Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband

JLOMay 12, 2023 at 16:07

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In addition to her sweet voice inherited from her family, Tu Suong also has a beautiful appearance, which is compared by composer Nguyen Phuong as "the jade of the stage of Vietnamese classical opera".

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong is the daughter of talented artists Truong Son - Thanh Loan, he calls People's Artist Thanh Tong his uncle, the 5-generation grandson of the boi singer Vinh Xuan, the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of master Minh. To - Seven Su, grandson of the drummer, Seven Male.

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband - Photo 1

On stage, she and Meritorious Artist Vu Luan are a good pair of peaches. After the generation of Tai Linh - Vu Linh, when it comes to the most popular double peach pair, the audience must definitely mention the name Vu Luan - Tu Suong. Both were awarded the title of Distinguished Artist in 2015.

Inheriting the love of stage from family

Growing up behind the scenes watching her parents perform cai luong, Tu Suong's love for the stage also gradually rekindled. Since the age of 4, she has stood on stage, performing children's acts and received many compliments. Passionate about reforming, Tu Suong's childhood years were all associated with the stage.

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband - Photo 2

Tu Suong's childhood period was also when the Cai Luong stage was gradually deserted, so her family life was not very good, sometimes she had to live on boxes of noodles and cake packages donated by the audience. Many people had to quit their jobs because the salary from picking Cai Luong was not enough to cover them, but Meritorious Artist Tu Suong's family still chose to sing, still determined to stick with Cai Luong until the end.

In 1990, at the age of 13, Tu Suong joined the Dong Au Bach Long singing troupe.

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband - Photo 3

Because this art troupe follows the ancient tuong style, right from the early days Tu Suong focused on performing choreography. Due to performing too many difficult movements, using the legs and knees as pillars, over time this part is damaged.

Right from the age of eighteen and twenty, in many performances she felt the pain, but because of the sense of fulfilling the role most perfectly, Tu Suong still passed.

She confided: "Being born into a large reformed family, to me is both a blessing and a great pressure. We always receive strict comments from family members in each role. We have to sing well so as not to be criticized by the audience and affect the family's reputation, and therefore, we are f.orced to make efforts and sacrifices for the role."

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband - Photo 4

That pressure is leverage for Tu Suong to become a favorite actress of the audience. She joined with Meritorious Artist Vu Luan to become a famous double peach couple in the field of ancient and distant cai luong tuong. Some plays that make up the name Tu Suong - Vu Luan are Tu Hai Tho, Giang san and beauty, Luong Son Ba - Chuc Anh Dai, Thanh Xa - Bach Xa, Vo Tac Thien, Trial of Phi Giao. ..

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband - Photo 5

And when becoming a star, a name that guarantees box office revenue, the responsibility on Tu Suong's shoulders is even heavier.

Tu Suong was injured while performing the ancient play "Doan Hong Ngoc destroys the Battle of Thuan Duong" at Tran Huu Trang Theater. During a choreography, she had an incident that caused the props to touch her eyebrows. The wound hit the soft part, so there was a lot of b.lood on the female artist's face.

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband - Photo 6

That made her accept to live with physical pain for about 20 years, which has lasted until now. She said: "About 20 years ago, in a scene with Mr. Vu Luan, I made a knee-kneeling movement and stood up, I felt a sharp pain. But the class was going well, the audience was watching, I suppressed it. pain plays to the end.

Then my leg started to hurt, but because of the busy schedule, I didn't go to the doctor. Another time performing at the stage in Vung Tau, I also performed a strong choreography, the pain in the same spot flared up, I fell to the floor. I quickly stood up to continue when a second pain hit me and I passed out. The artist brothers had to close the curtain, apologize to the audience, and carry me backstage.

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband - Photo 7

Back in Saigon, I went to the doctor to find out that I had varicose veins and muscle inflammation. The doctor advised me not to exercise and rest because otherwise the condition would be more serious. But for various reasons, I ignored the doctor's advice. If you go to a place of pain-relieving medicine, it will continue, or if you go to a singing place and your leg hurts too much, you can ask permission to stand in one place or sing, but you can't quit."

Being the breadwinner of the family, raising two children and parents

The reason why Meritorious Artist Tu Suong did not relax and preserve her health, in addition to the pressure of keeping the family's reputation, at that time she had to raise two small children and help her parents.

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband - Photo 8

She is the breadwinner of the family while her main source of income is nothing but singing. Next, for many years, Cai Luong has faced many difficulties, so the artist's life is quite precarious. Normally audiences only buy tickets to the theater if there is a main peach and double that they love. Therefore, if she does not sing, it will affect the lives of many people.

There are too many reasons to force her to die. Now in her 40s, her physical strength is no longer as full as before, fatigue has appeared with great frequency, but Tu Suong still does not regret her decision.

Life is full of love

Possessing a delicate face, lovely smile, was also fondly called by composer Nguyen Phuong as "the jade of Vietnam's ancient cai luong stage", but Tu Suong's love road was not very smooth, had to go through a difficult time. After two breakdowns, they found a happy destination.

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband - Photo 9

She gave birth to a c.hild with her first husband at the age of 23. When she was young, she had to be a wife and mother. Tu Suong faced many difficulties. Her husband's family did not follow art, so the couple's feelings were often at odds. In the end, she decided to divorce and become a single mother, using singing to raise two children.

After that, Tu Suong also opened his heart to another person. But happiness soon, this love continued to fall apart, causing Tu Suong to suffer terribly, partly because he complained about his poor fate, partly because he was afraid of people's objections.

But perhaps life's fate wants her to go through the ups and downs to meet the truest love. Then Tu Suong fell in love with an overseas Vietnamese, who was also the person she loved since childhood, but due to his family's settlement, the two had to be separated. Finally, the two got married in 2013 and live happily ever after.

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband - Photo 10

Through her story, Tu Suong often thinks that in order to reach perfection, one must go through ups and downs. The current husband also supports the female artist to pursue her passion. Up to now, although this art has a scarce audience, Meritorious Artist Tu Suong has persisted in standing on stage and has many activities to maintain and develop cai luong, not to let this subject be lost.

Meritorious Artist Tu Suong: Son of the family, 3 times to find happiness, half a world away from her husband - Photo 11

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