inflammation, weakness, and deterioration.

At each point, you should clearly define what your desired goal is: Acne treatment, whitening or anti-aging?

Accordingly, you should not use multiple lines with multiple uses at the same time. Each skin care product should be used continuously for at least 1 month before you want to change to another product, as this is the minimum time for you to know if this product is effective or not.

Taking a h.ot bath for too long

Although a h.ot bath can open up your pores, circulate b.lood, and help your b.ody relax, if you take a long bath under h.ot water, your skin will dry out and can cause peeling or c.racking.

Use face wipes instead of washing your face

Wipes can only remove some dirt and makeup on the surface of your skin, but cannot clean pores. In addition, the cotton fibers when applied to the face are very easy to scratch the skin.

There's no better way to take care of your skin than a makeup remover to remove makeup. After thoroughly removing makeup, you should use a cleanser with natural organic ingredients to gently clean the skin.

Use a hand dryer

Habits that seem right but turn out to be wrong - Photo 6

Hand dryers may be a more eco-friendly solution than paper towels, but they certainly won't be good for our health. Hand dryers in public restrooms have the potential to spread germs onto your hands. The mechanism that hand dryers use is to blow air that will easily spread bacteria in the space of the restroom. The results of many studies also indicate that many types of bacteria, including spores and pathogens, can be transferred onto your hands.

Sleeping too much

Sleep is the time for the b.ody to recover and repair itself. It would be a mistake to assume that more sleep equates to more rest and better health. The appropriate amount of sleep is different for each person, but the general benchmark of good sleep is around 7-9 hours. Consider this the optimal sleep pattern. Oversleeping on a regular basis has been linked to higher m.ortality, depression, heart disease, obesity, and impaired brain function.

Clap your hands on the back of the person who is choking

This is like a natural reflex of each of us when we see someone choking. However, this is a very dangerous action, you cannot casually pat it like that. If the choking person is in an upright position and you still pat them, this can cause the choking object to go deeper, make it difficult to remove the choking object and make it much more dangerous.

So, if you see someone choking instead of patting the back with your hand, have the victim lean forward, trying to cough to spit out the choked object. If you must pat the back, make sure the victim is leaning forward and not in an upright position.

Use headphones to listen to loud music

Many people use headphones to listen to loud music for fear of affecting others. This can cause hearing damage, even hearing loss. Therefore, choose the right volume level to protect your hearing and invest in good quality headphones that isolate background noise.

Drink coffee as soon as you wake up

A morning cup of coffee helps replenish essential energy for early risers. Upon awakening, the human b.ody produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which combines with the caffeine in coffee to increase stress. You should not rush to drink coffee at this time because it easily makes you stressed all day. If you still want a cup of coffee in the morning, drink it about 3 hours after waking up.

Habits that seem right but turn out to be wrong - Photo 7

Apply ice to the bruise

Make sure you also regularly use ice to reduce b.leeding inside the wound causing the bruise. But remember, ice is not something that can be applied arbitrarily.

If ice is placed in direct contact with the wound, the cold temperature will prevent b.lood circulation, reducing the ability to heal. Moreover, you are also very susceptible to frostbite if applied for too long. The right way to apply here is to wrap the ice in a cloth, then apply it to the bruise. Also, do not apply for more than 10 minutes at a time.

Reuse plastic bottles for drinking water

Reusing plastic bottles by pouring water away and continuing to use is a way that many people use, especially to store water in the refrigerator. But it was a very wrong move.

Plastic water bottles are mostly made from PET, only suitable for 1-2 times use. This type of plastic can gradually break down into microplastic particles, which can easily enter your b.ody. Moreover, microscopic cracks will cause bacteria to accumulate, causing serious health effects.

Looking at the phone for hours

Phone is the most popular device of people today. According to the New York Times, the way we use them directly affects our health. Many people have the habit of holding the phone close to their chest for a long time. That causes them to bend over and over, causing stiff necks, pain, muscle weakness, and headaches. In particular, looking at your phone too much can damage your eyes. It is best not to use the phone for too long and keep it at eye level.

Habits that seem right but turn out to be wrong - Photo 8

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