Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy: Unlucky love, U70 leaves the glory, spends time practicing

Hoàng PhúcJan 31, 2023 at 14:51

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Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy, whose real name is Dinh Hong Dao, was born in 1960, she started to follow the reform profession early. Besides a successful singing career, the female artist has a life full of thorns.

The stage name Phuong Hong Thuy was given by the people's artist Phung Ha during the time when the singing profession entered her long life. Because she kept going from group to group with many different stage names but still faint. However, her colleagues and friends often call her with the lovely name "Peach with candy". Although she eats bo bo instead of rice, she is still round, her cheeks are always puffy, when she sings, she looks like she is sucking on candy. Who would have guessed that, not only struggling with her career for many years to get the spotlight on the stage, Phuong Hong Thuy encountered many obstacles on the path of love, to the point of wanting to leave the world.

Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy: Unlucky love, U70 leaves the glory, spends time practicing - Photo 1

Married at a young age, just starting to work, Phuong Hong Thuy clearly remembers the marriage lasting only eight and a half months. At that time, she was too stupid to consider carefully the weight of early marriage. During the time together, the two never argued loudly and often had disagreements. The smell of fire was salty, she was two and a half months pregnant when her husband left with the reason "how can the husband and wife work together in singing to raise money" and promised to return to pick up the mother and the c.hild. She did not expect this separation to be forever.

At the age of 21, Phuong Hong Thuy was a mother and was born prematurely. She carried her c.hild along every trip to the province. A makeup basket, a milk basket with diapers. Every stage, she stretched out a hammock, lulled her children and dressed up to sing. In the singing group, everyone loved, everyone who finished singing down the stage gave the hammock for them. Standing to sing on stage, but she was nervous about the strong winds, not sure if anyone had time to shield her c.hild or not? One day when she sang in Xuyen Moc, she fell asleep in the middle of the night, but she did not know that someone had stolen her c.hild's milk basket. When she woke up in the morning, she felt that her entire fortune was lost. She cried like a b.aby.

Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy: Unlucky love, U70 leaves the glory, spends time practicing - Photo 2

The extreme hardship of a young mother's life made Phuong Hong Thuy think of leaving the world. She saved two gold trees to keep in the closet. When the ended, she took a shower and put on beautiful makeup, put on a white grandmother's outfit, lay on the bed and took medicine to leave. Fortunately, she was saved. Thinking back to that moment, Phuong Hong Thuy confided: "It was an impulsive moment of youth. Bad thinking. Thinking back, I feel both foolish and ashamed. When that period is over, the sky is high and the earth is wide, happy. happy still waving. My parents gave birth to me, raised me to adulthood, I haven't done anything for my parents, why destroy myself." Since then, she has lived more resiliently. The biggest motivator is the l.ittle g.irl. I think that the c.hild has not been close to the father, then as a mother, I need to make up for the c.hild more.

Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy: Unlucky love, U70 leaves the glory, spends time practicing - Photo 3

It was also thanks to that time that Phuong Hong Thuy later had the opportunity to meet the real man of her life. In 2004, when she and a group of artists went to sing for a temple in Atlanta (USA), he was a Buddhist and volunteered to be a "driver" carrying artists. No one expected a happy e.nding. The day she married him, many people rolled their eyes, how many rich people followed her, why didn't they marry, naturally nodded to be the wife of a mechanic? Phuong Hong Thuy shared: "I love him because of his gentle and honest nature. Moreover, I am most afraid of marrying the rich because they are too rich, taking me back will probably not let me sing anymore. Marry a rich man, When I go out, I have to wear clothes, lipstick, jewelry... to suit my husband. But I like to live a simple and rustic life. Lipstick and silk are for stage roles. In the end, I just want to live a simple life like all other normal women."

Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy: Unlucky love, U70 leaves the glory, spends time practicing - Photo 4

Those who have known Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy with her singer Cam Thanh (singing singer), Lan (Lan and Diep) ... certainly can hardly imagine the image of Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy in everyday life. If she doesn't have to go on a long trip, every day she wakes up very early, makes coffee, and prepares a decent breakfast so that her husband can go to work. He is busy with work all day, her joy is cleaning the house, taking care of the small garden where she grows flowers and vegetables. She is happy when she can go to the market, cook the dishes he likes to sit with him at the h.ot plate of rice every night after he comes home from work. When she had to go on a long trip, she prepared for him each prepared dish, to the clothes that were ironed.

Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy: Unlucky love, U70 leaves the glory, spends time practicing - Photo 5

Phuong Hong Thuy shared: "Experiencing the ups and downs of life, people's thoughts and conceptions of life have changed a l.ot. For her now, there is no place as peaceful and warm as her own family. The artist is inherently sensitive, can be happy, sad, painful or happy just because of a word, a gesture of another person, perhaps because of that, the sympathy and sharing of the other half is happiness. happiness. It's that simple." Since having "Uncle Khuong", her daughter, who is currently living in Australia, has had a spiritual support. Things are sad and happy, sometimes they even find their uncle more than their mother.

Meeting the love of her life, Phuong Hong Thuy doesn't seem to have to worry about anything more. Currently, she is living with her husband and 2 children: her biological daughter is Hong Van and her adopted son is Bao Chau. The female artist also revealed that the couple had planned to have more children, but due to old age, they had many health problems. However, the two live together in harmony.

Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy: Unlucky love, U70 leaves the glory, spends time practicing - Photo 6

Ten years of living together, not only the love of husband and wife, but now they are like two best friends. Husband and wife can share everything with each other. She went to perform away from him every day, and she just wanted to go home soon because she was worried that he would be alone and no one would take care of him. Understanding his wife and knowing that the passion for the stage is still smoldering in her heart, he always creates conditions and encourages her to go on stage with peace of mind. Every time she returned to Vietnam, she went alone, but about a week before she returned to the US, he always appeared. He said: "Everyone is excited to return to Vietnam, but when they return to the US, everyone is sad. One day on a plane will certainly be long. It will be long. It is better to fly back to Vietnam to accompany the wife less. It's like a visit to the homeland with my wife."

Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy: Unlucky love, U70 leaves the glory, spends time practicing - Photo 7

Seeing Phuong Hong Thuy radiantly happy today, it's hard to imagine her life going through so many twists and turns that she even thought of leaving the world. When going through an event, people will grow up and become stronger. And it is also the twists and turns of life that make her love and appreciate her current life more so that she can be satisfied with what she has.

Meritorious Artist Phuong Hong Thuy: Unlucky love, U70 leaves the glory, spends time practicing - Photo 8

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