Yuan Yu tossed the DNA test paper between Wu Linh and Hong Wan, and Hong Fang's mother and son died?

Hoàng PhúcNov 06, 2023 at 17:30

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After 49 days of Vu Linh's d.eath, there were many conflicts within the family. In particular, the story of "adopted-biological son" related to Hong Loan received a lot of attention.

The source of the anger came from the fact that Hong Loan - the daughter of NS Vu Linh said that when her father just lay down, the people she once thought were b.lood denied that she was the daughter of the late artist.

Yuan Yu tossed the DNA test paper between Wu Linh and Hong Wan, and Hong Fangs mother and son died? - Photo 1

At the same time, Hong Loan announced that he was willing to take a DNA test with his biological uncle to verify whether he was the biological or adopted son of Dr. Vu Linh. Besides, she also accused her family members of being artist Hong Phuong (her nephew called Vu Linh uncle), artist Hong Nhung (Vu Linh's sixth brother), artist Xiao Linh (Vu Linh's seventh brother) ... arbitrarily solicited donations and took profiteering actions after her father's d.eath.

Yuan Yu tossed the DNA test paper between Wu Linh and Hong Wan, and Hong Fangs mother and son died? - Photo 2

In the course of time, despite many bad words about him, Hong Wan has never published the DNA results. Until recently, on his personal page, singer Nguyen Vu suddenly said that he silently and Ms. Dieu Ni (the spokesperson for Hong Loan) performed a DNA test proving the "father-son" relationship between Vu Linh and Hong Loan. At the same time, he confirmed that the results of DNA tests will be released when necessary.

Through Nguyen Vu's sharing, the audience believes that the singer has implicitly confirmed Hong Loan is the biological son of NS Vu Linh. However, the obvious truth must wait for the day the results are announced. Nguyen Vu wrote: "DNA testing has been done silently by Vu and Ni for a long time with Vo Thi Hong Loan's consent. The results will also be released at the last minute when needed (and with permission from adults outside Hong Kong). This is known only to Vu - Ni - Loan (even Bum Bum - Thanh My or Binh Tinh, Wu Luan no one knows) but today seeing that someone is challenging again, Vu cannot help but speak up. If you want, please, it's time..."

Yuan Yu tossed the DNA test paper between Wu Linh and Hong Wan, and Hong Fangs mother and son died? - Photo 3

Recently, in addition to singer Nguyen Vu, there are also Ms. Dieu Ni, Miss Phuong Le, NS Vu Luan, Binh Tinh and many big artists also voiced their support, defending Hong Loan amid the battle with the 'b.lood' people in the family.

Not only that, Phuong Le is also willing to support the daughter of 'Cai Luong Prince Ho Quang' to have a fuller and warmer life. However, Hong Loan only accepts people's hearts and still wants to work on her own to earn m.oney. Recently, when the online business was favorable, Hong Loan was willing to spend some m.oney on his cousin Bum Bum to buy a motorbike, which made everyone praise.

Yuan Yu tossed the DNA test paper between Wu Linh and Hong Wan, and Hong Fangs mother and son died? - Photo 4

As for Hong Feng, Wu Linh's niece has now started receiving shows to sing again but is still estranged from the public after a row with Hong Wan. It is known that before the property dispute, Hong Phuong was also supported by a large number of viewers, partly thanks to the label of Vu Linh's niece.

In addition, besides her artistic career, Hong Phuong is much noticed by the audience with her beautiful love affair with her handsome husband Long Ho. He is active in the field of acting having acted in several films.

Yuan Yu tossed the DNA test paper between Wu Linh and Hong Wan, and Hong Fangs mother and son died? - Photo 5

After 4 years of love, Hong Phuong and Long Ho decided to share a house at the end of November 2017. The wedding of the couple had the participation of many artists such as Huu Quoc, Thoai My, Que Tran, Hoang Mup ...

At this time, the late Yu Ling was also full of happiness when witnessing her granddaughter's happy day. After the wedding, the two had an adorable daughter together affectionately named Ruby.

Yuan Yu tossed the DNA test paper between Wu Linh and Hong Wan, and Hong Fangs mother and son died? - Photo 6

Revealing about the chance to meet his wife, Long Ho said that the two started as colleagues, worked together for 2-3 years but only kept their relationship at work. When the two participated in the same show, the organizers asked the actors to show their catwalk skills, Hong Phuong gave a beautiful performance with a confident and professional attitude that made Long Ho fascinated.

According to Hong Phuong, Long Ho is a very responsible man for his family. The actor only thought about his own happiness after building a house for his parents in the countryside.

As for Long Ho, he did not dare to claim to be a perfect husband but promised to try every day to make himself better.

Yuan Yu tossed the DNA test paper between Wu Linh and Hong Wan, and Hong Fangs mother and son died? - Photo 7

In the Food Arena program, Long Ho even revealed that he was "severely depressed" after 4 months of marriage because he was always "under the rafters" of his wife. The comedic actor said all the m.oney for his tour had to be handed over to his wife's management. Every day, Hong Phuong only gives Long Ho 50,000 VND to spend. Meanwhile, Hong Feng thought that this was beneficial for Long Ho by helping him not be able to have m.oney to drink.

Yuan Yu tossed the DNA test paper between Wu Linh and Hong Wan, and Hong Fangs mother and son died? - Photo 8

In addition, Long Ho also "accused" his wife of not being good at cooking when he only knew how to cook instant noodles and fried eggs, which made him eat and get h.ot and pimple. For complicated dishes, Hong Phuong had to ask her mother, artist Hong Nhung, for help.

Yuan Yu tossed the DNA test paper between Wu Linh and Hong Wan, and Hong Fangs mother and son died? - Photo 9

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